var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; CodeMirror.defaults.rtlMoveVisually = true; function forEach(arr, f) { for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i], i); } function addDoc(cm, width, height) { var content = [], line = ""; for (var i = 0; i < width; ++i) line += "x"; for (var i = 0; i < height; ++i) content.push(line); cm.setValue(content.join("\n")); } function byClassName(elt, cls) { if (elt.getElementsByClassName) return elt.getElementsByClassName(cls); var found = [], re = new RegExp("\\b" + cls + "\\b"); function search(elt) { if (elt.nodeType == 3) return; if (re.test(elt.className)) found.push(elt); for (var i = 0, e = elt.childNodes.length; i < e; ++i) search(elt.childNodes[i]); } search(elt); return found; } var ie_lt8 = /MSIE [1-7]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent); var ie_lt9 = /MSIE [1-8]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent); var mac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform); var phantom = /PhantomJS/.test(navigator.userAgent); var opera = /Opera\/\./.test(navigator.userAgent); var opera_version = opera && navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/(\d+\.\d+)/); if (opera_version) opera_version = Number(opera_version); var opera_lt10 = opera && (!opera_version || opera_version < 10); namespace = "core_"; test("core_fromTextArea", function() { var te = document.getElementById("code"); te.value = "CONTENT"; var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(te); is(!te.offsetHeight); eq(cm.getValue(), "CONTENT"); cm.setValue("foo\nbar"); eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\nbar");; is(/^foo\r?\nbar$/.test(te.value)); cm.setValue("xxx"); cm.toTextArea(); is(te.offsetHeight); eq(te.value, "xxx"); }); testCM("getRange", function(cm) { eq(cm.getLine(0), "1234"); eq(cm.getLine(1), "5678"); eq(cm.getLine(2), null); eq(cm.getLine(-1), null); eq(cm.getRange(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 3)), "123"); eq(cm.getRange(Pos(0, -1), Pos(0, 200)), "1234"); eq(cm.getRange(Pos(0, 2), Pos(1, 2)), "34\n56"); eq(cm.getRange(Pos(1, 2), Pos(100, 0)), "78"); }, {value: "1234\n5678"}); testCM("replaceRange", function(cm) { eq(cm.getValue(), ""); cm.replaceRange("foo\n", Pos(0, 0)); eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\n"); cm.replaceRange("a\nb", Pos(0, 1)); eq(cm.getValue(), "fa\nboo\n"); eq(cm.lineCount(), 3); cm.replaceRange("xyzzy", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 1)); eq(cm.getValue(), "xyzzyoo\n"); cm.replaceRange("abc", Pos(0, 0), Pos(10, 0)); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc"); eq(cm.lineCount(), 1); }); testCM("selection", function(cm) { cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 4), Pos(2, 2)); is(cm.somethingSelected()); eq(cm.getSelection(), "11\n222222\n33"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(2, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(0, 4)); cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 0)); is(!cm.somethingSelected()); eq(cm.getSelection(), ""); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(1, 0)); cm.replaceSelection("abc", "around"); eq(cm.getSelection(), "abc"); eq(cm.getValue(), "111111\nabc222222\n333333"); cm.replaceSelection("def", "end"); eq(cm.getSelection(), ""); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(1, 3)); cm.setCursor(Pos(2, 1)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(2, 1)); cm.setCursor(1, 2); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(1, 2)); }, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"}); testCM("extendSelection", function(cm) { cm.setExtending(true); addDoc(cm, 10, 10); cm.setSelection(Pos(3, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(3, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(3, 5)); cm.setSelection(Pos(2, 5), Pos(5, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(5, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(2, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("start"), Pos(2, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("end"), Pos(5, 5)); cm.setSelection(Pos(5, 5), Pos(2, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(2, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("start"), Pos(2, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("end"), Pos(5, 5)); cm.extendSelection(Pos(3, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(3, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5)); cm.extendSelection(Pos(6, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(6, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5)); cm.extendSelection(Pos(6, 3), Pos(6, 4)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(6, 4)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5)); cm.extendSelection(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(0, 3)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5)); cm.extendSelection(Pos(4, 5), Pos(6, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(6, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(4, 5)); cm.setExtending(false); cm.extendSelection(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(0, 3)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(0, 4)); }); testCM("lines", function(cm) { eq(cm.getLine(0), "111111"); eq(cm.getLine(1), "222222"); eq(cm.getLine(-1), null); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(1, 0), Pos(2, 0)) cm.replaceRange("abc", Pos(1, 0), Pos(1)); eq(cm.getValue(), "111111\nabc"); }, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"}); testCM("indent", function(cm) { cm.indentLine(1); eq(cm.getLine(1), " blah();"); cm.setOption("indentUnit", 8); cm.indentLine(1); eq(cm.getLine(1), "\tblah();"); cm.setOption("indentUnit", 10); cm.setOption("tabSize", 4); cm.indentLine(1); eq(cm.getLine(1), "\t\t blah();"); }, {value: "if (x) {\nblah();\n}", indentUnit: 3, indentWithTabs: true, tabSize: 8}); testCM("indentByNumber", function(cm) { cm.indentLine(0, 2); eq(cm.getLine(0), " foo"); cm.indentLine(0, -200); eq(cm.getLine(0), "foo"); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 2)); cm.indentSelection(3); eq(cm.getValue(), " foo\n bar\nbaz"); }, {value: "foo\nbar\nbaz"}); test("core_defaults", function() { var defsCopy = {}, defs = CodeMirror.defaults; for (var opt in defs) defsCopy[opt] = defs[opt]; defs.indentUnit = 5; defs.value = "uu"; defs.indentWithTabs = true; defs.tabindex = 55; var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = CodeMirror(place); try { eq(cm.getOption("indentUnit"), 5); cm.setOption("indentUnit", 10); eq(defs.indentUnit, 5); eq(cm.getValue(), "uu"); eq(cm.getOption("indentWithTabs"), true); eq(cm.getInputField().tabIndex, 55); } finally { for (var opt in defsCopy) defs[opt] = defsCopy[opt]; place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement()); } }); testCM("lineInfo", function(cm) { eq(cm.lineInfo(-1), null); var mark = document.createElement("span"); var lh = cm.setGutterMarker(1, "FOO", mark); var info = cm.lineInfo(1); eq(info.text, "222222"); eq(info.gutterMarkers.FOO, mark); eq(info.line, 1); eq(cm.lineInfo(2).gutterMarkers, null); cm.setGutterMarker(lh, "FOO", null); eq(cm.lineInfo(1).gutterMarkers, null); cm.setGutterMarker(1, "FOO", mark); cm.setGutterMarker(0, "FOO", mark); cm.clearGutter("FOO"); eq(cm.lineInfo(0).gutterMarkers, null); eq(cm.lineInfo(1).gutterMarkers, null); }, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"}); testCM("coords", function(cm) { cm.setSize(null, 100); addDoc(cm, 32, 200); var top = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0)); var bot = cm.charCoords(Pos(200, 30)); is(top.left < bot.left); is( <; is( < top.bottom); cm.scrollTo(null, 100); var top2 = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0)); is( >; eq(top.left, top2.left); }); testCM("coordsChar", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 35, 70); for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { var sys = i ? "local" : "page"; for (var ch = 0; ch <= 35; ch += 5) { for (var line = 0; line < 70; line += 5) { cm.setCursor(line, ch); var coords = cm.charCoords(Pos(line, ch), sys); var pos = cm.coordsChar({left: coords.left + 1, top: + 1}, sys); eqCharPos(pos, Pos(line, ch)); } } } }, {lineNumbers: true}); testCM("coordsCharBidi", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 35, 70); // Put an rtl character into each line to trigger the bidi code path in coordsChar cm.setValue(cm.getValue().replace(/\bx/g, 'و')) for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { var sys = i ? "local" : "page"; for (var ch = 2; ch <= 35; ch += 5) { for (var line = 0; line < 70; line += 5) { cm.setCursor(line, ch); var coords = cm.charCoords(Pos(line, ch), sys); var pos = cm.coordsChar({left: coords.left + 1, top: + 1}, sys); eqCharPos(pos, Pos(line, ch)); } } } }, {lineNumbers: true}); testCM("badBidiOptimization", function(cm) { var coords = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 34)) eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar({left: coords.right, top: + 2}), Pos(0, 34)) }, {value: "----------

هل يمكنك اختيار مستوى قسط التأمين الذي ترغب بدفعه؟

"}) testCM("posFromIndex", function(cm) { cm.setValue( "This function should\n" + "convert a zero based index\n" + "to line and ch." ); var examples = [ { index: -1, line: 0, ch: 0 }, // <- Tests clipping { index: 0, line: 0, ch: 0 }, { index: 10, line: 0, ch: 10 }, { index: 39, line: 1, ch: 18 }, { index: 55, line: 2, ch: 7 }, { index: 63, line: 2, ch: 15 }, { index: 64, line: 2, ch: 15 } // <- Tests clipping ]; for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) { var example = examples[i]; var pos = cm.posFromIndex(example.index); eq(pos.line, example.line); eq(,; if (example.index >= 0 && example.index < 64) eq(cm.indexFromPos(pos), example.index); } }); testCM("undo", function(cm) { cm.replaceRange("def", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 1); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc"); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0); eq(cm.historySize().redo, 1); cm.redo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "def"); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 1); eq(cm.historySize().redo, 0); cm.setValue("1\n\n\n2"); cm.clearHistory(); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0); for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { cm.replaceRange("a", Pos(0, 0)); cm.replaceRange("b", Pos(3, 0)); } eq(cm.historySize().undo, 40); for (var i = 0; i < 40; ++i) cm.undo(); eq(cm.historySize().redo, 40); eq(cm.getValue(), "1\n\n\n2"); }, {value: "abc"}); testCM("undoDepth", function(cm) { cm.replaceRange("d", Pos(0)); cm.replaceRange("e", Pos(0)); cm.replaceRange("f", Pos(0)); cm.undo(); cm.undo(); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abcd"); }, {value: "abc", undoDepth: 4}); testCM("undoDoesntClearValue", function(cm) { cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "x"); }, {value: "x"}); testCM("undoMultiLine", function(cm) { cm.operation(function() { cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0)); cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(1, 0)); }); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi"); cm.operation(function() { cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(1, 0)); cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0)); }); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi"); cm.operation(function() { cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(2, 0)); cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(1, 0)); cm.replaceRange("z", Pos(2, 0)); }); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi", 3); }, {value: "abc\ndef\nghi"}); testCM("undoComposite", function(cm) { cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(1)); cm.operation(function() { cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0)); cm.replaceRange("z", Pos(2)); }); eq(cm.getValue(), "ax\nby\ncz\n"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "a\nby\nc\n"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "a\nb\nc\n"); cm.redo(); cm.redo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "ax\nby\ncz\n"); }, {value: "a\nb\nc\n"}); testCM("undoSelection", function(cm) { cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4)); cm.replaceSelection(""); cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 