/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const BYPASS_WALKERFRONT_CHILDREN_IFRAME_GUARD_PREF = "devtools.testing.bypass-walker-children-iframe-guard"; add_task(async function testIframe() { info("Check that dedicated walker is used for retrieving iframe children"); const TEST_URI = `https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=${encodeURIComponent(`

Test iframe

`)}`; const { walker } = await initInspectorFront(TEST_URI); const iframeNodeFront = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "iframe"); is( iframeNodeFront.useChildTargetToFetchChildren, isEveryFrameTargetEnabled(), "useChildTargetToFetchChildren has expected value" ); is( iframeNodeFront.numChildren, 1, "numChildren is set to 1 (for the #document node)" ); const res = await walker.children(iframeNodeFront); is( res.nodes.length, 1, "Retrieving the iframe children return an array with one element" ); const documentNodeFront = res.nodes[0]; is( documentNodeFront.nodeName, "#document", "The child is the #document element" ); if (isEveryFrameTargetEnabled()) { Assert.notStrictEqual( documentNodeFront.walkerFront, walker, "The child walker is different from the top level document one when EFT is enabled" ); } is( documentNodeFront.parentNode(), iframeNodeFront, "The child parent was set to the original iframe nodeFront" ); }); add_task(async function testIframeBlockedByCSP() { info("Check that iframe blocked by CSP don't have any children"); const TEST_URI = `https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=${encodeURIComponent(`

Test CSP-blocked iframe

`)}&headers=content-security-policy:default-src 'self'`; const { walker } = await initInspectorFront(TEST_URI); const iframeNodeFront = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "iframe"); is( iframeNodeFront.useChildTargetToFetchChildren, false, "useChildTargetToFetchChildren is false" ); is(iframeNodeFront.numChildren, 0, "numChildren is set to 0"); info("Test calling WalkerFront#children with the safe guard removed"); await pushPref(BYPASS_WALKERFRONT_CHILDREN_IFRAME_GUARD_PREF, true); let res = await walker.children(iframeNodeFront); is( res.nodes.length, 0, "Retrieving the iframe children return an empty array" ); info("Test calling WalkerFront#children again, but with the safe guard"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(BYPASS_WALKERFRONT_CHILDREN_IFRAME_GUARD_PREF); res = await walker.children(iframeNodeFront); is( res.nodes.length, 0, "Retrieving the iframe children return an empty array" ); });