/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { angleUtils, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/css-angle.js"); const { colorUtils } = require("resource://devtools/shared/css/color.js"); const { getCSSLexer } = require("resource://devtools/shared/css/lexer.js"); const { appendText, } = require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/shared/utils.js"); const STYLE_INSPECTOR_PROPERTIES = "devtools/shared/locales/styleinspector.properties"; const { LocalizationHelper } = require("resource://devtools/shared/l10n.js"); const STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N = new LocalizationHelper(STYLE_INSPECTOR_PROPERTIES); // Functions that accept an angle argument. const ANGLE_TAKING_FUNCTIONS = [ "linear-gradient", "-moz-linear-gradient", "repeating-linear-gradient", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient", "conic-gradient", "repeating-conic-gradient", "rotate", "rotateX", "rotateY", "rotateZ", "rotate3d", "skew", "skewX", "skewY", "hue-rotate", ]; // All cubic-bezier CSS timing-function names. const BEZIER_KEYWORDS = [ "linear", "ease-in-out", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease", ]; // Functions that accept a color argument. const COLOR_TAKING_FUNCTIONS = [ "linear-gradient", "-moz-linear-gradient", "repeating-linear-gradient", "-moz-repeating-linear-gradient", "radial-gradient", "-moz-radial-gradient", "repeating-radial-gradient", "-moz-repeating-radial-gradient", "conic-gradient", "repeating-conic-gradient", "drop-shadow", "color-mix", ]; // Functions that accept a shape argument. const BASIC_SHAPE_FUNCTIONS = ["polygon", "circle", "ellipse", "inset"]; const BACKDROP_FILTER_ENABLED = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "layout.css.backdrop-filter.enabled" ); const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; // Very long text properties should be truncated using CSS to avoid creating // extremely tall propertyvalue containers. 5000 characters is an arbitrary // limit. Assuming an average ruleview can hold 50 characters per line, this // should start truncating properties which would otherwise be 100 lines long. const TRUNCATE_LENGTH_THRESHOLD = 5000; const TRUNCATE_NODE_CLASSNAME = "propertyvalue-long-text"; /** * This module is used to process CSS text declarations and output DOM fragments (to be * appended to panels in DevTools) for CSS values decorated with additional UI and * functionality. * * For example: * - attaching swatches for values instrumented with specialized tools: colors, timing * functions (cubic-bezier), filters, shapes, display values (flex/grid), etc. * - adding previews where possible (images, fonts, CSS transforms). * - converting between color types on Shift+click on their swatches. * * Usage: * const OutputParser = require("devtools/client/shared/output-parser"); * const parser = new OutputParser(document, cssProperties); * parser.parseCssProperty("color", "red"); // Returns document fragment. * */ class OutputParser { /** * @param {Document} document * Used to create DOM nodes. * @param {CssProperties} cssProperties * Instance of CssProperties, an object which provides an interface for * working with the database of supported CSS properties and values. */ constructor(document, cssProperties) { this.#doc = document; this.#cssProperties = cssProperties; } #angleSwatches = new WeakMap(); #colorSwatches = new WeakMap(); #cssProperties; #doc; #parsed = []; /** * Parse a CSS property value given a property name. * * @param {String} name * CSS Property Name * @param {String} value * CSS Property value * @param {Object} [options] * Options object. For valid options and default values see * #mergeOptions(). * @return {DocumentFragment} * A document fragment containing color swatches etc. */ parseCssProperty(name, value, options = {}) { options = this.#mergeOptions(options); options.expectCubicBezier = this.#cssProperties.supportsType( name, "timing-function" ); options.expectLinearEasing = this.#cssProperties.supportsType( name, "timing-function" ); options.expectDisplay = name === "display"; options.expectFilter = name === "filter" || (BACKDROP_FILTER_ENABLED && name === "backdrop-filter"); options.expectShape = name === "clip-path" || name === "shape-outside" || name === "offset-path"; options.expectFont = name === "font-family"; options.supportsColor = this.#cssProperties.supportsType(name, "color") || this.#cssProperties.supportsType(name, "gradient") || (name.startsWith("--") && InspectorUtils.isValidCSSColor(value)); // The filter property is special in that we want to show the // swatch even if the value is invalid, because this way the user // can easily use the editor to fix it. if (options.expectFilter || this.#cssPropertySupportsValue(name, value)) { return this.