0)); cm.undo(); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(0, 4)); cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 0)); cm.redo(); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(0, 2)); }, {value: "abcdefgh\n"}); testCM("undoSelectionAsBefore", function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection("abc", "around"); cm.undo(); cm.redo(); eq(cm.getSelection(), "abc"); }); testCM("selectionChangeConfusesHistory", function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection("abc", null, "dontmerge"); cm.operation(function() { cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0)); cm.replaceSelection("abc", null, "dontmerge"); }); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 2); }); testCM("markTextSingleLine", function(cm) { forEach([{a: 0, b: 1, c: "", f: 2, t: 5}, {a: 0, b: 4, c: "", f: 0, t: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2, c: "x", f: 3, t: 6}, {a: 4, b: 5, c: "", f: 3, t: 5}, {a: 4, b: 5, c: "xx", f: 3, t: 7}, {a: 2, b: 5, c: "", f: 2, t: 3}, {a: 2, b: 5, c: "abcd", f: 6, t: 7}, {a: 2, b: 6, c: "x", f: null, t: null}, {a: 3, b: 6, c: "", f: null, t: null}, {a: 0, b: 9, c: "hallo", f: null, t: null}, {a: 4, b: 6, c: "x", f: 3, t: 4}, {a: 4, b: 8, c: "", f: 3, t: 4}, {a: 6, b: 6, c: "a", f: 3, t: 6}, {a: 8, b: 9, c: "", f: 3, t: 6}], function(test) { cm.setValue("1234567890"); var r = cm.markText(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 6), {className: "foo"}); cm.replaceRange(test.c, Pos(0, test.a), Pos(0, test.b)); var f = r.find(); eq(f &&, test.f); eq(f &&, test.t); }); }); testCM("markTextMultiLine", function(cm) { function p(v) { return v && Pos(v[0], v[1]); } forEach([{a: [0, 0], b: [0, 5], c: "", f: [0, 0], t: [2, 5]}, {a: [0, 0], b: [0, 5], c: "foo\n", f: [1, 0], t: [3, 5]}, {a: [0, 1], b: [0, 10], c: "", f: [0, 1], t: [2, 5]}, {a: [0, 5], b: [0, 6], c: "x", f: [0, 6], t: [2, 5]}, {a: [0, 0], b: [1, 0], c: "", f: [0, 0], t: [1, 5]}, {a: [0, 6], b: [2, 4], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [0, 7]}, {a: [0, 6], b: [2, 4], c: "aa", f: [0, 5], t: [0, 9]}, {a: [1, 2], b: [1, 8], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 5]}, {a: [0, 5], b: [2, 5], c: "xx", f: null, t: null}, {a: [0, 0], b: [2, 10], c: "x", f: null, t: null}, {a: [1, 5], b: [2, 5], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [1, 5]}, {a: [2, 0], b: [2, 3], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 2]}, {a: [2, 5], b: [3, 0], c: "a\nb", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 5]}, {a: [2, 3], b: [3, 0], c: "x", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 3]}, {a: [1, 1], b: [1, 9], c: "1\n2\n3", f: [0, 5], t: [4, 5]}], function(test) { cm.setValue("aaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbb\ncccccccccc\ndddddddd\n"); var r = cm.markText(Pos(0, 5), Pos(2, 5), {className: "CodeMirror-matchingbracket"}); cm.replaceRange(test.c, p(test.a), p(test.b)); var f = r.find(); eqCursorPos(f && f.from, p(test.f)); eqCursorPos(f &&, p(test.t)); }); }); testCM("markTextUndo", function(cm) { var marker1, marker2, bookmark; marker1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {className: "CodeMirror-matchingbracket"}); marker2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1), {className: "CodeMirror-matchingbracket"}); bookmark = cm.setBookmark(Pos(1, 5)); cm.operation(function(){ cm.replaceRange("foo", Pos(0, 2)); cm.replaceRange("bar\nbaz\nbug\n", Pos(2, 0), Pos(3, 0)); }); var v1 = cm.getValue(); cm.setValue(""); eq(marker1.find(), null); eq(marker2.find(), null); eq(bookmark.find(), null); cm.undo(); eqCursorPos(bookmark.find(), Pos(1, 5), "still there"); cm.undo(); var m1Pos = marker1.find(), m2Pos = marker2.find(); eqCursorPos(m1Pos.from, Pos(0, 1)); eqCursorPos(, Pos(0, 3)); eqCursorPos(m2Pos.from, Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(, Pos(2, 1)); eqCursorPos(bookmark.find(), Pos(1, 5)); cm.redo(); cm.redo(); eq(bookmark.find(), null); cm.undo(); eqCursorPos(bookmark.find(), Pos(1, 5)); eq(cm.getValue(), v1); }, {value: "1234\n56789\n00\n"}); testCM("markTextStayGone", function(cm) { var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1)); cm.replaceRange("hi", Pos(0, 2)); m1.clear(); cm.undo(); eq(m1.find(), null); }, {value: "hello"}); testCM("markTextAllowEmpty", function(cm) { var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {clearWhenEmpty: false}); is(m1.find()); cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0)); is(m1.find()); cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(0, 2)); is(m1.find()); cm.replaceRange("z", Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4)); is(!m1.find()); var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {clearWhenEmpty: false, inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true}); cm.replaceRange("q", Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2)); is(m2.find()); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 3)); is(!m2.find()); var m3 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 1), {clearWhenEmpty: false}); cm.replaceRange("a", Pos(0, 3)); is(m3.find()); cm.replaceRange("b", Pos(0, 1)); is(!m3.find()); }, {value: "abcde"}); testCM("markTextStacked", function(cm) { var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 0), {clearWhenEmpty: false}); var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 0), {clearWhenEmpty: false}); cm.replaceRange("B", Pos(0, 1)); is(m1.find() && m2.find()); }, {value: "A"}); testCM("undoPreservesNewMarks", function(cm) { cm.markText(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4)); cm.markText(Pos(1, 1), Pos(1, 3)); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 3), Pos(3, 1)); var mBefore = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1)); var mAfter = cm.markText(Pos(0, 5), Pos(0, 6)); var mAround = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4)); cm.undo(); eqCursorPos(mBefore.find().from, Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(mBefore.find().to, Pos(0, 1)); eqCursorPos(mAfter.find().from, Pos(3, 3)); eqCursorPos(mAfter.find().to, Pos(3, 4)); eqCursorPos(mAround.find().from, Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(mAround.find().to, Pos(3, 2)); var found = cm.findMarksAt(Pos(2, 2)); eq(found.length, 1); eq(found[0], mAround); }, {value: "aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\ndddd"}); testCM("markClearBetween", function(cm) { cm.setValue("aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd\n"); cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2)); cm.replaceRange("aaa\nbbb\nccc", Pos(0, 0), Pos(2)); eq(cm.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1)).length, 0); }); testCM("findMarksMiddle", function(cm) { var mark = cm.markText(Pos(1, 1), Pos(3, 1)); var found = cm.findMarks(Pos(2, 1), Pos(2, 2)); eq(found.length, 1); eq(found[0], mark); }, {value: "line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3"}); testCM("deleteSpanCollapsedInclusiveLeft", function(cm) { var from = Pos(1, 0), to = Pos(1, 1); var m = cm.markText(from, to, {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true}); // Delete collapsed span. cm.replaceRange("", from, to); }, {value: "abc\nX\ndef"}); testCM("markTextCSS", function(cm) { function present() { var spans = cm.display.lineDiv.getElementsByTagName("span"); for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) if (spans[i].style.color && spans[i].textContent == "cdef") return true; } var m = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 6), {css: "color: cyan"}); is(present()); m.clear(); is(!present()); }, {value: "abcdefgh"}); testCM("markTextWithAttributes", function(cm) { function present() { var spans = cm.display.lineDiv.getElementsByTagName("span"); for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) if (spans[i].getAttribute("label") == "label" && spans[i].textContent == "cdef") return true; } var m = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 6), {attributes: {label: "label"}}); is(present()); m.clear(); is(!present()); }, {value: "abcdefgh"}); testCM("bookmark", function(cm) { function p(v) { return v && Pos(v[0], v[1]); } forEach([{a: [1, 0], b: [1, 1], c: "", d: [1, 4]}, {a: [1, 1], b: [1, 1], c: "xx", d: [1, 7]}, {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 5], c: "ab", d: [1, 6]}, {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 6], c: "", d: null}, {a: [1, 5], b: [1, 6], c: "abc", d: [1, 5]}, {a: [1, 6], b: [1, 8], c: "", d: [1, 5]}, {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 4], c: "\n\n", d: [3, 1]}, {bm: [1, 9], a: [1, 1], b: [1, 1], c: "\n", d: [2, 8]}], function(test) { cm.setValue("1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890"); var b = cm.setBookmark(p( || Pos(1, 5)); cm.replaceRange(test.c, p(test.a), p(test.b)); eqCursorPos(b.find(), p(test.d)); }); }); testCM("bookmarkInsertLeft", function(cm) { var br = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2), {insertLeft: false}); var bl = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2), {insertLeft: true}); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); cm.replaceSelection("hi"); eqCursorPos(br.find(), Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(bl.find(), Pos(0, 4)); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 4), Pos(0, 5)); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4)); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2)); // Verify that deleting next to bookmarks doesn't kill them eqCursorPos(br.find(), Pos(0, 1)); eqCursorPos(bl.find(), Pos(0, 1)); }, {value: "abcdef"}); testCM("bookmarkCursor", function(cm) { var pos01 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)), pos11 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(1, 1)), pos20 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(2, 0)), pos30 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(3, 0)), pos41 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(4, 1)); cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 1), {widget: document.createTextNode("←"), insertLeft: true}); cm.setBookmark(Pos(2, 0), {widget: document.createTextNode("←"), insertLeft: true}); cm.setBookmark(Pos(1, 1), {widget: document.createTextNode("→")}); cm.setBookmark(Pos(3, 0), {widget: document.createTextNode("→")}); var new01 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)), new11 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(1, 1)), new20 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(2, 0)), new30 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(3, 0)); near(new01.left, pos01.left, 1); near(,, 1); is(new11.left > pos11.left, "at right, middle of line"); near( ==, 1); near(new20.left, pos20.left, 1); near(,, 1); is(new30.left > pos30.left, "at right, empty line"); near(, pos30, 1); cm.setBookmark(Pos(4, 0), {widget: document.createTextNode("→")}); is(cm.cursorCoords(Pos(4, 1)).left > pos41.left, "single-char bug"); }, {value: "foo\nbar\n\n\nx\ny"}); testCM("multiBookmarkCursor", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; var ms = [], m; function add(insertLeft) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var node = document.createElement("span"); node.innerHTML = "X"; ms.push(cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 1), {widget: node, insertLeft: insertLeft})); } } var base1 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)).left, base4 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 4)).left; add(true); near(base1, cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)).left, 1); while (m = ms.pop()) m.clear(); add(false); near(base4, cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)).left, 1); }, {value: "abcdefg"}); testCM("getAllMarks", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 10, 10); var m1 = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2)); var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(3, 2)); var m3 = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 8)); var m4 = cm.markText(Pos(8, 0), Pos(9, 0)); eq(cm.getAllMarks().length, 4); m1.clear(); m3.clear(); eq(cm.getAllMarks().length, 2); }); testCM("setValueClears", function(cm) { cm.addLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo"); var mark = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 