/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Check that warning messages are displayed for documents with non-standards doctype const QUIRKY_DOCTYPE = ""; const ALMOST_STANDARD_DOCTYPE = ``; const STANDARD_DOCTYPE = ""; const TEST_URI_QUIRKY_DOCTYPE = `data:text/html,${QUIRKY_DOCTYPE}



Almost standard

`; const TEST_URI_NO_DOCTYPE = `data:text/html,

No DocType



`; const LEARN_MORE_URI = "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode" + DOCS_GA_PARAMS; add_task(async function () { info("Navigate to page with quirky doctype"); const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI_QUIRKY_DOCTYPE); const quirkyDocTypeMessage = await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage( hud, `This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “”` ) ); ok(!!quirkyDocTypeMessage, "Quirky doctype warning message is visible"); info("Clicking on the Learn More link"); const quirkyDocTypeMessageLearnMoreLink = quirkyDocTypeMessage.querySelector(".learn-more-link"); let linkSimulation = await simulateLinkClick( quirkyDocTypeMessageLearnMoreLink ); is( linkSimulation.link, LEARN_MORE_URI, `Clicking the provided link opens expected URL` ); is(linkSimulation.where, "tab", `Clicking the provided link opens in a tab`); info("Navigate to page with almost standard doctype"); await navigateTo(TEST_URI_ALMOST_STANDARD_DOCTYPE); const almostStandardDocTypeMessage = await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage( hud, `This page is in Almost Standards Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “”` ) ); ok( !!almostStandardDocTypeMessage, "Almost standards mode doctype warning message is visible" ); info("Clicking on the Learn More link"); const almostStandardDocTypeMessageLearnMoreLink = almostStandardDocTypeMessage.querySelector(".learn-more-link"); linkSimulation = await simulateLinkClick( almostStandardDocTypeMessageLearnMoreLink ); is( linkSimulation.link, LEARN_MORE_URI, `Clicking the provided link opens expected URL` ); is(linkSimulation.where, "tab", `Clicking the provided link opens in a tab`); info("Navigate to page with no doctype"); await navigateTo(TEST_URI_NO_DOCTYPE); const noDocTypeMessage = await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage( hud, `This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “”` ) ); ok(!!noDocTypeMessage, "No doctype warning message is visible"); info("Clicking on the Learn More link"); const noDocTypeMessageLearnMoreLink = noDocTypeMessage.querySelector(".learn-more-link"); linkSimulation = await simulateLinkClick(noDocTypeMessageLearnMoreLink); is( linkSimulation.link, LEARN_MORE_URI, `Clicking the provided link opens expected URL` ); is(linkSimulation.where, "tab", `Clicking the provided link opens in a tab`); info("Navigate to a page with standard doctype"); await navigateTo(TEST_URI_STANDARD_DOCTYPE); info("Wait for a bit to make sure there is no doctype messages"); await wait(1000); ok( !findWarningMessage(hud, `doctype`), "There is no doctype warning message" ); info("Navigate to a about:blank"); await navigateTo("about:blank"); info("Wait for a bit to make sure there is no doctype messages"); await wait(1000); ok( !findWarningMessage(hud, `doctype`), "There is no doctype warning message for about:blank" ); info("Navigate to a view-source uri"); await navigateTo(`view-source:${TEST_URI_NO_DOCTYPE}`); info("Wait for a bit to make sure there is no doctype messages"); await wait(1000); ok( !findWarningMessage(hud, `doctype`), "There is no doctype warning message for view-source" ); await closeConsole(); });