#parse(value, options); } this.#appendTextNode(value); return this.#toDOM(); } /** * Read tokens from |tokenStream| and collect all the (non-comment) * text. Return the collected texts and variable data (if any). * Stop when an unmatched closing paren is seen. * If |stopAtComma| is true, then also stop when a top-level * (unparenthesized) comma is seen. * * @param {String} text * The original source text. * @param {CSSLexer} tokenStream * The token stream from which to read. * @param {Object} options * The options object in use; @see #mergeOptions. * @param {Boolean} stopAtComma * If true, stop at a comma. * @return {Object} * An object of the form {tokens, functionData, sawComma, sawVariable}. * |tokens| is a list of the non-comment, non-whitespace tokens * that were seen. The stopping token (paren or comma) will not * be included. * |functionData| is a list of parsed strings and nodes that contain the * data between the matching parenthesis. The stopping token's text will * not be included. * |sawComma| is true if the stop was due to a comma, or false otherwise. * |sawVariable| is true if a variable was seen while parsing the text. */ #parseMatchingParens(text, tokenStream, options, stopAtComma) { let depth = 1; const functionData = []; const tokens = []; let sawVariable = false; while (depth > 0) { const token = tokenStream.nextToken(); if (!token) { break; } if (token.tokenType === "comment") { continue; } if (token.tokenType === "symbol") { if (stopAtComma && depth === 1 && token.text === ",") { return { tokens, functionData, sawComma: true, sawVariable }; } else if (token.text === "(") { ++depth; } else if (token.text === ")") { --depth; if (depth === 0) { break; } } } else if ( token.tokenType === "function" && token.text === "var" && options.getVariableValue ) { sawVariable = true; const { node, value, fallbackValue } = this.#parseVariable( token, text, tokenStream, options ); functionData.push({ node, value, fallbackValue }); } else if (token.tokenType === "function") { ++depth; } if ( token.tokenType !== "function" || token.text !== "var" || !options.getVariableValue ) { functionData.push(text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset)); } if (token.tokenType !== "whitespace") { tokens.push(token); } } return { tokens, functionData, sawComma: false, sawVariable }; } /** * Parse var() use and return a variable node to be added to the output state. * This will read tokens up to and including the ")" that closes the "var(" * invocation. * * @param {CSSToken} initialToken * The "var(" token that was already seen. * @param {String} text * The original input text. * @param {CSSLexer} tokenStream * The token stream from which to read. * @param {Object} options * The options object in use; @see #mergeOptions. * @return {Object} * - node: A node for the variable, with the appropriate text and * title. Eg. a span with "var(--var1)" as the textContent * and a title for --var1 like "--var1 = 10" or * "--var1 is not set". * - value: The value for the variable. */ #parseVariable(initialToken, text, tokenStream, options) { // Handle the "var(". const varText = text.substring( initialToken.startOffset, initialToken.endOffset ); const variableNode = this.#createNode("span", {}, varText); // Parse the first variable name within the parens of var(). const { tokens, functionData, sawComma, sawVariable } = this.#parseMatchingParens(text, tokenStream, options, true); const result = sawVariable ? "" : functionData.join(""); // Display options for the first and second argument in the var(). const firstOpts = {}; const secondOpts = {}; let varValue; let varFallbackValue; // Get the variable value if it is in use. if (tokens && tokens.length === 1) { varValue = options.getVariableValue(tokens[0].text); } // Get the variable name. const varName = text.substring(tokens[0].startOffset, tokens[0].endOffset); if (typeof varValue === "string") { // The variable value is valid, set the variable name's title of the first argument // in var() to display the variable name and value. firstOpts["data-variable"] = STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr( "rule.variableValue", varName, varValue ); firstOpts.class = options.matchedVariableClass; secondOpts.class = options.unmatchedVariableClass; } else { // The variable name is not valid, mark it unmatched. firstOpts.class = options.unmatchedVariableClass; firstOpts["data-variable"] = STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getFormatStr( "rule.variableUnset", varName ); } variableNode.appendChild(this.#createNode("span", firstOpts, result)); // If we saw a ",", then append it and show the remainder using // the correct highlighting. if (sawComma) { variableNode.appendChild(this.