/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { getAllPrefs, } = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/selectors/prefs.js"); const { getAllUi, } = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/selectors/ui.js"); const { getMessage, } = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/selectors/messages.js"); const { INITIALIZE, PERSIST_TOGGLE, PREFS, REVERSE_SEARCH_INPUT_TOGGLE, SELECT_NETWORK_MESSAGE_TAB, SHOW_OBJECT_IN_SIDEBAR, SIDEBAR_CLOSE, SPLIT_CONSOLE_CLOSE_BUTTON_TOGGLE, SHOW_EVALUATION_NOTIFICATION, TIMESTAMPS_TOGGLE, WARNING_GROUPS_TOGGLE, FILTERBAR_DISPLAY_MODE_SET, EDITOR_TOGGLE, EDITOR_SET_WIDTH, EDITOR_ONBOARDING_DISMISS, EAGER_EVALUATION_TOGGLE, AUTOCOMPLETE_TOGGLE, ENABLE_NETWORK_MONITORING, } = require("resource://devtools/client/webconsole/constants.js"); function openLink(url, e) { return ({ hud }) => { return hud.openLink(url, e); }; } function persistToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: PERSIST_TOGGLE, }); const uiState = getAllUi(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref(PREFS.UI.PERSIST, uiState.persistLogs); }; } function networkMonitoringToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService, webConsoleUI }) => { dispatch({ type: ENABLE_NETWORK_MONITORING }); const uiState = getAllUi(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref( PREFS.UI.ENABLE_NETWORK_MONITORING, uiState.enableNetworkMonitoring ); if (uiState.enableNetworkMonitoring) { webConsoleUI.startWatchingNetworkResources(); } else { webConsoleUI.stopWatchingNetworkResources(); } }; } function timestampsToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: TIMESTAMPS_TOGGLE, }); const uiState = getAllUi(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref( PREFS.UI.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP, uiState.timestampsVisible ); }; } function autocompleteToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: AUTOCOMPLETE_TOGGLE, }); const prefsState = getAllPrefs(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref( PREFS.FEATURES.AUTOCOMPLETE, prefsState.autocomplete ); }; } function warningGroupsToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: WARNING_GROUPS_TOGGLE, }); const prefsState = getAllPrefs(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref( PREFS.FEATURES.GROUP_WARNINGS, prefsState.groupWarnings ); }; } function eagerEvaluationToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: EAGER_EVALUATION_TOGGLE, }); const prefsState = getAllPrefs(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref( PREFS.FEATURES.EAGER_EVALUATION, prefsState.eagerEvaluation ); }; } function selectNetworkMessageTab(id) { return { type: SELECT_NETWORK_MESSAGE_TAB, id, }; } function initialize() { return { type: INITIALIZE, }; } function sidebarClose() { return { type: SIDEBAR_CLOSE, }; } function splitConsoleCloseButtonToggle(shouldDisplayButton) { return { type: SPLIT_CONSOLE_CLOSE_BUTTON_TOGGLE, shouldDisplayButton, }; } function editorToggle() { return ({ dispatch, getState, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: EDITOR_TOGGLE, }); const uiState = getAllUi(getState()); prefsService.setBoolPref(PREFS.UI.EDITOR, uiState.editor); }; } function editorOnboardingDismiss() { return ({ dispatch, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: EDITOR_ONBOARDING_DISMISS, }); prefsService.setBoolPref(PREFS.UI.EDITOR_ONBOARDING, false); }; } function setEditorWidth(width) { return ({ dispatch, prefsService }) => { dispatch({ type: EDITOR_SET_WIDTH, width, }); prefsService.setIntPref(PREFS.UI.EDITOR_WIDTH, width); }; } /** * Dispatches a SHOW_OBJECT_IN_SIDEBAR action, with a grip property corresponding to the * {actor} parameter in the {messageId} message. * * @param {String} actorID: Actor id of the object we want to place in the sidebar. * @param {String} messageId: id of the message containing the {actor} parameter. */ function showMessageObjectInSidebar(actorID, messageId) { return ({ dispatch, getState }) => { const { parameters } = getMessage(getState(), messageId); if (Array.isArray(parameters)) { for (const parameter of parameters) { if (parameter && parameter.actorID === actorID) { dispatch(showObjectInSidebar(parameter)); return; } } } }; } function showObjectInSidebar(front) { return { type: SHOW_OBJECT_IN_SIDEBAR, front, }; } function reverseSearchInputToggle({ initialValue, access } = {}) { return { type: REVERSE_SEARCH_INPUT_TOGGLE, initialValue, access, }; } function filterBarDisplayModeSet(displayMode) { return { type: FILTERBAR_DISPLAY_MODE_SET, displayMode, }; } function openSidebar(messageId, rootActorId) { return ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch(showMessageObjectInSidebar(rootActorId, messageId)); }; } function showEvaluationNotification(notification) { return { type: SHOW_EVALUATION_NOTIFICATION, notification, }; } module.exports = { eagerEvaluationToggle, editorOnboardingDismiss, editorToggle, filterBarDisplayModeSet, initialize, persistToggle, reverseSearchInputToggle, selectNetworkMessageTab, setEditorWidth, showMessageObjectInSidebar, showObjectInSidebar, sidebarClose, splitConsoleCloseButtonToggle, timestampsToggle, networkMonitoringToggle, warningGroupsToggle, openLink, openSidebar, autocompleteToggle, showEvaluationNotification, };