/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test to make sure that web console commands can fire while paused at a // breakpoint that was triggered from a JS call. Relies on asynchronous js // evaluation over the protocol - see Bug 1088861. "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/browser/test-eval-in-stackframe.html"; add_task(async function () { // TODO: Remove this pref change when middleware for terminating requests // when closing a panel is implemented await pushPref("devtools.debugger.features.inline-preview", false); info("open the console"); const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); info("open the debugger"); await openDebugger(); const toolbox = hud.toolbox; const dbg = createDebuggerContext(toolbox); // firstCall calls secondCall, which has a debugger statement, so we'll be paused. const onFirstCallMessageReceived = waitForMessageByType( hud, "undefined", ".result" ); const unresolvedSymbol = Symbol(); let firstCallEvaluationResult = unresolvedSymbol; onFirstCallMessageReceived.then(message => { firstCallEvaluationResult = message; }); execute(hud, "firstCall()"); info("Waiting for a frame to be added"); await waitForPaused(dbg); info("frames added, select the console again"); await openConsole(); info("Executing basic command while paused"); await executeAndWaitForResultMessage(hud, "1 + 2", "3"); ok(true, "`1 + 2` was evaluated whith debugger paused"); info("Executing command using scoped variables while paused"); await executeAndWaitForResultMessage( hud, "foo + foo2", `"globalFooBug783499foo2SecondCall"` ); ok(true, "`foo + foo2` was evaluated as expected with debugger paused"); info( "Checking the first command, which is the last to resolve since it paused" ); Assert.strictEqual( firstCallEvaluationResult, unresolvedSymbol, "firstCall was not evaluated yet" ); info("Resuming the thread"); dbg.actions.resume(); await onFirstCallMessageReceived; Assert.notStrictEqual( firstCallEvaluationResult, unresolvedSymbol, "firstCall() returned correct value" ); });