/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/helpers-browser-toolbox.js", this ); // Test that internal DBs are hidden in the regular toolbox,but visible in the // Browser Toolbox add_task(async function () { await openTabAndSetupStorage( MAIN_DOMAIN_SECURED + "storage-empty-objectstores.html" ); const doc = gPanelWindow.document; // check regular toolbox info("Check indexedDB tree in toolbox"); const hosts = getDBHostsInTree(doc); is(hosts.length, 1, "There is only one host for indexedDB storage"); is(hosts[0], "https://test1.example.org", "Host is test1.example.org"); // check browser toolbox info("awaiting to open browser toolbox"); const ToolboxTask = await initBrowserToolboxTask(); await ToolboxTask.importFunctions({ getDBHostsInTree }); await ToolboxTask.spawn(null, async () => { info("Selecting storage panel"); await gToolbox.selectTool("storage"); info("Check indexedDB tree in browser toolbox"); const browserToolboxDoc = gToolbox.getCurrentPanel().panelWindow.document; const browserToolboxHosts = getDBHostsInTree(browserToolboxDoc); ok(browserToolboxHosts.length > 1, "There are more than 1 indexedDB hosts"); ok( browserToolboxHosts.includes("about:devtools-toolbox"), "about:devtools-toolbox host is present" ); ok(browserToolboxHosts.includes("chrome"), "chrome host is present"); ok( browserToolboxHosts.includes("indexeddb+++fx-devtools"), "fx-devtools host is present" ); }); info("Destroying browser toolbox"); await ToolboxTask.destroy(); }); function getDBHostsInTree(doc) { const treeId = JSON.stringify(["indexedDB"]); const items = doc.querySelectorAll( `[data-id='${treeId}'] > .tree-widget-children > *` ); // the host is located at the 2nd element of the array in data-id return [...items].map(x => JSON.parse(x.dataset.id)[1]); }