#doc.createTextNode(",")); // Parse the text up until the close paren, being sure to // disable the special case for filter. const subOptions = Object.assign({}, options); subOptions.expectFilter = false; const saveParsed = this.#parsed; this.#parsed = []; const rest = this.#doParse(text, subOptions, tokenStream, true); this.#parsed = saveParsed; const span = this.#createNode("span", secondOpts); span.appendChild(rest); varFallbackValue = span.textContent; variableNode.appendChild(span); } variableNode.appendChild(this.#doc.createTextNode(")")); return { node: variableNode, value: varValue, fallbackValue: varFallbackValue, }; } /** * The workhorse for @see #parse. This parses some CSS text, * stopping at EOF; or optionally when an umatched close paren is * seen. * * @param {String} text * The original input text. * @param {Object} options * The options object in use; @see #mergeOptions. * @param {CSSLexer} tokenStream * The token stream from which to read * @param {Boolean} stopAtCloseParen * If true, stop at an umatched close paren. * @return {DocumentFragment} * A document fragment. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity #doParse(text, options, tokenStream, stopAtCloseParen) { let parenDepth = stopAtCloseParen ? 1 : 0; let outerMostFunctionTakesColor = false; const colorFunctions = []; let fontFamilyNameParts = []; let previousWasBang = false; const colorOK = function () { return ( options.supportsColor || (options.expectFilter && parenDepth === 1 && outerMostFunctionTakesColor) ); }; const angleOK = function (angle) { return new angleUtils.CssAngle(angle).valid; }; let spaceNeeded = false; let done = false; while (!done) { const token = tokenStream.nextToken(); if (!token) { break; } const lowerCaseTokenText = token.text?.toLowerCase(); if (token.tokenType === "comment") { // This doesn't change spaceNeeded, because we didn't emit // anything to the output. continue; } switch (token.tokenType) { case "function": { const isColorTakingFunction = COLOR_TAKING_FUNCTIONS.includes(lowerCaseTokenText); if ( isColorTakingFunction || ANGLE_TAKING_FUNCTIONS.includes(lowerCaseTokenText) ) { // The function can accept a color or an angle argument, and we know // it isn't special in some other way. So, we let it // through to the ordinary parsing loop so that the value // can be handled in a single place. this.#appendTextNode( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); if (parenDepth === 0) { outerMostFunctionTakesColor = isColorTakingFunction; } if (isColorTakingFunction) { colorFunctions.push({ parenDepth, functionName: token.text }); } ++parenDepth; } else if (lowerCaseTokenText === "var" && options.getVariableValue) { const { node: variableNode, value } = this.#parseVariable( token, text, tokenStream, options ); if (value && colorOK() && InspectorUtils.isValidCSSColor(value)) { this.#appendColor(value, { ...options, variableContainer: variableNode, colorFunction: colorFunctions.at(-1)?.functionName, }); } else { this.#parsed.push(variableNode); } } else { const { functionData, sawVariable } = this.#parseMatchingParens( text, tokenStream, options ); const functionName = text.substring( token.startOffset, token.endOffset ); if (sawVariable) { const computedFunctionText = functionName + functionData .map(data => { if (typeof data === "string") { return data; } return data.value ?? data.fallbackValue; }) .join("") + ")"; if ( colorOK() && InspectorUtils.isValidCSSColor(computedFunctionText) ) { this.#appendColor(computedFunctionText, { ...options, colorFunction: colorFunctions.at(-1)?.functionName, valueParts: [ functionName, ...functionData.map(data => data.node || data), ")", ], }); } else { // If function contains variable, we need to add both strings // and nodes. this.#appendTextNode(functionName); for (const data of functionData) { if (typeof data === "string") { this.#appendTextNode(data); } else if (data) { this.#parsed.push(data.node); } } this.#appendTextNode(")"); } } else { // If no variable in function, join the text together and add // to DOM accordingly. const functionText = functionName + functionData.join("") + ")"; if ( options.expectCubicBezier && lowerCaseTokenText === "cubic-bezier" ) { this.#appendCubicBezier(functionText, options); } else if ( options.expectLinearEasing && lowerCaseTokenText === "linear" ) { this.#appendLinear(functionText, options); } else if ( colorOK() && InspectorUtils.isValidCSSColor(functionText) ) { this.#appendColor(functionText, { ...options, colorFunction: colorFunctions.at(-1)?.functionName, }); } else if ( options.expectShape && BASIC_SHAPE_FUNCTIONS.includes(lowerCaseTokenText) ) { this.#appendShape(functionText, options); } else { this.#appendTextNode(functionText); } } } break; } case "ident": if ( options.expectCubicBezier && BEZIER_KEYWORDS.includes(lowerCaseTokenText) ) { this.