1), {inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true}); cm.setValue("foo"); is(!cm.lineInfo(0).wrapClass); is(!mark.find()); }, {value: "a\nb"}); testCM("bug577", function(cm) { cm.setValue("a\nb"); cm.clearHistory(); cm.setValue("fooooo"); cm.undo(); }); testCM("scrollSnap", function(cm) { cm.setSize(100, 100); addDoc(cm, 200, 200); cm.setCursor(Pos(100, 180)); var info = cm.getScrollInfo(); is(info.left > 0 && > 0); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0)); info = cm.getScrollInfo(); is(info.left == 0 && == 0, "scrolled clean to top"); cm.setCursor(Pos(100, 180)); cm.setCursor(Pos(199, 0)); info = cm.getScrollInfo(); is(info.left == 0 && + 2 > info.height - cm.getScrollerElement().clientHeight, "scrolled clean to bottom"); }); testCM("scrollIntoView", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; function test(line, ch, msg) { var pos = Pos(line, ch); cm.scrollIntoView(pos); var outer = cm.getWrapperElement().getBoundingClientRect(); var box = cm.charCoords(pos, "window"); is(box.left >= outer.left, msg + " (left)"); is(box.right <= outer.right, msg + " (right)"); is( >=, msg + " (top)"); is(box.bottom <= outer.bottom, msg + " (bottom)"); } addDoc(cm, 200, 200); test(199, 199, "bottom right"); test(0, 0, "top left"); test(100, 100, "center"); test(199, 0, "bottom left"); test(0, 199, "top right"); test(100, 100, "center again"); }); testCM("scrollBackAndForth", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 1, 200); cm.operation(function() { cm.scrollIntoView(Pos(199, 0)); cm.scrollIntoView(Pos(4, 0)); }); is(cm.getScrollInfo().top > 0); }); testCM("selectAllNoScroll", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 1, 200); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); eq(cm.getScrollInfo().top, 0); cm.setCursor(199); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); is(cm.getScrollInfo().top > 0); }); testCM("selectionPos", function(cm) { if (phantom || cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return; cm.setSize(100, 100); addDoc(cm, 200, 100); cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 100), Pos(98, 100)); var lineWidth = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 200), "local").left; var lineHeight = (cm.charCoords(Pos(99)).top - cm.charCoords(Pos(0)).top) / 100; cm.scrollTo(0, 0); var selElt = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-selected"); var outer = cm.getWrapperElement().getBoundingClientRect(); var sawMiddle, sawTop, sawBottom; for (var i = 0, e = selElt.length; i < e; ++i) { var box = selElt[i].getBoundingClientRect(); var atLeft = box.left - outer.left < 30; var width = box.right - box.left; var atRight = box.right - outer.left > .8 * lineWidth; if (atLeft && atRight) { sawMiddle = true; is(box.bottom - > 90 * lineHeight, "middle high"); is(width > .9 * lineWidth, "middle wide"); } else { is(width > .4 * lineWidth, "top/bot wide enough"); is(width < .6 * lineWidth, "top/bot slim enough"); if (atLeft) { sawBottom = true; is( - > 96 * lineHeight, "bot below"); } else if (atRight) { sawTop = true; is( - < 2.1 * lineHeight, "top above"); } } } is(sawTop && sawBottom && sawMiddle, "all parts"); }, null); testCM("restoreHistory", function(cm) { cm.setValue("abc\ndef"); cm.replaceRange("hello", Pos(1, 0), Pos(1)); cm.replaceRange("goop", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); cm.undo(); var storedVal = cm.getValue(), storedHist = cm.getHistory(); if (window.JSON) storedHist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(storedHist)); eq(storedVal, "abc\nhello"); cm.setValue(""); cm.clearHistory(); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0); cm.setValue(storedVal); cm.setHistory(storedHist); cm.redo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "goop\nhello"); cm.undo(); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef"); }); testCM("doubleScrollbar", function(cm) { var dummy = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("p")); = "height: 50px; overflow: scroll; width: 50px"; var scrollbarWidth = dummy.offsetWidth + 1 - dummy.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(dummy); if (scrollbarWidth < 2) return; cm.setSize(null, 100); addDoc(cm, 1, 300); var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(); is(wrap.offsetWidth - byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-lines")[0].offsetWidth <= scrollbarWidth * 1.5); }); testCM("weirdLinebreaks", function(cm) { cm.setValue("foo\nbar\rbaz\r\nquux\n\rplop"); is(cm.getValue(), "foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n\nplop"); is(cm.lineCount(), 6); cm.setValue("\n\n"); is(cm.lineCount(), 3); }); testCM("setSize", function(cm) { cm.setSize(100, 100); var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(); is(wrap.offsetWidth, 100); is(wrap.offsetHeight, 100); cm.setSize("100%", "3em"); is(, "100%"); is(, "3em"); cm.setSize(null, 40); is(, "100%"); is(, "40px"); }); function foldLines(cm, start, end, autoClear) { return cm.markText(Pos(start, 0), Pos(end - 1), { inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true, collapsed: true, clearOnEnter: autoClear }); } testCM("collapsedLines", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 4, 10); var range = foldLines(cm, 4, 5), cleared = 0; CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {cleared++;}); cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 0)); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 0)); cm.replaceRange("abcdefg", Pos(3, 0), Pos(3)); cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 6)); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 4)); cm.replaceRange("ab", Pos(3, 0), Pos(3)); cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 2)); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 2)); cm.operation(function() {range.clear(); range.clear();}); eq(cleared, 1); }); testCM("collapsedRangeCoordsChar", function(cm) { var pos_1_3 = cm.charCoords(Pos(1, 3)); pos_1_3.left += 2; += 2; var opts = {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true}; var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 0), opts); eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar(pos_1_3), Pos(3, 3)); m1.clear(); var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 1), {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true}); var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(1, 1), Pos(2, 0), {collapsed: true, inclusiveRight: true}); eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar(pos_1_3), Pos(3, 3)); m1.clear(); m2.clear(); var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 6), opts); eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar(pos_1_3), Pos(3, 3)); }, {value: "123456\nabcdef\nghijkl\nmnopqr\n"}); testCM("collapsedRangeBetweenLinesSelected", function(cm) { if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return; var widget = document.createElement("span"); widget.textContent = "\u2194"; cm.markText(Pos(0, 3), Pos(1, 0), {replacedWith: widget}); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 3), Pos(1, 0)); var selElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-selected"); for (var i = 0, w = 0; i < selElts.length; i++) w += selElts[i].offsetWidth; is(w > 0); }, {value: "one\ntwo"}); testCM("randomCollapsedRanges", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 20, 500); cm.operation(function() { for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) { var start = Pos(Math.floor(Math.random() * 500), Math.floor(Math.random() * 20)); if (i % 4) try { cm.markText(start, Pos(start.line + 2, 1), {collapsed: true}); } catch(e) { if (!/overlapping/.test(String(e))) throw e; } else cm.markText(start, Pos(start.line, + 4), {"className": "foo"}); } }); }); testCM("hiddenLinesAutoUnfold", function(cm) { var range = foldLines(cm, 1, 3, true), cleared = 0; CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {cleared++;}); cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 0)); eq(cleared, 0); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eq(cleared, 1); range = foldLines(cm, 1, 3, true); CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {cleared++;}); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 0)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 3)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eq(cleared, 2); }, {value: "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl"}); testCM("hiddenLinesSelectAll", function(cm) { // Issue #484 addDoc(cm, 4, 20); foldLines(cm, 0, 10); foldLines(cm, 11, 20); CodeMirror.commands.selectAll(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(10, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(10, 4)); }); testCM("clickFold", function(cm) { // Issue #5392 cm.setValue("foo { bar }") var widget = document.createElement("span") widget.textContent = "<>" cm.markText(Pos(0, 5), Pos(0, 10), {replacedWith: widget}) var after = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 10)) var foundOn = cm.coordsChar({left: after.left - 1, top: + 4}) is( <= 5 || >= 10, "Position is not inside the folded range") }) testCM("everythingFolded", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 2, 2); function enterPress() { cm.triggerOnKeyDown({type: "keydown", keyCode: 13, preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}}); } var fold = foldLines(cm, 0, 2); enterPress(); eq(cm.getValue(), "xx\nxx"); fold.clear(); fold = foldLines(cm, 0, 2, true); eq(fold.find(), null); enterPress(); eq(cm.getValue(), "\nxx\nxx"); }); testCM("structuredFold", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; addDoc(cm, 4, 8); var range = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(6, 2), { replacedWith: document.createTextNode("Q") }); cm.setCursor(0, 3); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(6, 2)); CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 2)); CodeMirror.commands.delCharAfter(cm); eq(cm.getValue(), "xxxx\nxxxx\nxxxx"); addDoc(cm, 4, 8); range = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(6, 2), { replacedWith: document.createTextNode("M"), clearOnEnter: true }); var cleared = 0; CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function(){++cleared;}); cm.setCursor(0, 3); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(6, 2)); CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(6, 1)); eq(cleared, 1); range.clear(); eq(cleared, 1); range = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(6, 2), { replacedWith: document.createTextNode("Q"), clearOnEnter: true }); range.clear(); cm.setCursor(1, 2); CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 3)); range = cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(4, 4), { replacedWith: document.createTextNode("M") }); cm.setCursor(1, 0); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 0)); }, null); testCM("nestedFold", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 10, 3); function fold(ll, cl, lr, cr) { return cm.markText(Pos(ll, cl), Pos(lr, cr), {collapsed: true}); } var inner1 = fold(0, 6, 1, 3), inner2 = fold(0, 2, 1, 8), outer = fold(0, 1, 2, 3), inner0 = fold(0, 5, 0, 6); cm.setCursor(0, 1); CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 3)); inner0.clear(); CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); outer.clear(); CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2, "before")); CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 8)); inner2.clear(); CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 7, "after")); cm.setCursor(0, 5); CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6, "before")); CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 3)); }); testCM("badNestedFold", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 4, 4); cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(3, 2), {collapsed: true}); var caught; try {cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {collapsed: true});} catch(e) {caught = e;} is(caught instanceof Error, "no error"); is(/overlap/i.test(caught.message), "wrong error"); }); testCM("nestedFoldOnSide", function(cm) { var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true, inclusiveRight: true}); var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {collapsed: true}); cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {collapsed: true}).clear(); try { cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true}); } catch(e) { var caught = e; } is(caught && /overlap/i.test(caught.message)); var m3 = cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true}); var m4 = cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapse: true, inclusiveRight: true}); m1.clear(); m4.clear(); m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true}); cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true}).clear(); try { cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true, inclusiveRight: true}); } catch(e) { var caught = e; } is(caught && /overlap/i.test(caught.message)); }, {value: "ab\ncd\ef"}); testCM("editInFold", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 4, 6); var m = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(3, 2), {collapsed: true}); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 3)); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(2, 1), Pos(3, 3)); cm.replaceRange("a\nb\nc\nd", Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 0)); cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 0)); }); testCM("wrappingInlineWidget", function(cm) { cm.setSize("11em"); var w = document.createElement("span"); = "red"; w.innerHTML = "one two three four"; cm.markText(Pos(0, 6), Pos(0, 9), {replacedWith: w}); var cur0 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 0)), cur1 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 10)); is( <; is(cur0.bottom < cur1.bottom); var curL = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 6)), curR = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 9)); eq(,; eq(curL.bottom, cur0.bottom); eq(,; eq(curR.bottom, cur1.bottom); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 9), Pos(0)); curR = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 9)); if (phantom) return; eq(,; eq(curR.bottom, cur1.bottom); }, {value: "1 2 3 xxx 4", lineWrapping: true}); testCM("showEmptyWidgetSpan", function(cm) { var marker = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 2), { clearWhenEmpty: false, replacedWith: document.createTextNode("X") }); var text = cm.display.view[0].text; eq(text.textContent || text.innerText, "abXc"); }, {value: "abc"}); testCM("changedInlineWidget", function(cm) { cm.setSize("10em"); var w = document.createElement("span"); w.innerHTML = "x"; var m = cm.markText(Pos(0, 4), Pos(0, 5), {replacedWith: w}); w.innerHTML = "and now the widget is really really long all of a sudden and a scrollbar is needed"; m.changed(); var hScroll = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-hscrollbar")[0]; is(hScroll.scrollWidth > hScroll.clientWidth); }, {value: "hello there"}); testCM("changedBookmark", function(cm) { cm.setSize("10em"); var w = document.createElement("span"); w.innerHTML = "x"; var m = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 4), {widget: w}); w.innerHTML = "and now the widget is really really long all of a sudden and a scrollbar is needed"; m.changed(); var hScroll = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-hscrollbar")[0]; is(hScroll.scrollWidth > hScroll.clientWidth); }, {value: "abcdefg"}); testCM("inlineWidget", function(cm) { var w = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2), {widget: document.createTextNode("uu")}); cm.setCursor(0, 2); CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 4)); cm.setCursor(0, 2); cm.replaceSelection("hi"); eqCharPos(w.find(), Pos(0, 2)); cm.setCursor(0, 1); cm.replaceSelection("ay"); eqCharPos(w.find(), Pos(0, 4)); eq(cm.getLine(0), "uayuhiuu"); }, {value: "uuuu\nuuuuuu"}); testCM("wrappingAndResizing", function(cm) { cm.setSize(null, "auto"); cm.setOption("lineWrapping", true); var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(), h0 = wrap.offsetHeight; var doc = "xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx"; cm.setValue(doc); for (var step = 10, w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 18), "div").right;; w += step) { cm.setSize(w); if (wrap.offsetHeight <= h0 * (opera_lt10 ? 1.2 : 1.5)) { if (step == 10) { w -= 10; step = 1; } else break; } } // Ensure that putting the cursor at the end of the maximally long // line doesn't cause wrapping to happen. cm.setCursor(Pos(0, doc.length)); eq(wrap.offsetHeight, h0); cm.replaceSelection("x"); is(wrap.offsetHeight > h0, "wrapping happens"); // Now add a max-height and, in a document consisting of // almost-wrapped lines, go over it so that a scrollbar appears. cm.setValue(doc + "\n" + doc + "\n"); cm.getScrollerElement().style.maxHeight = "100px"; cm.replaceRange("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n!\n", Pos(2, 0)); forEach([Pos(0, doc.length), Pos(0, doc.length - 1), Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, doc.length), Pos(1, doc.length - 1)], function(pos) { var coords = cm.charCoords(pos); eqCharPos(pos, cm.coordsChar({left: coords.left + 2, top: + 5})); }); }, null, ie_lt8); testCM("measureEndOfLine", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; cm.setSize(null, "auto"); var inner = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-lines")[0].firstChild; var lh = inner.offsetHeight; for (var step = 10, w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 7), "div").right;; w += step) { cm.setSize(w); if (inner.offsetHeight < 2.5 * lh) { if (step == 10) { w -= 10; step = 1; } else break; } } cm.setValue(cm.getValue() + "\n\n"); var endPos = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 18), "local"); is( > lh * .8, "not at top"); is(endPos.left > w - 20, "at right"); endPos = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 18)); eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar({left: endPos.left, top: + 5}), Pos(0, 18, "before")); var wrapPos = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 9, "before")); is( <, "wrapPos is actually in first line"); eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar({left: wrapPos.left + 10, top:}), Pos(0, 9, "before")); }, {mode: "text/html", value: "", lineWrapping: true}, ie_lt8 || opera_lt10); testCM("measureWrappedEndOfLine", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; cm.setSize(null, "auto"); var inner = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-lines")[0].firstChild; var lh = inner.offsetHeight; for (var step = 10, w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 7), "div").right;; w += step) { cm.setSize(w); if (inner.offsetHeight < 2.5 * lh) { if (step == 10) { w -= 10; step = 1; } else break; } } for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { var endPos = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 12)); // Next-to-last since last would wrap (#1862) endPos.left += w; // Add width of editor just to be sure that we are behind last character eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar(endPos), Pos(0, 13, "before")); endPos.left += w * 100; eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar(endPos), Pos(0, 13, "before")); cm.setValue("0123456789abcابجابجابجابج"); if (i == 1) { var node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = "hi"; = "30px"; cm.addLineWidget(0, node, {above: true}); } } }, {mode: "text/html", value: "0123456789abcde0123456789", lineWrapping: true}, ie_lt8 || opera_lt10); testCM("measureEndOfLineBidi", function(cm) { eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar({left: 5000, top: cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0)).top}), Pos(0, 8, "after")) }, {value: "إإإإuuuuإإإإ"}) testCM("measureWrappedBidiLevel2", function(cm) { cm.setSize(cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 6), "editor").right + 60) var c9 = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 9)) eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar({left: c9.right - 1, top: + 1}), Pos(0, 9)) }, {value: "foobar إإ إإ إإ إإ 555 بببببب", lineWrapping: true}) testCM("measureWrappedBeginOfLine", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; cm.setSize(null, "auto"); var inner = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-lines")[0].firstChild; var lh = inner.offsetHeight; for (var step = 10, w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 7), "div").right;; w += step) { cm.setSize(w); if (inner.offsetHeight < 2.5 * lh) { if (step == 10) { w -= 10; step = 1; } else break; } } var beginOfSecondLine = Pos(0, 13, "after"); for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { var beginPos = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0)); beginPos.left -= w; eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar(beginPos), Pos(0, 0, "after")); beginPos = cm.cursorCoords(beginOfSecondLine); beginPos.left = 0; eqCursorPos(cm.coordsChar(beginPos), beginOfSecondLine); cm.setValue("0123456789abcابجابجابجابج"); beginOfSecondLine = Pos(0, 25, "before"); } }, {mode: "text/html", value: "0123456789abcde0123456789", lineWrapping: true}); testCM("scrollVerticallyAndHorizontally", function(cm) { if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return; cm.setSize(100, 100); addDoc(cm, 40, 40); cm.setCursor(39); var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(), bar = byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-vscrollbar")[0]; is(bar.offsetHeight < wrap.offsetHeight, "vertical scrollbar limited by horizontal one"); var cursorBox = byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-cursor")[0].getBoundingClientRect(); var editorBox = wrap.getBoundingClientRect(); is(cursorBox.bottom < + cm.getScrollerElement().clientHeight, "bottom line visible"); }, {lineNumbers: true}); testCM("moveVstuck", function(cm) { var lines = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-lines")[0].firstChild, h0 = lines.offsetHeight; var val = "fooooooooooooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar\n"; cm.setValue(val); for (var w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 26), "div").right * 2.8;; w += 5) { cm.setSize(w); if (lines.offsetHeight <= 3.5 * h0) break; } cm.setCursor(Pos(0, val.length - 1)); cm.moveV(-1, "line"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 27, "before")); is(cm.cursorCoords(null, "local").top < h0, "cursor is in first visual line"); }, {lineWrapping: true}, ie_lt8 || opera_lt10); testCM("collapseOnMove", function(cm) { cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 4)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); is(!cm.somethingSelected()); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 4)); cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); is(!cm.somethingSelected()); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 4)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4)); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 4)); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); is(!cm.somethingSelected()); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); }, {value: "aaaaa\nb\nccccc"}); testCM("clickTab", function(cm) { var p0 = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0)); eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar({left: p0.left + 5, top: + 5}), Pos(0, 0)); eqCharPos(cm.coordsChar({left: p0.right - 5, top: + 5}), Pos(0, 1)); }, {value: "\t\n\n", lineWrapping: true, tabSize: 8}); testCM("verticalScroll", function(cm) { cm.setSize(100, 200); cm.setValue("foo\nbar\nbaz\n"); var sc = cm.getScrollerElement(), baseWidth = sc.scrollWidth; cm.replaceRange("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); is(sc.scrollWidth > baseWidth, "scrollbar present"); cm.replaceRange("foo", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); if (!phantom) eq(sc.scrollWidth, baseWidth, "scrollbar gone"); cm.replaceRange("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); cm.replaceRange("bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh", Pos(1, 0), Pos(1)); is(sc.scrollWidth > baseWidth, "present again"); var curWidth = sc.scrollWidth; cm.replaceRange("foo", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); is(sc.scrollWidth < curWidth, "scrollbar smaller"); is(sc.scrollWidth > baseWidth, "but still present"); }); testCM("extraKeys", function(cm) { var outcome; function fakeKey(expected, code, props) { if (typeof code == "string") code = code.charCodeAt(0); var e = {type: "keydown", keyCode: code, preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}}; if (props) for (var n in props) e[n] = props[n]; outcome = null; cm.triggerOnKeyDown(e); eq(outcome, expected); } CodeMirror.commands.testCommand = function() {outcome = "tc";}; CodeMirror.commands.goTestCommand = function() {outcome = "gtc";}; cm.setOption("extraKeys", {"Shift-X": function() {outcome = "sx";}, "X": function() {outcome = "x";}, "Ctrl-Alt-U": function() {outcome = "cau";}, "End": "testCommand", "Home": "goTestCommand", "Tab": false}); fakeKey(null, "U"); fakeKey("cau", "U", {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true}); fakeKey(null, "U", {shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: true, altKey: true}); fakeKey("x", "X"); fakeKey("sx", "X", {shiftKey: true}); fakeKey("tc", 35); fakeKey(null, 35, {shiftKey: true}); fakeKey("gtc", 36); fakeKey("gtc", 36, {shiftKey: true}); fakeKey(null, 9); }, null, window.opera && mac); testCM("wordMovementCommands", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("goWordLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 7, "before")); cm.execCommand("goWordLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5, "after")); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 12, "before")); cm.execCommand("goWordLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 9, "after")); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 24, "before")); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 9, "before")); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 13, "before")); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 0)); }, {value: "this is (the) firstline.