/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test that filtering the console output when there are warning groups works as expected. "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); const { PrefObserver } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/prefs.js"); const TEST_FILE = "browser/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/test-warning-groups.html"; const TEST_URI = "https://example.org/" + TEST_FILE; const TRACKER_URL = "https://tracking.example.com/"; const BLOCKED_URL = TRACKER_URL + "browser/devtools/client/webconsole/test/browser/test-image.png"; const WARNING_GROUP_PREF = "devtools.webconsole.groupWarningMessages"; const { UrlClassifierTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/UrlClassifierTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); UrlClassifierTestUtils.addTestTrackers(); registerCleanupFunction(function () { UrlClassifierTestUtils.cleanupTestTrackers(); }); pushPref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", true); const CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL = "The resource at “” was blocked because content blocking is enabled."; add_task(async function testContentBlockingMessage() { // Enable persist log await pushPref("devtools.webconsole.persistlog", true); // Start with the warningGroup pref set to false. await pushPref(WARNING_GROUP_PREF, false); const hud = await openNewTabAndConsole(TEST_URI); info("Log a few content blocking messages and simple ones"); let onContentBlockingWarningMessage = waitForMessageByType( hud, `${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, ".warn" ); emitContentBlockedMessage(hud); await onContentBlockingWarningMessage; await logString(hud, "simple message 1"); onContentBlockingWarningMessage = waitForMessageByType( hud, `${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, ".warn" ); emitContentBlockedMessage(hud); await onContentBlockingWarningMessage; onContentBlockingWarningMessage = waitForMessageByType( hud, `${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, ".warn" ); emitContentBlockedMessage(hud); await onContentBlockingWarningMessage; await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `simple message 1`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, ]); info("Enable the warningGroup feature pref and check warnings were grouped"); await toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud); let warningGroupMessage1 = await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL) ); is( warningGroupMessage1.querySelector(".warning-group-badge").textContent, "3", "The badge has the expected text" ); await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `▶︎⚠ ${CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL}`, `simple message 1`, ]); info("Add a new warning message and check it's placed in the closed group"); emitContentBlockedMessage(hud); await waitForBadgeNumber(warningGroupMessage1, "4"); info( "Re-enable the warningGroup feature pref and check warnings are displayed" ); await toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud); await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, `${BLOCKED_URL}?4`)); // Warning messages are displayed at the expected positions. await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `simple message 1`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?4`, ]); info("Re-disable the warningGroup feature pref"); await toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud); console.log("toggle successful"); warningGroupMessage1 = await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL) ); await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `▶︎⚠ ${CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL}`, `simple message 1`, ]); info("Expand the warning group"); warningGroupMessage1.querySelector(".arrow").click(); await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, BLOCKED_URL)); await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `▼︎⚠ ${CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL}`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?4`, `simple message 1`, ]); info("Reload the page and wait for it to be ready"); await reloadPage(); // Wait for the navigation message to be displayed. await waitFor(() => findMessageByType(hud, "Navigated to", ".navigationMarker") ); info("Disable the warningGroup feature pref again"); await toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud); info("Add one warning message and one simple message"); await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, `${BLOCKED_URL}?4`)); onContentBlockingWarningMessage = waitForMessageByType( hud, BLOCKED_URL, ".warn" ); emitContentBlockedMessage(hud); await onContentBlockingWarningMessage; await logString(hud, "simple message 2"); // nothing is grouped. await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `simple message 1`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?4`, `Navigated to`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?5`, `simple message 2`, ]); info( "Enable the warningGroup feature pref to check that the group is still expanded" ); await toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud); await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL)); await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `▼︎⚠ ${CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL}`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?4`, `simple message 1`, `Navigated to`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?5`, `simple message 2`, ]); info( "Add a second warning and check it's placed in the second, closed, group" ); const onContentBlockingWarningGroupMessage = waitForMessageByType( hud, CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL, ".warn" ); emitContentBlockedMessage(hud); const warningGroupMessage2 = (await onContentBlockingWarningGroupMessage) .node; await waitForBadgeNumber(warningGroupMessage2, "2"); await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `▼︎⚠ ${CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL}`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, `| ${BLOCKED_URL}?4`, `simple message 1`, `Navigated to`, `▶︎⚠ ${CONTENT_BLOCKING_GROUP_LABEL}`, `simple message 2`, ]); info( "Disable the warningGroup pref and check all warning messages are visible" ); await toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud); await waitFor(() => findWarningMessage(hud, `${BLOCKED_URL}?6`)); await checkConsoleOutputForWarningGroup(hud, [ `${BLOCKED_URL}?1`, `simple message 1`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?2`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?3`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?4`, `Navigated to`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?5`, `simple message 2`, `${BLOCKED_URL}?6`, ]); // Clean the pref for the next tests. Services.prefs.clearUserPref(WARNING_GROUP_PREF); }); let cpt = 0; /** * Emit a Content Blocking message. This is done by loading an image from an origin * tagged as tracker. The image is loaded with a incremented counter query parameter * each time so we can get the warning message. */ function emitContentBlockedMessage(hud) { const url = `${BLOCKED_URL}?${++cpt}`; SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [url], function (innerURL) { content.wrappedJSObject.loadImage(innerURL); }); } /** * Log a string from the content page. * * @param {WebConsole} hud * @param {String} str */ function logString(hud, str) { const onMessage = waitForMessageByType(hud, str, ".console-api"); SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [str], function (arg) { content.console.log(arg); }); return onMessage; } function waitForBadgeNumber(message, expectedNumber) { return waitFor( () => message.querySelector(".warning-group-badge").textContent == expectedNumber ); } async function toggleWarningGroupPreference(hud) { info("Open the settings panel"); const observer = new PrefObserver(""); info("Change warning preference"); const prefChanged = observer.once(WARNING_GROUP_PREF, () => {}); await toggleConsoleSetting( hud, ".webconsole-console-settings-menu-item-warning-groups" ); await prefChanged; observer.destroy(); }