#appendCubicBezier(token.text, options); } else if ( options.expectLinearEasing && lowerCaseTokenText == "linear" ) { this.#appendLinear(token.text, options); } else if (this.#isDisplayFlex(text, token, options)) { this.#appendHighlighterToggle(token.text, options.flexClass); } else if (this.#isDisplayGrid(text, token, options)) { this.#appendHighlighterToggle(token.text, options.gridClass); } else if (colorOK() && InspectorUtils.isValidCSSColor(token.text)) { this.#appendColor(token.text, { ...options, colorFunction: colorFunctions.at(-1)?.functionName, }); } else if (angleOK(token.text)) { this.#appendAngle(token.text, options); } else if (options.expectFont && !previousWasBang) { // We don't append the identifier if the previous token // was equal to '!', since in that case we expect the // identifier to be equal to 'important'. fontFamilyNameParts.push(token.text); } else { this.#appendTextNode( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } break; case "id": case "hash": { const original = text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); if (colorOK() && InspectorUtils.isValidCSSColor(original)) { if (spaceNeeded) { // Insert a space to prevent token pasting when a #xxx // color is changed to something like rgb(...). this.#appendTextNode(" "); } this.#appendColor(original, { ...options, colorFunction: colorFunctions.at(-1)?.functionName, }); } else { this.#appendTextNode(original); } break; } case "dimension": const value = text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); if (angleOK(value)) { this.#appendAngle(value, options); } else { this.#appendTextNode(value); } break; case "url": case "bad_url": this.#appendURL( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset), token.text, options ); break; case "string": if (options.expectFont) { fontFamilyNameParts.push( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } else { this.#appendTextNode( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } break; case "whitespace": if (options.expectFont) { fontFamilyNameParts.push(" "); } else { this.#appendTextNode( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } break; case "symbol": if (token.text === "(") { ++parenDepth; } else if (token.text === ")") { --parenDepth; if (colorFunctions.at(-1)?.parenDepth == parenDepth) { colorFunctions.pop(); } if (stopAtCloseParen && parenDepth === 0) { done = true; break; } if (parenDepth === 0) { outerMostFunctionTakesColor = false; } } else if ( (token.text === "," || token.text === "!") && options.expectFont && fontFamilyNameParts.length !== 0 ) { this.#appendFontFamily(fontFamilyNameParts.join(""), options); fontFamilyNameParts = []; } // falls through default: this.#appendTextNode( text.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); break; } // If this token might possibly introduce token pasting when // color-cycling, require a space. spaceNeeded = token.tokenType === "ident" || token.tokenType === "at" || token.tokenType === "id" || token.tokenType === "hash" || token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" || token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "dimension"; previousWasBang = token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "!"; } if (options.expectFont && fontFamilyNameParts.length !== 0) { this.#appendFontFamily(fontFamilyNameParts.join(""), options); } let result = this.#toDOM(); if (options.expectFilter && !options.filterSwatch) { result = this.#wrapFilter(text, options, result); } return result; } /** * Parse a string. * * @param {String} text * Text to parse. * @param {Object} [options] * Options object. For valid options and default values see * #mergeOptions(). * @return {DocumentFragment} * A document fragment. */ #parse(text, options = {}) { text = text.trim(); this.#parsed.length = 0; const tokenStream = getCSSLexer(text); return this.#doParse(text, options, tokenStream, false); } /** * Returns true if it's a "display: [inline-]flex" token. * * @param {String} text * The parsed text. * @param {Object} token * The parsed token. * @param {Object} options * The options given to #parse. */ #isDisplayFlex(text, token, options) { return ( options.expectDisplay && (token.text === "flex" || token.text === "inline-flex") ); } /** * Returns true if it's a "display: [inline-]grid" token. * * @param {String} text * The parsed text. * @param {Object} token * The parsed token. * @param {Object} options * The options given to #parse. */ #isDisplayGrid(text, token, options) { return ( options.expectDisplay && (token.text === "grid" || token.text === "inline-grid") ); } /** * Append a cubic-bezier timing function value to the output * * @param {String} bezier * The cubic-bezier timing function * @param {Object} options * Options object. For valid options and default values see * #mergeOptions() */ #appendCubicBezier(bezier, options) { const container = this.