/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

Web Console test for splitting"; add_task(async function () { info( "Test various cases where the escape key should hide the split console." ); const toolbox = await openNewTabAndToolbox(TEST_URI, "inspector"); info("Send ESCAPE key and wait for the split console to be displayed"); const onSplitConsoleReady = toolbox.once("webconsole-ready"); toolbox.win.focus(); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); await onSplitConsoleReady; const hud = toolbox.getPanel("webconsole").hud; const jsterm = hud.jsterm; ok(toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is created."); info( "Wait for the autocomplete to show suggestions for `document.location.`" ); const popup = jsterm.autocompletePopup; const onPopupShown = popup.once("popup-opened"); jsterm.focus(); EventUtils.sendString("document.location."); await onPopupShown; info( "Send ESCAPE key and check that it only hides the autocomplete suggestions" ); const onPopupClosed = popup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); await onPopupClosed; ok(!popup.isOpen, "Auto complete popup is hidden."); ok( toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is open after hiding the autocomplete popup." ); info("Send ESCAPE key again and check that now closes the splitconsole"); const onSplitConsoleEvent = toolbox.once("split-console"); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); await onSplitConsoleEvent; ok(!toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is hidden."); info("Test if Split console Shortcut stops working when it's disabled."); info("Setting the Pref to false and sending ESCAPE key."); await pushPref("devtools.toolbox.splitconsole.enabled", false); // pushPref doesn't trigger _prefChanged of toolbox-options.js, so we invoke the toolbox setting update manually toolbox.updateIsSplitConsoleEnabled(); const onSplitConsole = toolbox.once("split-console"); const onTimeout = wait(1000).then(() => "TIMEOUT"); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); const raceResult = await Promise.race([onSplitConsole, onTimeout]); is(raceResult, "TIMEOUT", "split-console wasn't emitted"); ok(!toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console didn't get Triggered."); info("Setting the Pref to true and sending ESCAPE key again."); await pushPref("devtools.toolbox.splitconsole.enabled", true); toolbox.updateIsSplitConsoleEnabled(); const onSplitConsoleReadyAgain = toolbox.once("split-console"); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); await onSplitConsoleReadyAgain; ok(toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console Shortcut is working again."); });