/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const TEST_URI = `data:text/html;charset=utf-8,


`; const EAGER_EVALUATION_PREF = "devtools.webconsole.input.eagerEvaluation"; // Basic testing of eager evaluation functionality. Expressions which can be // eagerly evaluated should show their results, and expressions with side // effects should not perform those side effects. add_task(async function () { // Open the inspector first to select a node, so that we can later test "$0" const toolbox = await openNewTabAndToolbox(TEST_URI, "inspector"); await selectNodeWithPicker(toolbox, "h1"); info("Picker mode stopped,

selected, now switching to the console"); const hud = await openConsole(); // Do an evaluation to populate $_ await executeAndWaitForResultMessage( hud, "'result: ' + (x + y)", "result: 7" ); setInputValue(hud, "x + y"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "7"); setInputValue(hud, "x + y + undefined"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "NaN"); setInputValue(hud, "1 - 1"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "0"); setInputValue(hud, "!true"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "false"); setInputValue(hud, `"ab".slice(0, 0)`); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `""`); setInputValue(hud, `JSON.parse("null")`); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "null"); setInputValue(hud, "-x / 0"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "-Infinity"); setInputValue(hud, "x = 10"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "x + 1"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "4"); setInputValue(hud, "zzyzx()"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "x + 2"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "5"); setInputValue(hud, "x +"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "x + z"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, /ReferenceError/); setInputValue(hud, "var a = 5"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "x + a"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, /ReferenceError/); setInputValue(hud, '"foobar".slice(1, 5)'); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, '"ooba"'); setInputValue(hud, '"foobar".toString()'); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, '"foobar"'); setInputValue(hud, "(new Array()).push(3)"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "(new Uint32Array([1,2,3])).includes(2)"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "true"); setInputValue(hud, "Math.round(3.2)"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "3"); info("Check web console commands"); setInputValue(hud, "help()"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "$0"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `

`); setInputValue(hud, "$('html')"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, ``); setInputValue(hud, "$$"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `42`); info("Check that $_ wasn't polluted by eager evaluations"); setInputValue(hud, "$_"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"result: 7"`); setInputValue(hud, "'> ' + $_"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"> result: 7"`); info("Switch to editor mode"); await toggleLayout(hud); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"> result: 7"`); ok(true, "eager evaluation is still displayed in editor mode"); setInputValue(hud, "4 + 7"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "11"); // go back to inline layout. await toggleLayout(hud); setInputValue(hud, "typeof new Proxy({}, {})"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"object"`); setInputValue(hud, "typeof Proxy.revocable({}, {}).revoke"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"function"`); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.apply(() => 1, null, [])"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "1"); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.apply(() => { globalThis.sideEffect = true; return 2; }, null, [])` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.construct(Array, []).length"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "0"); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.construct(function() { globalThis.sideEffect = true; }, [])` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.defineProperty({}, 'a', {value: 1})"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.deleteProperty({a: 1}, 'a')"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.get({a: 1}, 'a')"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "1"); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.get({get a(){return 2}, 'a')"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({a: 1}, 'a').value"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "1"); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( new Proxy({ a: 2 }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor() { globalThis.sideEffect = true; return { value: 2 }; }}), "a" )` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.getPrototypeOf({}) === Object.prototype"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "true"); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.getPrototypeOf( new Proxy({}, { getPrototypeOf() { globalThis.sideEffect = true; return null; }}) )` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.has({a: 1}, 'a')"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "true"); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.has( new Proxy({ a: 2 }, { has() { globalThis.sideEffect = true; return true; }}), "a" )` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.isExtensible({})"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "true"); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.isExtensible( new Proxy({}, { isExtensible() { globalThis.sideEffect = true; return true; }}) )` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.ownKeys({a: 1})[0]"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"a"`); setInputValue( hud, `Reflect.ownKeys( new Proxy({}, { ownKeys() { globalThis.sideEffect = true; return ['a']; }}) )` ); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.preventExtensions({})"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.set({}, 'a', 1)"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "Reflect.setPrototypeOf({}, null)"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "[] instanceof Array"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "true"); setInputValue(hud, "Int8Array.from({length: 1})[0]"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "0"); setInputValue(hud, "Float64Array.of(1)[0]"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "1"); setInputValue(hud, "array.fill()"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); setInputValue(hud, "array"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "Array(3) [ 1, 2, 3 ]"); info("Check that top-level await expression are not evaluated"); setInputValue(hud, "await 1; 2 + 3;"); await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); ok(true, "instant evaluation is disabled for top-level await expressions"); }); // Test that the currently selected autocomplete result is eagerly evaluated. add_task(async function () { const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); const { jsterm } = hud; const { autocompletePopup: popup } = jsterm; ok(!popup.isOpen, "popup is not open"); let onPopupOpen = popup.once("popup-opened"); EventUtils.sendString("zzy"); await onPopupOpen; await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "function zzyzx()"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "function zzyzx2()"); // works when the input isn't properly cased but matches an autocomplete item setInputValue(hud, "o"); onPopupOpen = popup.once("popup-opened"); EventUtils.sendString("B"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `Object { propA: "A", propB: "B" }`); // works when doing element access without quotes setInputValue(hud, "obj[p"); onPopupOpen = popup.once("popup-opened"); EventUtils.sendString("RoP"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"A"`); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"B"`); // closing the autocomplete popup updates the eager evaluation result let onPopupClose = popup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape"); await onPopupClose; await waitForNoEagerEvaluationResult(hud); info( "Check that closing the popup by adding a space will update the instant eval result" ); await setInputValueForAutocompletion(hud, "x"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "3"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); // Navigates to the XMLDocument item in the popup await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `function XMLDocument()`); onPopupClose = popup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.sendString(" "); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `3`); }); // Test that the setting works as expected. add_task(async function () { // start with the pref off. await pushPref(EAGER_EVALUATION_PREF, false); const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); info("Check that the setting is disabled"); checkConsoleSettingState( hud, ".webconsole-console-settings-menu-item-eager-evaluation", false ); // Wait for the autocomplete popup to be displayed so we know the eager evaluation could // have occured. const onPopupOpen = hud.jsterm.autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened"); await setInputValueForAutocompletion(hud, "x + y"); await onPopupOpen; is( getEagerEvaluationElement(hud), null, "There's no eager evaluation element" ); hud.jsterm.autocompletePopup.hidePopup(); info("Turn on the eager evaluation"); toggleConsoleSetting( hud, ".webconsole-console-settings-menu-item-eager-evaluation" ); await waitFor(() => getEagerEvaluationElement(hud)); ok(true, "The eager evaluation element is now displayed"); is( Services.prefs.getBoolPref(EAGER_EVALUATION_PREF), true, "Pref was changed" ); setInputValue(hud, "1 + 2"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, "3"); ok(true, "Eager evaluation result is displayed"); info("Turn off the eager evaluation"); toggleConsoleSetting( hud, ".webconsole-console-settings-menu-item-eager-evaluation" ); await waitFor(() => !getEagerEvaluationElement(hud)); is( Services.prefs.getBoolPref(EAGER_EVALUATION_PREF), false, "Pref was changed" ); ok(true, "Eager evaluation element is no longer displayed"); // reset the preference await pushPref(EAGER_EVALUATION_PREF, true); }); // Test that the console instant evaluation is updated on page navigation add_task(async function () { const start_uri = "data:text/html, Start uri"; const new_uri = "data:text/html, Test console refresh instant value"; const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(start_uri); setInputValue(hud, "globalThis.location.href"); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"${start_uri}"`); await navigateTo(new_uri); await waitForEagerEvaluationResult(hud, `"${new_uri}"`); });