#createNode("span", { "data-bezier": bezier, }); if (options.bezierSwatchClass) { const swatch = this.#createNode("span", { class: options.bezierSwatchClass, tabindex: "0", role: "button", }); container.appendChild(swatch); } const value = this.#createNode( "span", { class: options.bezierClass, }, bezier ); container.appendChild(value); this.#parsed.push(container); } #appendLinear(text, options) { const container = this.#createNode("span", { "data-linear": text, }); if (options.linearEasingSwatchClass) { const swatch = this.#createNode("span", { class: options.linearEasingSwatchClass, tabindex: "0", role: "button", "data-linear": text, }); container.appendChild(swatch); } const value = this.#createNode( "span", { class: options.linearEasingClass, }, text ); container.appendChild(value); this.#parsed.push(container); } /** * Append a Flexbox|Grid highlighter toggle icon next to the value in a * "display: [inline-]flex" or "display: [inline-]grid" declaration. * * @param {String} text * The text value to append * @param {String} className * The class name for the toggle span */ #appendHighlighterToggle(text, className) { const container = this.#createNode("span", {}); const toggle = this.#createNode("span", { class: className, }); const value = this.#createNode("span", {}); value.textContent = text; container.appendChild(toggle); container.appendChild(value); this.#parsed.push(container); } /** * Append a CSS shapes highlighter toggle next to the value, and parse the value * into spans, each containing a point that can be hovered over. * * @param {String} shape * The shape text value to append * @param {Object} options * Options object. For valid options and default values see * #mergeOptions() */ #appendShape(shape, options) { const shapeTypes = [ { prefix: "polygon(", coordParser: this.#addPolygonPointNodes.bind(this), }, { prefix: "circle(", coordParser: this.#addCirclePointNodes.bind(this), }, { prefix: "ellipse(", coordParser: this.#addEllipsePointNodes.bind(this), }, { prefix: "inset(", coordParser: this.#addInsetPointNodes.bind(this), }, ]; const container = this.#createNode("span", {}); const toggle = this.#createNode("span", { class: options.shapeSwatchClass, tabindex: "0", role: "button", }); const lowerCaseShape = shape.toLowerCase(); for (const { prefix, coordParser } of shapeTypes) { if (lowerCaseShape.includes(prefix)) { const coordsBegin = prefix.length; const coordsEnd = shape.lastIndexOf(")"); let valContainer = this.#createNode("span", { class: options.shapeClass, }); container.appendChild(toggle); appendText(valContainer, shape.substring(0, coordsBegin)); const coordsString = shape.substring(coordsBegin, coordsEnd); valContainer = coordParser(coordsString, valContainer); appendText(valContainer, shape.substring(coordsEnd)); container.appendChild(valContainer); } } this.#parsed.push(container); } /** * Parse the given polygon coordinates and create a span for each coordinate pair, * adding it to the given container node. * * @param {String} coords * The string of coordinate pairs. * @param {Node} container * The node to which spans containing points are added. * @returns {Node} The container to which spans have been added. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity #addPolygonPointNodes(coords, container) { const tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords); let token = tokenStream.nextToken(); let coord = ""; let i = 0; let depth = 0; let isXCoord = true; let fillRule = false; let coordNode = this.#createNode("span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": `${i}`, }); while (token) { if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ",") { // Comma separating coordinate pairs; add coordNode to container and reset vars if (!isXCoord) { // Y coord not added to coordNode yet const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": `${i}`, "data-pair": isXCoord ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); coordNode.appendChild(node); coord = ""; isXCoord = !isXCoord; } if (fillRule) { // If the last text added was a fill-rule, do not increment i. fillRule = false; } else { container.appendChild(coordNode); i++; } appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); coord = ""; depth = 0; isXCoord = true; coordNode = this.