\na foo12\u00e9\u00f8\u00d7bar\n"}); testCM("groupMovementCommands", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4, "before")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 7, "before")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 10, "before")); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 7, "after")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 15, "before")); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 17)); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 16, "after")); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 14, "after")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 20, "before")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0, "after")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 2, "before")); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 5, "before")); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0, "after")); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 20, "after")); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 16, "after")); }, {value: "booo ba---quux. ffff\n abc d"}); testCM("groupsAndWhitespace", function(cm) { var positions = [Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 5), Pos(0, 9), Pos(0, 11), Pos(1, 0), Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 5)]; for (var i = 1; i < positions.length; i++) { cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), positions[i]); } for (var i = positions.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), i == 2 ? Pos(0, 6, "before") : positions[i]); } }, {value: " foo +++ \n bar"}); testCM("charMovementCommands", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); cm.execCommand("goColumnLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2, "before")); cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 0)); cm.execCommand("goColumnLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0)); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5, "before")); cm.execCommand("goColumnRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5, "before")); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0, "after")); cm.execCommand("goLineEnd"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 5, "before")); cm.execCommand("goLineStartSmart"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1, "after")); cm.execCommand("goLineStartSmart"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0, "after")); cm.setCursor(Pos(2, 0)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.execCommand("goColumnRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 0)); }, {value: "line1\n ine2\n"}); testCM("verticalMovementCommands", function(cm) { cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); if (!phantom) // This fails in PhantomJS, though not in a real Webkit eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0)); cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 12)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 5)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 0)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 5)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 12)); cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 0)); cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 0)); cm.execCommand("goPageUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); }, {value: "line1\nlong long line2\nline3\n\nline5\n"}); testCM("verticalMovementCommandsWrapping", function(cm) { cm.setSize(120); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eq(cm.getCursor().line, 0); is(cm.getCursor().ch > 5, "moved beyond wrap"); for (var i = 0; ; ++i) { is(i < 20, "no endless loop"); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); var cur = cm.getCursor(); if (cur.line == 1) eq(, 5); if (cur.line == 2) { eq(, 1); break; } } }, {value: "a very long line that wraps around somehow so that we can test cursor movement\nshortone\nk", lineWrapping: true}); testCM("verticalMovementCommandsSingleLine", function(cm) { = "auto"; cm.refresh(); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 11)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 11)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 11)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 11)); cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 11)); cm.execCommand("goPageUp"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5)); cm.execCommand("goPageUp"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5)); cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 11)); }, {value: "single line"}); testCM("rtlMovement", function(cm) { if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return; forEach(["خحج", "خحabcخحج", "abخحخحجcd", "abخde", "abخح2342خ1حج", "خ1ح2خح3حxج", "خحcd", "1خحcd", "abcdeح1ج", "خمرحبها مها!", "foobarر", "خ ة ق", "", "يتم السحب في 05 فبراير 2014"], function(line) { cm.setValue(line + "\n"); cm.execCommand("goLineStart"); var cursors = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-cursors")[0]; var cursor = cursors.firstChild; var prevX = cursor.offsetLeft, prevY = cursor.offsetTop; for (var i = 0; i <= line.length; ++i) { cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cursor = cursors.firstChild; if (i == line.length) is(cursor.offsetTop > prevY, "next line"); else is(cursor.offsetLeft > prevX, "moved right"); prevX = cursor.offsetLeft; prevY = cursor.offsetTop; } cm.setCursor(0, 0); cm.execCommand("goLineEnd"); prevX = cursors.firstChild.offsetLeft; for (var i = 0; i < line.length; ++i) { cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); cursor = cursors.firstChild; is(cursor.offsetLeft < prevX, "moved left"); prevX = cursor.offsetLeft; } }); }, null, ie_lt9); // Verify that updating a line clears its bidi ordering testCM("bidiUpdate", function(cm) { cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2, "before")); cm.replaceSelection("خحج", "start"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6, "before")); }, {value: "abcd\n"}); testCM("movebyTextUnit", function(cm) { cm.setValue("בְּרֵאשִ\nééé́\n"); cm.execCommand("goLineStart"); for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0, "after")); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0, "after")); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 4, "before")); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 7, "before")); }); testCM("lineChangeEvents", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 3, 5); var log = [], want = ["ch 0", "ch 1", "del 2", "ch 0", "ch 0", "del 1", "del 3", "del 4"]; for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { CodeMirror.on(cm.getLineHandle(i), "delete", function(i) { return function() {log.push("del " + i);}; }(i)); CodeMirror.on(cm.getLineHandle(i), "change", function(i) { return function() {log.push("ch " + i);}; }(i)); } cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 1)); cm.replaceRange("xy", Pos(1, 1), Pos(2)); cm.replaceRange("foo\nbar", Pos(0, 1)); cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(cm.lineCount())); eq(log.length, want.length, "same length"); for (var i = 0; i < log.length; ++i) eq(log[i], want[i]); }); testCM("scrollEntirelyToRight", function(cm) { if (phantom || cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return; addDoc(cm, 500, 2); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 500)); var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(), cur = byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-cursor")[0]; is(wrap.getBoundingClientRect().right > cur.getBoundingClientRect().left); }); testCM("lineWidgets", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 500, 3); var last = cm.charCoords(Pos(2, 0)); var node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = "hi"; var widget = cm.addLineWidget(1, node); is( < cm.charCoords(Pos(2, 0)).top, "took up space"); cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1)); }); testCM("lineWidgetFocus", function(cm) { var place = document.getElementById("testground"); place.className = "offscreen"; try { addDoc(cm, 500, 10); var node = document.createElement("input"); var widget = cm.addLineWidget(1, node); node.focus(); eq(document.activeElement, node); cm.replaceRange("new stuff", Pos(1, 0)); eq(document.activeElement, node); } finally { place.className = ""; } }); testCM("lineWidgetCautiousRedraw", function(cm) { var node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = "hahah"; var w = cm.addLineWidget(0, node); var redrawn = false; w.on("redraw", function() { redrawn = true; }); cm.replaceSelection("0"); is(!redrawn); }, {value: "123\n456"}); var knownScrollbarWidth; function scrollbarWidth(measure) { if (knownScrollbarWidth != null) return knownScrollbarWidth; var div = document.createElement('div'); = "width: 50px; height: 50px; overflow-x: scroll"; document.body.appendChild(div); knownScrollbarWidth = div.offsetHeight - div.clientHeight; document.body.removeChild(div); return knownScrollbarWidth || 0; } testCM("lineWidgetChanged", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 2, 300); var halfScrollbarWidth = scrollbarWidth(cm.display.measure)/2; cm.setOption('lineNumbers', true); cm.setSize(600, cm.defaultTextHeight() * 50); cm.scrollTo(null, cm.heightAtLine(125, "local")); var expectedWidgetHeight = 60; var expectedLinesInWidget = 3; function w() { var node = document.createElement("div"); // we use these children with just under half width of the line to check measurements are made with correct width // when placed in the measure div. // If the widget is measured at a width much narrower than it is displayed at, the underHalf children will span two lines and break the test. // If the widget is measured at a width much wider than it is displayed at, the overHalf children will combine and break the test. // Note that this test only checks widgets where coverGutter is true, because these require extra styling to get the width right. // It may also be worthwhile to check this for non-coverGutter widgets. // Visually: // Good: // | ------------- display width ------------- | // | ------- widget-width when measured ------ | // | | -- under-half -- | | -- under-half -- | | // | | --- over-half --- | | // | | --- over-half --- | | // Height: measured as 3 lines, same as it will be when actually displayed // Bad (too narrow): // | ------------- display width ------------- | // | ------ widget-width when measured ----- | < -- uh oh // | | -- under-half -- | | // | | -- under-half -- | | < -- when measured, shoved to next line // | | --- over-half --- | | // | | --- over-half --- | | // Height: measured as 4 lines, more than expected . Will be displayed as 3 lines! // Bad (too wide): // | ------------- display width ------------- | // | -------- widget-width when measured ------- | < -- uh oh // | | -- under-half -- | | -- under-half -- | | // | | --- over-half --- | | --- over-half --- | | < -- when measured, combined on one line // Height: measured as 2 lines, less than expected. Will be displayed as 3 lines! var barelyUnderHalfWidthHtml = '
