/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { ExtensionTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/ExtensionXPCShellUtils.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ExtensionParent: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs", }); const { createAppInfo, promiseStartupManager } = AddonTestUtils; AddonTestUtils.init(this); createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "42"); ExtensionTestUtils.init(this); function watchFrameUpdates(front) { const collected = []; const listener = data => { collected.push(data); }; front.on("frameUpdate", listener); let unsubscribe = () => { unsubscribe = null; front.off("frameUpdate", listener); return collected; }; return unsubscribe; } function promiseFrameUpdate(front, matcher = () => true) { return new Promise(resolve => { const listener = data => { if (matcher(data)) { resolve(); front.off("frameUpdate", listener); } }; front.on("frameUpdate", listener); }); } // Bug 1302702 - Test connect to a webextension addon add_task( { // This test needs to run only when the extension are running in a separate // child process, otherwise the thread actor would pause the main process and this // test would get stuck. skip_if: () => !WebExtensionPolicy.useRemoteWebExtensions, }, async function test_webextension_addon_debugging_connect() { await promiseStartupManager(); // Install and start a test webextension. const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ useAddonManager: "temporary", background() { const { browser } = this; browser.test.log("background script executed"); // window is available in background scripts // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef browser.test.sendMessage("background page ready", window.location.href); }, }); await extension.startup(); const bgPageURL = await extension.awaitMessage("background page ready"); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forAddon(extension.id); // Connect to the target addon actor and wait for the updated list of frames. const addonTarget = await commands.descriptorFront.getTarget(); ok(addonTarget, "Got an RDP target"); const { frames } = await addonTarget.listFrames(); const backgroundPageFrame = frames .filter(frame => { return ( frame.url && frame.url.endsWith("/_generated_background_page.html") ); }) .pop(); ok(backgroundPageFrame, "Found the frame for the background page"); const threadFront = await addonTarget.getFront("thread"); ok(threadFront, "Got a threadFront for the target addon"); equal(threadFront.paused, false, "The addon threadActor isn't paused"); equal( lazy.ExtensionParent.DebugUtils.debugBrowserPromises.size, 1, "The expected number of debug browser has been created by the addon actor" ); const unwatchFrameUpdates = watchFrameUpdates(addonTarget); const promiseBgPageFrameUpdate = promiseFrameUpdate(addonTarget, data => { return data.frames?.some(frame => frame.url === bgPageURL); }); // Reload the addon through the RDP protocol. await addonTarget.reload(); info("Wait background page to be fully reloaded"); await extension.awaitMessage("background page ready"); info("Wait background page frameUpdate event"); await promiseBgPageFrameUpdate; equal( lazy.ExtensionParent.DebugUtils.debugBrowserPromises.size, 1, "The number of debug browser has not been changed after an addon reload" ); const frameUpdates = unwatchFrameUpdates(); const [frameUpdate] = frameUpdates; equal( frameUpdates.length, 1, "Expect 1 frameUpdate events to have been received" ); equal( frameUpdate.frames?.length, 1, "Expect 1 frame in the frameUpdate event " ); Assert.deepEqual( { url: frameUpdate.frames[0].url, }, { url: bgPageURL, }, "Got the expected frame update when the addon background page was loaded back" ); await commands.destroy(); // Check that if we close the debugging client without uninstalling the addon, // the webextension debugging actor should release the debug browser. equal( lazy.ExtensionParent.DebugUtils.debugBrowserPromises.size, 0, "The debug browser has been released when the RDP connection has been closed" ); await extension.unload(); } );