/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Check that Ctrl-W closes the Browser Console and that Ctrl-W closes the // current tab when using the Web Console - bug 871156. "use strict"; add_task(async function () { const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,bug871156\n" + "

hello world"; const firstTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; let hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); const toolbox = gDevTools.getToolboxForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); const tabClosed = once(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabClose"); tabClosed.then(() => info("tab closed")); const tabSelected = new Promise(resolve => { gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener( "TabSelect", function () { if (gBrowser.selectedTab == firstTab) { info("tab selected"); resolve(null); } }, { once: true } ); }); const toolboxDestroyed = toolbox.once("destroyed", () => { info("toolbox destroyed"); }); // Get out of the web console initialization. executeSoon(() => { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("w", { accelKey: true }); }); await Promise.all([tabClosed, toolboxDestroyed, tabSelected]); info("Promise.all resolved. start testing the Browser Console"); hud = await BrowserConsoleManager.toggleBrowserConsole(); ok(hud, "Browser Console opened"); const onBrowserConsoleClosed = new Promise(resolve => { Services.obs.addObserver(function onDestroy() { Services.obs.removeObserver(onDestroy, "web-console-destroyed"); resolve(); }, "web-console-destroyed"); }); await waitForAllTargetsToBeAttached(hud.commands.targetCommand); waitForFocus(() => { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("w", { accelKey: true }, hud.iframeWindow); }, hud.iframeWindow); await onBrowserConsoleClosed; ok(true, "the Browser Console closed"); });