'; var barelyOverHalfWidthHtml = '
'; node.innerHTML = new Array(3).join(barelyUnderHalfWidthHtml) + new Array(3).join(barelyOverHalfWidthHtml); = "background: yellow;font-size:0;line-height: " + (expectedWidgetHeight/expectedLinesInWidget) + "px;"; return node; } var info0 = cm.getScrollInfo(); var w0 = cm.addLineWidget(0, w(), { coverGutter: true }); var w150 = cm.addLineWidget(150, w(), { coverGutter: true }); var w300 = cm.addLineWidget(300, w(), { coverGutter: true }); var info1 = cm.getScrollInfo(); eq(info0.height + (3 * expectedWidgetHeight), info1.height); eq( + expectedWidgetHeight,; expectedWidgetHeight = 12; = = = (expectedWidgetHeight/expectedLinesInWidget) + "px"; w0.changed(); w150.changed(); w300.changed(); var info2 = cm.getScrollInfo(); eq(info0.height + (3 * expectedWidgetHeight), info2.height); eq( + expectedWidgetHeight,; }); testCM("lineWidgetIssue5486", function(cm) { // [prepare] // 2nd line is combined to 1st line due to markText // 2nd line has a lineWidget below cm.setValue("Lorem\nIpsue\nDollar") var el = document.createElement('div')'50px' el.textContent = '[[LINE WIDGET]]' var lineWidget = cm.addLineWidget(1, el, { above: false, coverGutter: false, noHScroll: false, showIfHidden: false, }) var marker = document.createElement('span') marker.textContent = '[--]' cm.markText({line:0, ch: 1}, {line:1, ch: 4}, { replacedWith: marker }) // before resizing the lineWidget, measure 3rd line position var measure_1 = Math.round(cm.charCoords({line:2, ch:0}).top) // resize lineWidget, height + 50 px'100px' el.textContent += "\nlineWidget size changed.\nTry moving cursor to line 3?" lineWidget.changed() // re-measure 3rd line position var measure_2 = Math.round(cm.charCoords({line:2, ch:0}).top) eq(measure_2, measure_1 + 50) // (extra test) // // add char to the right of the folded marker // and re-measure 3rd line position cm.replaceRange('-', {line:1, ch: 5}) var measure_3 = Math.round(cm.charCoords({line:2, ch:0}).top) eq(measure_3, measure_2) }); testCM("getLineNumber", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 2, 20); var h1 = cm.getLineHandle(1); eq(cm.getLineNumber(h1), 1); cm.replaceRange("hi\nbye\n", Pos(0, 0)); eq(cm.getLineNumber(h1), 3); cm.setValue(""); eq(cm.getLineNumber(h1), null); }); testCM("jumpTheGap", function(cm) { if (phantom) return; var longLine = "abcdef ghiklmnop qrstuvw xyz "; longLine += longLine; longLine += longLine; longLine += longLine; cm.replaceRange(longLine, Pos(2, 0), Pos(2)); cm.setSize("200px", null); cm.getWrapperElement().style.lineHeight = 2; cm.refresh(); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eq(cm.getCursor().line, 2); is(cm.getCursor().ch > 1); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1)); var node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = "hi"; = "30px"; cm.addLineWidget(0, node); cm.addLineWidget(1, node.cloneNode(true), {above: true}); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 2)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCharPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2)); }, {lineWrapping: true, value: "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\n"}); testCM("addLineClass", function(cm) { function cls(line, text, bg, wrap, gutter) { var i = cm.lineInfo(line); eq(i.textClass, text); eq(i.bgClass, bg); eq(i.wrapClass, wrap); if (typeof i.handle.gutterClass !== 'undefined') { eq(i.handle.gutterClass, gutter); } } cm.addLineClass(0, "text", "foo"); cm.addLineClass(0, "text", "bar"); cm.addLineClass(1, "background", "baz"); cm.addLineClass(1, "wrap", "foo"); cm.addLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class"); cls(0, "foo bar", null, null, null); cls(1, null, "baz", "foo", "gutter-class"); var lines = cm.display.lineDiv; eq(byClassName(lines, "foo").length, 2); eq(byClassName(lines, "bar").length, 1); eq(byClassName(lines, "baz").length, 1); eq(byClassName(lines, "gutter-class").length, 2); // Gutter classes are reflected in 2 nodes cm.removeLineClass(0, "text", "foo"); cls(0, "bar", null, null, null); cm.removeLineClass(0, "text", "foo"); cls(0, "bar", null, null, null); cm.removeLineClass(0, "text", "bar"); cls(0, null, null, null); cm.addLineClass(1, "wrap", "quux"); cls(1, null, "baz", "foo quux", "gutter-class"); cm.removeLineClass(1, "wrap"); cls(1, null, "baz", null, "gutter-class"); cm.removeLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class"); eq(byClassName(lines, "gutter-class").length, 0); cls(1, null, "baz", null, null); cm.addLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class"); cls(1, null, "baz", null, "gutter-class"); cm.removeLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class"); cls(1, null, "baz", null, null); }, {value: "hohoho\n", lineNumbers: true}); testCM("atomicMarker", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 10, 10); function atom(ll, cl, lr, cr, li, ri, ls, rs) { var options = { atomic: true, inclusiveLeft: li, inclusiveRight: ri }; if (ls === true || ls === false) options["selectLeft"] = ls; if (rs === true || rs === false) options["selectRight"] = rs; return cm.markText(Pos(ll, cl), Pos(lr, cr), options); } // Can cursor to the left and right of a normal marker by jumping across it var m = atom(0, 1, 0, 5); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 1)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5)); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); m.clear(); // Can't cursor to the left of a marker when inclusiveLeft=true m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, true); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5), "pushed out"); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5)); m.clear(); // Can't cursor to the left of a marker when inclusiveLeft=false and selectLeft=false m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, false, false, false); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5), "pushed out"); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5)); m.clear(); // Can cursor to the left of a marker when inclusiveLeft=false and selectLeft=True m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, false, false, true); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5), "pushed out"); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); m.clear(); // Can't cursor to the right of a marker when inclusiveRight=true m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, false, true); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6)); m.clear(); // Can't cursor to the right of a marker when inclusiveRight=false and selectRight=false m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, false, false, true, false); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6)); m.clear(); // Can cursor to the right of a marker when inclusiveRight=false and selectRight=True m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, false, false, true, true); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5)); m.clear(); // Can't cursor to the right of a multiline marker when inclusiveRight=true m = atom(8, 4, 9, 10, false, true); cm.setCursor(Pos(9, 8)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 4), "set"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 4), "char right"); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 4), "line down"); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 3, "after")); m.clear(); // Cursor jumps across a multiline atomic marker, // and backspace deletes the entire marker m = atom(1, 1, 3, 8); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0)); cm.setCursor(Pos(2, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 8)); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1)); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 8)); cm.execCommand("goLineUp"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineDown"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 8)); cm.execCommand("delCharBefore"); eq(cm.getValue().length, 80, "del chunk"); m.clear(); addDoc(cm, 10, 10); // Delete before an atomic marker deletes the entire marker m = atom(3, 0, 5, 5); cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 0)); cm.execCommand("delWordAfter"); eq(cm.getValue().length, 82, "del chunk"); m.clear(); addDoc(cm, 10, 10); }); testCM("selectionBias", function(cm) { cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {atomic: true}); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2), null, {bias: -1}); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 4)); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2), null, {bias: 1}); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3)); }, {value: "12345"}); testCM("selectionHomeEnd", function(cm) { cm.markText(Pos(1, 0), Pos(1, 1), {atomic: true, inclusiveLeft: true}); cm.markText(Pos(1, 3), Pos(1, 4), {atomic: true, inclusiveRight: true}); cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 2)); cm.execCommand("goLineStart"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1)); cm.execCommand("goLineEnd"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 3)); }, {value: "ab\ncdef\ngh"}); testCM("readOnlyMarker", function(cm) { function mark(ll, cl, lr, cr, at) { return cm.markText(Pos(ll, cl), Pos(lr, cr), {readOnly: true, atomic: at}); } var m = mark(0, 1, 0, 4); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); cm.replaceSelection("hi", "end"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2)); eq(cm.getLine(0), "abcde"); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); cm.replaceSelection("oops", "around"); eq(cm.getValue(), "oopsbcd"); cm.undo(); eqCursorPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 1)); eqCursorPos(m.find().to, Pos(0, 4)); m.clear(); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2)); cm.replaceSelection("hi", "around"); eq(cm.getLine(0), "abhicde"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4)); m = mark(0, 2, 2, 2, true); cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 1), Pos(2, 4)); cm.replaceSelection("t", "end"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 3)); eq(cm.getLine(2), "klto"); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2)); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3)); cm.replaceSelection("xx", "around"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3)); eq(cm.getLine(0), "axxhicde"); }, {value: "abcde\nfghij\nklmno\n"}); testCM("dirtyBit", function(cm) { eq(cm.isClean(), true); cm.replaceSelection("boo", null, "test"); eq(cm.isClean(), false); cm.undo(); eq(cm.isClean(), true); cm.replaceSelection("boo", null, "test"); cm.replaceSelection("baz", null, "test"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.isClean(), false); cm.markClean(); eq(cm.isClean(), true); cm.undo(); eq(cm.isClean(), false); cm.redo(); eq(cm.isClean(), true); }); testCM("changeGeneration", function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection("x"); var softGen = cm.changeGeneration(); cm.replaceSelection("x"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), ""); is(!cm.isClean(softGen)); cm.replaceSelection("x"); var hardGen = cm.changeGeneration(true); cm.replaceSelection("x"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "x"); is(cm.isClean(hardGen)); }); testCM("addKeyMap", function(cm) { function sendKey(code) { cm.triggerOnKeyDown({type: "keydown", keyCode: code, preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}}); } sendKey(39); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1, "before")); var test = 0; var map1 = {Right: function() { ++test; }}, map2 = {Right: function() { test += 10; }} cm.addKeyMap(map1); sendKey(39); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1, "before")); eq(test, 1); cm.addKeyMap(map2, true); sendKey(39); eq(test, 2); cm.removeKeyMap(map1); sendKey(39); eq(test, 12); cm.removeKeyMap(map2); sendKey(39); eq(test, 12); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2, "before")); cm.addKeyMap({Right: function() { test = 55; }, name: "mymap"}); sendKey(39); eq(test, 55); cm.removeKeyMap("mymap"); sendKey(39); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3, "before")); }, {value: "abc"}); function mouseDown(cm, button, pos, mods) { var coords = cm.charCoords(pos, "window") var event = {type: "mousedown", preventDefault: Math.min, which: button, target: cm.display.lineDiv, clientX: coords.left, clientY:} if (mods) for (var prop in mods) event[prop] = mods[prop] cm.triggerOnMouseDown(event) } testCM("mouseBinding", function(cm) { var fired = [] cm.addKeyMap({ "Shift-LeftClick": function(_cm, pos) { eqCharPos(pos, Pos(1, 2)) fired.push("a") }, "Shift-LeftDoubleClick": function() { fired.push("b") }, "Shift-LeftTripleClick": function() { fired.push("c") } }) function send(button, mods) { mouseDown(cm, button, Pos(1, 2), mods) } send(1, {shiftKey: true}) send(1, {shiftKey: true}) send(1, {shiftKey: true}) send(1, {}) send(2, {ctrlKey: true}) send(2, {ctrlKey: true}) eq(fired.join(" "), "a b c") }, {value: "foo\nbar\nbaz"}) testCM("configureMouse", function(cm) { cm.setOption("configureMouse", function() { return {unit: "word"} }) mouseDown(cm, 1, Pos(0, 5)) eqCharPos(cm.getCursor("from"), Pos(0, 4)) eqCharPos(cm.getCursor("to"), Pos(0, 7)) cm.setOption("configureMouse", function() { return {extend: true} }) mouseDown(cm, 1, Pos(0, 0)) eqCharPos(cm.getCursor("from"), Pos(0, 0)) eqCharPos(cm.getCursor("to"), Pos(0, 4)) }, {value: "foo bar baz"}) testCM("findPosH", function(cm) { forEach([{from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 1, "before"), by: 1}, {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 0), by: -1, hitSide: true}, {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 4, "before"), by: 1, unit: "word"}, {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 8, "before"), by: 2, unit: "word"}, {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(2, 0, "after"), by: 20, unit: "word", hitSide: true}, {from: Pos(0, 7), to: Pos(0, 5, "after"), by: -1, unit: "word"}, {from: Pos(0, 4), to: Pos(0, 8, "before"), by: 1, unit: "word"}, {from: Pos(1, 0), to: Pos(1, 18, "before"), by: 3, unit: "word"}, {from: Pos(1, 22), to: Pos(1, 5, "after"), by: -3, unit: "word"}, {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 10, "after"), by: -5}, {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 10, "after"), by: -5, unit: "column"}, {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 0, "after"), by: -50, unit: "column", hitSide: true}, {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 24, "before"), by: 50, unit: "column", hitSide: true}, {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(2, 0, "after"), by: 50, hitSide: true}], function(t) { var r = cm.findPosH(t.from,, t.unit || "char"); eqCursorPos(r,; eq(!!r.hitSide, !!t.hitSide); }); }, {value: "line one\nline two.something.other\n"}); testCM("beforeChange", function(cm) { cm.on("beforeChange", function(cm, change) { var text = []; for (var i = 0; i < change.text.length; ++i) text.push(change.text[i].replace(/\s/g, "_")); change.update(null, null, text); }); cm.setValue("hello, i am a\nnew document\n"); eq(cm.getValue(), "hello,_i_am_a\nnew_document\n"); CodeMirror.on(cm.getDoc(), "beforeChange", function(doc, change) { if (change.from.line == 0) change.cancel(); }); cm.setValue("oops"); // Canceled eq(cm.getValue(), "hello,_i_am_a\nnew_document\n"); cm.replaceRange("hey hey hey", Pos(1, 0), Pos(2, 0)); eq(cm.getValue(), "hello,_i_am_a\nhey_hey_hey"); }, {value: "abcdefghijk"}); testCM("beforeChangeUndo", function(cm) { cm.replaceRange("hi", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); cm.replaceRange("bye", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0)); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 2); cm.on("beforeChange", function(cm, change) { is(!change.update); change.cancel(); }); cm.undo(); eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0); eq(cm.getValue(), "bye\ntwo"); }, {value: "one\ntwo"}); testCM("beforeSelectionChange", function(cm) { function notAtEnd(cm, pos) { var len = cm.getLine(pos.line).length; if (!len || == len) return Pos(pos.line, - 1); return pos; } cm.on("beforeSelectionChange", function(cm, obj) { obj.update([{anchor: notAtEnd(cm, obj.ranges[0].anchor), head: notAtEnd(cm, obj.ranges[0].head)}]); }); addDoc(cm, 10, 10); cm.execCommand("goLineEnd"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 9)); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("start"), Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("end"), Pos(9, 9)); }); testCM("change_removedText", function(cm) { cm.setValue("abc\ndef"); var removedText = []; cm.on("change", function(cm, change) { removedText.push(change.removed); }); cm.operation(function() { cm.replaceRange("xyz", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1,1)); cm.replaceRange("123", Pos(0,0)); }); eq(removedText.length, 2); eq(removedText[0].join("\n"), "abc\nd"); eq(removedText[1].join("\n"), ""); var removedText = []; cm.undo(); eq(removedText.length, 2); eq(removedText[0].join("\n"), "123"); eq(removedText[1].join("\n"), "xyz"); var removedText = []; cm.redo(); eq(removedText.length, 2); eq(removedText[0].join("\n"), "abc\nd"); eq(removedText[1].join("\n"), ""); }); testCM("lineStyleFromMode", function(cm) { CodeMirror.defineMode("test_mode", function() { return {token: function(stream) { if (stream.match(/^\[[^\]]*\]/)) return " line-brackets "; if (stream.match(/^\([^\)]*\)/)) return " line-background-parens "; if (stream.match(/^<[^>]*>/)) return " span line-line line-background-bg "; stream.match(/^\s+|^\S+/); }}; }); cm.setOption("mode", "test_mode"); var bracketElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "brackets"); eq(bracketElts.length, 1, "brackets count"); eq(bracketElts[0].nodeName, "PRE"); is(!/brackets.*brackets/.test(bracketElts[0].className)); var parenElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "parens"); eq(parenElts.length, 1, "parens count"); eq(parenElts[0].nodeName, "DIV"); is(!/parens.*parens/.test(parenElts[0].className)); eq(parenElts[0].parentElement.nodeName, "DIV"); is(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "bg").length > 0); is(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "line").length > 0); var spanElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-span"); eq(spanElts.length, 2); is(/^\s*cm-span\s*$/.test(spanElts[0].className)); }, {value: "line1: [br] [br]\nline2: (par) (par)\nline3: "}); testCM("lineStyleFromBlankLine", function(cm) { CodeMirror.defineMode("lineStyleFromBlankLine_mode", function() { return {token: function(stream) { stream.skipToEnd(); return "comment"; }, blankLine: function() { return "line-blank"; }}; }); cm.setOption("mode", "lineStyleFromBlankLine_mode"); var blankElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "blank"); eq(blankElts.length, 1); eq(blankElts[0].nodeName, "PRE"); cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(1, 0)); blankElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "blank"); eq(blankElts.length, 0); }, {value: "foo\n\nbar"}); CodeMirror.registerHelper("xxx", "a", "A"); CodeMirror.registerHelper("xxx", "b", "B"); CodeMirror.defineMode("yyy", function() { return { token: function(stream) { stream.skipToEnd(); }, xxx: ["a", "b", "q"] }; }); CodeMirror.registerGlobalHelper("xxx", "c", function(m) { return m.enableC; }, "C"); testCM("helpers", function(cm) { cm.setOption("mode", "yyy"); eq(cm.getHelpers(Pos(0, 0), "xxx").join("/"), "A/B"); cm.setOption("mode", {name: "yyy", modeProps: {xxx: "b", enableC: true}}); eq(cm.getHelpers(Pos(0, 0), "xxx").join("/"), "B/C"); cm.setOption("mode", "javascript"); eq(cm.getHelpers(Pos(0, 0), "xxx").join("/"), ""); }); testCM("selectionHistory", function(cm) { for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cm.setExtending(true); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.setExtending(false); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); } cm.execCommand("undoSelection"); eq(cm.getSelection(), "c"); cm.execCommand("undoSelection"); eq(cm.getSelection(), ""); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4, "before")); cm.execCommand("undoSelection"); eq(cm.getSelection(), "b"); cm.execCommand("redoSelection"); eq(cm.getSelection(), ""); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4, "before")); cm.execCommand("redoSelection"); eq(cm.getSelection(), "c"); cm.execCommand("redoSelection"); eq(cm.getSelection(), ""); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6, "before")); }, {value: "a b c d"}); testCM("selectionChangeReducesRedo", function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection("X"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.undoSelection(); cm.execCommand("selectAll"); cm.undoSelection(); eq(cm.getValue(), "Xabc"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1)); cm.undoSelection(); eq(cm.getValue(), "abc"); }, {value: "abc"}); testCM("selectionHistoryNonOverlapping", function(cm) { cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1)); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 3)); cm.execCommand("undoSelection"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(0, 0)); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(0, 1)); }, {value: "1234"}); testCM("cursorMotionSplitsHistory", function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection("a"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.replaceSelection("b"); cm.replaceSelection("c"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "a1234"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2, "before")); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "1234"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); }, {value: "1234"}); testCM("selChangeInOperationDoesNotSplit", function(cm) { for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cm.operation(function() { cm.replaceSelection("x"); cm.setCursor(Pos(0, cm.getCursor().ch - 1)); }); } eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0)); eq(cm.getValue(), "xxxxa"); cm.undo(); eq(cm.getValue(), "a"); }, {value: "a"}); testCM("alwaysMergeSelEventWithChangeOrigin", function(cm) { cm.replaceSelection("U", null, "foo"); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1), {origin: "foo"}); cm.undoSelection(); eq(cm.getValue(), "a"); cm.replaceSelection("V", null, "foo"); cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1), {origin: "bar"}); cm.undoSelection(); eq(cm.getValue(), "Va"); }, {value: "a"}); testCM("getTokenAt", function(cm) { var tokPlus = cm.getTokenAt(Pos(0, 2)); eq(tokPlus.type, "operator"); eq(tokPlus.string, "+"); var toks = cm.getLineTokens(0); eq(toks.length, 3); forEach([["number", "1"], ["operator", "+"], ["number", "2"]], function(expect, i) { eq(toks[i].type, expect[0]); eq(toks[i].string, expect[1]); }); }, {value: "1+2", mode: "javascript"}); testCM("getTokenTypeAt", function(cm) { eq(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(0, 0)), "number"); eq(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(0, 6)), "string"); cm.addOverlay({ token: function(stream) { if (stream.match("foo")) return "foo"; else; } }); eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-foo").length, 1); eq(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(0, 6)), "string"); }, {value: "1 + 'foo'", mode: "javascript"}); testCM("addOverlay", function(cm) { cm.addOverlay({ token: function(stream) { var base = stream.baseToken() if (!/comment/.test(base.type) && stream.match(/\d+/)) return "x" } }) var x = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-x") is(x.length, 1) is(x[0].textContent, "233") cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 4), Pos(0, 6)) is(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-x").length, 2) }, {value: "foo /* 100 */\nbar + 233;\nbaz", mode: "javascript"}) testCM("resizeLineWidget", function(cm) { addDoc(cm, 200, 3); var widget = document.createElement("pre"); widget.innerHTML = "imwidget"; = "yellow"; cm.addLineWidget(1, widget, {noHScroll: true}); cm.setSize(40); is(widget.parentNode.offsetWidth < 42); }); testCM("combinedOperations", function(cm) { var place = document.getElementById("testground"); var other = CodeMirror(place, {value: "123"}); try { cm.operation(function() { cm.addLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo"); other.addLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo"); }); eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 1); eq(byClassName(other.