#createNode("span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": `${i}`, }); } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") { depth++; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") { depth--; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") { // Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) { // Whitespace signifying end of coord const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": `${i}`, "data-pair": isXCoord ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); coordNode.appendChild(node); appendText( coordNode, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); coord = ""; isXCoord = !isXCoord; } else if ( token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" || token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function" ) { if (isXCoord && coord && depth === 0) { // Whitespace is not necessary between x/y coords. const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": `${i}`, "data-pair": "x", }, coord ); coordNode.appendChild(node); isXCoord = false; coord = ""; } coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); if (token.tokenType === "function") { depth++; } } else if ( token.tokenType === "ident" && (token.text === "nonzero" || token.text === "evenodd") ) { // A fill-rule (nonzero or evenodd). appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); fillRule = true; } else { coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } token = tokenStream.nextToken(); } // Add coords if any are left over if (coord) { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": `${i}`, "data-pair": isXCoord ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); coordNode.appendChild(node); container.appendChild(coordNode); } return container; } /** * Parse the given circle coordinates and populate the given container appropriately * with a separate span for the center point. * * @param {String} coords * The circle definition. * @param {Node} container * The node to which the definition is added. * @returns {Node} The container to which the definition has been added. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity #addCirclePointNodes(coords, container) { const tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords); let token = tokenStream.nextToken(); let depth = 0; let coord = ""; let point = "radius"; const centerNode = this.#createNode("span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", }); while (token) { if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") { depth++; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") { depth--; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") { // Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } else if ( token.tokenType === "whitespace" && point === "radius" && depth === 0 ) { // Whitespace signifying end of radius const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "radius", }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); point = "cx"; coord = ""; depth = 0; } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) { // Whitespace signifying end of cx/cy const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", "data-pair": point === "cx" ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); centerNode.appendChild(node); appendText( centerNode, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); point = point === "cx" ? "cy" : "cx"; coord = ""; depth = 0; } else if (token.tokenType === "ident" && token.text === "at") { // "at"; Add radius to container if not already done so if (point === "radius" && coord) { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "radius", }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); } appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); point = "cx"; coord = ""; depth = 0; } else if ( token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" || token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function" ) { if (point === "cx" && coord && depth === 0) { // Center coords don't require whitespace between x/y. So if current point is // cx, we have the cx coord, and depth is 0, then this token is actually cy. // Add cx to centerNode and set point to cy. const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", "data-pair": "x", }, coord ); centerNode.appendChild(node); point = "cy"; coord = ""; } coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); if (token.tokenType === "function") { depth++; } } else { coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } token = tokenStream.nextToken(); } // Add coords if any are left over. if (coord) { if (point === "radius") { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "radius", }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); } else { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", "data-pair": point === "cx" ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); centerNode.appendChild(node); } } if (centerNode.textContent) { container.appendChild(centerNode); } return container; } /** * Parse the given ellipse coordinates and populate the given container appropriately * with a separate span for each point * * @param {String} coords * The ellipse definition. * @param {Node} container * The node to which the definition is added. * @returns {Node} The container to which the definition has been added. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity #addEllipsePointNodes(coords, container) { const tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords); let token = tokenStream.nextToken(); let depth = 0; let coord = ""; let point = "rx"; const centerNode = this.#createNode("span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", }); while (token) { if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") { depth++; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") { depth--; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") { // Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) { if (point === "rx" || point === "ry") { // Whitespace signifying end of rx/ry const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": point, }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); point = point === "rx" ? "ry" : "cx"; coord = ""; depth = 0; } else { // Whitespace signifying end of cx/cy const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", "data-pair": point === "cx" ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); centerNode.appendChild(node); appendText( centerNode, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); point = point === "cx" ? "cy" : "cx"; coord = ""; depth = 0; } } else if (token.tokenType === "ident" && token.text === "at") { // "at"; Add radius to container if not already done so if (point === "ry" && coord) { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "ry", }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); } appendText( container, coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset) ); point = "cx"; coord = ""; depth = 0; } else if ( token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" || token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function" ) { if (point === "rx" && coord && depth === 0) { // Radius coords don't require whitespace between x/y. const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "rx", }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); point = "ry"; coord = ""; } if (point === "cx" && coord && depth === 0) { // Center coords don't require whitespace between x/y. const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", "data-pair": "x", }, coord ); centerNode.appendChild(node); point = "cy"; coord = ""; } coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); if (token.tokenType === "function") { depth++; } } else { coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } token = tokenStream.nextToken(); } // Add coords if any are left over. if (coord) { if (point === "rx" || point === "ry") { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": point, }, coord ); container.appendChild(node); } else { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", "data-point": "center", "data-pair": point === "cx" ? "x" : "y", }, coord ); centerNode.appendChild(node); } } if (centerNode.textContent) { container.appendChild(centerNode); } return container; } /** * Parse the given inset coordinates and populate the given container appropriately. * * @param {String} coords * The inset definition. * @param {Node} container * The node to which the definition is added. * @returns {Node} The container to which the definition has been added. */ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity #addInsetPointNodes(coords, container) { const insetPoints = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]; const tokenStream = getCSSLexer(coords); let token = tokenStream.nextToken(); let depth = 0; let coord = ""; let i = 0; let round = false; // nodes is an array containing all the coordinate spans. otherText is an array of // arrays, each containing the text that should be inserted into container before // the node with the same index. i.e. all elements of otherText[i] is inserted // into container before nodes[i]. const nodes = []; const otherText = [[]]; while (token) { if (round) { // Everything that comes after "round" should just be plain text otherText[i].push(coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset)); } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "(") { depth++; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") { depth--; coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && coord === "") { // Whitespace at beginning of coord; add to container otherText[i].push(coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset)); } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace" && depth === 0) { // Whitespace signifying end of coord; create node and push to nodes const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", }, coord ); nodes.push(node); i++; coord = ""; otherText[i] = [coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset)]; depth = 0; } else if ( token.tokenType === "number" || token.tokenType === "dimension" || token.tokenType === "percentage" || token.tokenType === "function" ) { if (coord && depth === 0) { // Inset coords don't require whitespace between each coord. const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", }, coord ); nodes.push(node); i++; coord = ""; otherText[i] = []; } coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); if (token.tokenType === "function") { depth++; } } else if (token.tokenType === "ident" && token.text === "round") { if (coord && depth === 0) { // Whitespace is not necessary before "round"; create a new node for the coord const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", }, coord ); nodes.push(node); i++; coord = ""; otherText[i] = []; } round = true; otherText[i].push(coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset)); } else { coord += coords.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset); } token = tokenStream.nextToken(); } // Take care of any leftover text if (coord) { if (round) { otherText[i].push(coord); } else { const node = this.#createNode( "span", { class: "ruleview-shape-point", }, coord ); nodes.push(node); } } // insetPoints contains the 4 different possible inset points in the order they are // defined. By taking the modulo of the index in insetPoints with the number of nodes, // we can get which node represents each point (e.g. if there is only 1 node, it // represents all 4 points). The exception is "left" when there are 3 nodes. In that // case, it is nodes[1] that represents the left point rather than nodes[0]. for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { const point = insetPoints[j]; const nodeIndex = point === "left" && nodes.length === 3 ? 1 : j % nodes.length; nodes[nodeIndex].classList.add(point); } nodes.forEach((node, j) => { for (const text of otherText[j]) { appendText(container, text); } container.appendChild(node); }); // Add text that comes after the last node, if any exists if (otherText[nodes.length]) { for (const text of otherText[nodes.length]) { appendText(container, text); } } return container; } /** * Append a angle value to the output * * @param {String} angle * angle to append * @param {Object} options * Options object. For valid options and default values see * #mergeOptions() */ #appendAngle(angle, options) { const angleObj = new angleUtils.CssAngle(angle); const container = this.#createNode("span", { "data-angle": angle, }); if (options.angleSwatchClass) { const swatch = this.#createNode("span", { class: options.angleSwatchClass, tabindex: "0", role: "button", }); this.#angleSwatches.set(swatch, angleObj); swatch.addEventListener("mousedown", this.#onAngleSwatchMouseDown); // Add click listener to stop event propagation when shift key is pressed // in order to prevent the value input to be focused. // Bug 711942 will add a tooltip to edit angle values and we should // be able to move this listener to Tooltip.js when it'll be implemented. swatch.addEventListener("click", function (event) { if (event.shiftKey) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); container.appendChild(swatch); } const value = this.#createNode( "span", { class: options.angleClass, }, angle ); container.appendChild(value); this.#parsed.push(container); } /** * Check if a CSS property supports a specific value. * * @param {String} name * CSS Property name to check * @param {String} value * CSS Property value to check */ #cssPropertySupportsValue(name, value) { // Checking pair as a CSS declaration string to account for "!important" in value. const declaration = `${name}:${value}`; return this.#doc.defaultView.CSS.supports(declaration); } /** * Tests if a given colorObject output by CssColor is valid for parsing. * Valid means it's really a color, not any of the CssColor SPECIAL_VALUES * except transparent */ #isValidColor(colorObj) { return ( colorObj.valid && (!colorObj.specialValue || colorObj.specialValue === "transparent") ); } /** * Append a color to the output. * * @param {String} color * Color to append * @param {Object} [options] * Options object. For valid options and default values see * #mergeOptions(). */ #appendColor(color, options = {}) { const colorObj = new colorUtils.CssColor(color); if (this.#isValidColor(colorObj)) { const container = this.#createNode("span", { "data-color": color, }); if (options.colorSwatchClass) { let attributes = { class: options.colorSwatchClass, style: "background-color:" + color, }; // Color swatches next to values trigger the color editor everywhere aside from // the Computed panel where values are read-only. if (!options.colorSwatchClass.startsWith("computed-")) { attributes = { ...attributes, tabindex: "0", role: "button" }; } // The swatch is a instead of a