/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Check that the browser console gets session state is set correctly, and that // it re-opens when restore is requested. "use strict"; add_task(async function () { is( BrowserConsoleManager.getBrowserConsoleSessionState(), false, "Session state false by default" ); BrowserConsoleManager.storeBrowserConsoleSessionState(); is( BrowserConsoleManager.getBrowserConsoleSessionState(), false, "Session state still not true even after setting (since Browser Console is closed)" ); const hud = await BrowserConsoleManager.toggleBrowserConsole(); BrowserConsoleManager.storeBrowserConsoleSessionState(); is( BrowserConsoleManager.getBrowserConsoleSessionState(), true, "Session state true (since Browser Console is opened)" ); info( "Closing the browser console and waiting for the session restore to reopen it" ); await safeCloseBrowserConsole(); const opened = waitForBrowserConsole(hud); await gDevTools.restoreDevToolsSession({ browserConsole: true, }); info("Waiting for the console to open after session restore"); await opened; });