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 1); cm.operation(function() { cm.removeLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo"); other.removeLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo"); }); eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 0); eq(byClassName(other.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 0); } finally { place.removeChild(other.getWrapperElement()); } }, {value: "abc"}); testCM("eventOrder", function(cm) { var seen = []; cm.on("change", function() { if (!seen.length) cm.replaceSelection("."); seen.push("change"); }); cm.on("cursorActivity", function() { cm.replaceSelection("!"); seen.push("activity"); }); cm.replaceSelection("/"); eq(seen.join(","), "change,change,activity,change"); }); testCM("splitSpaces_nonspecial", function(cm) { eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-invalidchar").length, 0); }, { specialChars: /[\u00a0]/, value: "spaces -> <- between" }); test("core_rmClass", function() { var node = document.createElement("div"); node.className = "foo-bar baz-quux yadda"; CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "quux"); eq(node.className, "foo-bar baz-quux yadda"); CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "baz-quux"); eq(node.className, "foo-bar yadda"); CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "yadda"); eq(node.className, "foo-bar"); CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "foo-bar"); eq(node.className, ""); node.className = " foo "; CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "foo"); eq(node.className, ""); }); test("core_addClass", function() { var node = document.createElement("div"); CodeMirror.addClass(node, "a"); eq(node.className, "a"); CodeMirror.addClass(node, "a"); eq(node.className, "a"); CodeMirror.addClass(node, "b"); eq(node.className, "a b"); CodeMirror.addClass(node, "a"); CodeMirror.addClass(node, "b"); eq(node.className, "a b"); }); testCM("lineSeparator", function(cm) { eq(cm.lineCount(), 3); eq(cm.getLine(1), "bar\r"); eq(cm.getLine(2), "baz\rquux"); cm.setOption("lineSeparator", "\r"); eq(cm.lineCount(), 5); eq(cm.getLine(4), "quux"); eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\rbar\r\rbaz\rquux"); eq(cm.getValue("\n"), "foo\nbar\n\nbaz\nquux"); cm.setOption("lineSeparator", null); cm.setValue("foo\nbar\r\nbaz\rquux"); eq(cm.lineCount(), 4); }, {value: "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\rquux", lineSeparator: "\n"}); var extendingChars = /[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u065e\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06de-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0900-\u0902\u093c\u0941-\u0948\u094d\u0951-\u0955\u0962\u0963\u0981\u09bc\u09be\u09c1-\u09c4\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u0a01\u0a02\u0a3c\u0a41\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a70\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81\u0a82\u0abc\u0ac1-\u0ac5\u0ac7\u0ac8\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0b01\u0b3c\u0b3e\u0b3f\u0b41-\u0b44\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b82\u0bbe\u0bc0\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0c3e-\u0c40\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0cbc\u0cbf\u0cc2\u0cc6\u0ccc\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0d3e\u0d41-\u0d44\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0dca\u0dcf\u0dd2-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0ddf\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0f18\u0f19\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f71-\u0f7e\u0f80-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f90-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102d-\u1030\u1032-\u1037\u1039\u103a\u103d\u103e\u1058\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1071-\u1074\u1082\u1085\u1086\u108d\u109d\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b7-\u17bd\u17c6\u17c9-\u17d3\u17dd\u180b-\u180d\u18a9\u1920-\u1922\u1927\u1928\u1932\u1939-\u193b\u1a17\u1a18\u1a56\u1a58-\u1a5e\u1a60\u1a62\u1a65-\u1a6c\u1a73-\u1a7c\u1a7f\u1b00-\u1b03\u1b34\u1b36-\u1b3a\u1b3c\u1b42\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80\u1b81\u1ba2-\u1ba5\u1ba8\u1ba9\u1c2c-\u1c33\u1c36\u1c37\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce0\u1ce2-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1dc0-\u1de6\u1dfd-\u1dff\u200c\u200d\u20d0-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua66f-\ua672\ua67c\ua67d\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua825\ua826\ua8c4\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua951\ua980-\ua982\ua9b3\ua9b6-\ua9b9\ua9bc\uaa29-\uaa2e\uaa31\uaa32\uaa35\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uabe5\uabe8\uabed\udc00-\udfff\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\uff9e\uff9f]/ var getChar = function (noExtending) { var res; do {res = String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random()*0x8ac)); } while ([0x90].indexOf(res.charCodeAt(0)) != -1 || (noExtending && extendingChars.test(res))); return res } var getString = function (n) { var res = getChar(true); while (--n > 0) res += getChar(); return res } function makeItWrapAfter(cm, pos) { var firstLineTop = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 0)).top; for(var w = 0, posTop; posTop != firstLineTop; ++w) { cm.setSize(w); posTop = cm.charCoords(pos).top; } } function countIf(arr, f) { var result = 0 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) if (f[arr[i]]) result++ return result } function testMoveBidi(str) { testCM("move_bidi_" + str, function(cm) { if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea" || !cm.getOption("rtlMoveVisually")) return; cm.getScrollerElement().style.fontFamily = "monospace"; makeItWrapAfter(cm, Pos(0, 5)); var steps = str.length - countIf(str.split(""), function(ch) { return extendingChars.test(ch) }); var lineBreaks = {} lineBreaks[6 - countIf(str.substr(0, 5).split(""), function(ch) { return extendingChars.test(ch) })] = 'w'; if (str.indexOf("\n") != -1) { lineBreaks[steps - 2] = 'n'; } // Make sure we are at the visual beginning of the first line cm.execCommand("goLineStart"); var prevCoords = cm.cursorCoords(), coords; for(var i = 0; i < steps; ++i) { cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); coords = cm.cursorCoords(); if ((i >= 10 && i <= 12) && !lineBreaks[i] && coords.left < prevCoords.left && > { // The first line wraps twice lineBreaks[i] = 'w'; } if (!lineBreaks[i]) { is(coords.left > prevCoords.left, "In step " + i + ", cursor didn't move right"); eq(,, "In step " + i + ", cursor moved out of line"); } else { is(coords.left < prevCoords.left, i); is( >, i); } prevCoords = coords; } cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); coords = cm.cursorCoords(); eq(coords.left, prevCoords.left, "Moving " + steps + " steps right didn't reach the end"); eq(,, "Moving " + steps + " steps right didn't reach the end"); for(i = steps - 1; i >= 0; --i) { cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); coords = cm.cursorCoords(); if (!(lineBreaks[i] == 'n' || lineBreaks[i + 1] == 'w')) { is(coords.left < prevCoords.left, "In step " + i + ", cursor didn't move left"); eq(,, "In step " + i + ", cursor is not at the same line anymore"); } else { is(coords.left > prevCoords.left, i); is( <, i); } prevCoords = coords; } cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); coords = cm.cursorCoords(); eq(coords.left, prevCoords.left, "Moving " + steps + " steps left didn't reach the beginning"); eq(,, "Moving " + steps + " steps left didn't reach the beginning"); }, {value: str, lineWrapping: true}) }; function testMoveEndBidi(str) { testCM("move_end_bidi_" + str, function(cm) { cm.getScrollerElement().style.fontFamily = "monospace"; makeItWrapAfter(cm, Pos(0, 5)); cm.execCommand("goLineStart"); var pos = cm.doc.getCursor(); cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); eqCursorPos(pos, cm.doc.getCursor()); cm.execCommand("goLineEnd"); pos = cm.doc.getCursor(); cm.execCommand("goColumnRight"); eqCursorPos(pos, cm.doc.getCursor()); }, {value: str, lineWrapping: true}) }; var bidiTests = []; // We don't correctly implement L1 UBA // See // and /* bidiTests.push("Say ا ب جabj\nS"); bidiTests.push("Sayyy ا ا ب ج"); */ if (!phantom) { bidiTests.push("Όȝǝڪȉۥ״ۺ׆ɀҩۏ\nҳ"); bidiTests.push("ŌӰтقȤ؁ƥ؅٣ĎȺ١\nϚ"); bidiTests.push("ٻоҤѕѽΩ־؉ïίքdz\nٵ"); bidiTests.push("؅؁ĆՕƿɁǞϮؠȩóć\nď"); bidiTests.push("RŨďңŪzϢŎƏԖڇڦ\nӈ"); bidiTests.push("ό׊۷٢ԜһОצЉيčǟ\nѩ"); bidiTests.push("ۑÚҳҕڬġڹհяųKV\nr"); bidiTests.push("źڻғúہ4ם1Ƞc1a\nԁ"); bidiTests.push("ҒȨҟփƞ٦ԓȦڰғâƥ\nڤ"); bidiTests.push("ϖسՉȏŧΔԛdžĎӟیڡ\nέ"); bidiTests.push("۹ؼL۵ĺȧКԙػא7״\nم"); bidiTests.push("ن (ي)\u2009أقواس"); // thin space to throw off Firefox 51's broken white-space compressing behavior } bidiTests.push("քմѧǮßپüŢҍҞўڳ\nӧ"); //bidiTests.push("Count ١ ٢ ٣ ٤"); //bidiTests.push("ӣאƦϰ؊ȓېÛوը٬ز\nϪ"); //bidiTests.push("ҾճٳџIՖӻ٥׭֐؜ڏ\nێ"); //bidiTests.push("ҬÓФ؜ڂį٦Ͽɓڐͳٵ\nՈ"); //bidiTests.push("aѴNijȻهˇ҃ڱӧǻֵ\na"); //bidiTests.push(" a٧ا٢ ب جa\nS"); for (var i = 0; i < bidiTests.length; ++i) { testMoveBidi(bidiTests[i]); testMoveEndBidi(bidiTests[i]); } /* for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { testMoveBidi(getString(12) + "\n" + getString(1)); } */ function testCoordsWrappedBidi(str) { testCM("coords_wrapped_bidi_" + str, function(cm) { cm.getScrollerElement().style.fontFamily = "monospace"; makeItWrapAfter(cm, Pos(0, 5)); // Make sure we are at the visual beginning of the first line var pos = Pos(0, 0), lastPos; cm.doc.setCursor(pos); do { lastPos = pos; cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); pos = cm.doc.getCursor(); } while (pos != lastPos) var top = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0)).top, lastTop; for (var i = 1; i < str.length; ++i) { lastTop = top; top = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, i)).top; is(top >= lastTop); } }, {value: str, lineWrapping: true}) }; testCoordsWrappedBidi("Count ١ ٢ ٣ ٤"); /* for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { testCoordsWrappedBidi(getString(50)); } */ testCM("rtl_wrapped_selection", function(cm) { cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 10), Pos(0, 190)) is(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-selected").length >= 3) }, {value: new Array(10).join(" فتي تم تضمينها فتي تم"), lineWrapping: true}) testCM("bidi_wrapped_selection", function(cm) { if (phantom) return cm.setSize(cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 10), "editor").left) cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 37), Pos(0, 80)) var blocks = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-selected") is(blocks.length >= 2) is(blocks.length <= 3) var boxTop = blocks[0].getBoundingClientRect(), boxBot = blocks[blocks.length - 1].getBoundingClientRect() is(boxTop.left > cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 1)).right) is(boxBot.right < cm.charCoords(Pos(0, cm.getLine(0).length - 2)).left) }, {value: "

مفتي11 تم تضمينهفتي تم تضمينها فتي تفتي تم تضمينها فتي تفتي تم تضمينها فتي تفتي تم تضمينها فتي تا فت10ي ت

", lineWrapping: true}) testCM("delete_wrapped", function(cm) { makeItWrapAfter(cm, Pos(0, 2)); cm.doc.setCursor(Pos(0, 3, "after")); cm.deleteH(-1, "char"); eq(cm.getLine(0), "1245"); }, {value: "12345", lineWrapping: true}) testCM("issue_4878", function(cm) { if (phantom) return cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 12, "after")); cm.moveH(-1, "char"); eqCursorPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 113, "before")); }, {value: " في تطبيق السمات مرة واحدةعلى سبيل المثال \"foo bar\"\n" + " سيتم تعيين", direction: "rtl", lineWrapping: true}); CodeMirror.defineMode("lookahead_mode", function() { // Colors text as atom if the line two lines down has an x in it return { token: function(stream) { stream.skipToEnd() return /x/.test(stream.lookAhead(2)) ? "atom" : null } } }) testCM("mode_lookahead", function(cm) { eq(cm.getTokenAt(Pos(0, 1)).type, "atom") eq(cm.getTokenAt(Pos(1, 1)).type, "atom") eq(cm.getTokenAt(Pos(2, 1)).type, null) cm.replaceRange("\n", Pos(2, 0)) eq(cm.getTokenAt(Pos(0, 1)).type, null) eq(cm.getTokenAt(Pos(1, 1)).type, "atom") }, {value: "foo\na\nx\nx\n", mode: "lookahead_mode"})