/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint-disable no-shadow */ "use strict"; /* - Adds a 'get or set' watchpoint. Tests that the debugger will pause on both get and set. */ add_task( threadFrontTest(async args => { await testGetPauseWithGetOrSetWatchpoint(args); await testSetPauseWithGetOrSetWatchpoint(args); }) ); async function testGetPauseWithGetOrSetWatchpoint({ threadFront, debuggee }) { function evaluateTestCode(debuggee) { /* eslint-disable */ Cu.evalInSandbox( ` // 1 function stopMe(obj) { // 2 debugger; // 3 obj.a + 4; // 4 } // stopMe({a: 1})`, debuggee, "1.8", "test_watchpoint-05.js" ); /* eslint-disable */ } const packet = await executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause( () => evaluateTestCode(debuggee), threadFront ); info("Test that we paused on the debugger statement"); Assert.equal(packet.frame.where.line, 3); info("Add get or set watchpoint."); const args = packet.frame.arguments; const obj = args[0]; const objClient = threadFront.pauseGrip(obj); await objClient.addWatchpoint("a", "obj.a", "getorset"); info("Test that watchpoint triggers pause on get."); const packet2 = await resumeAndWaitForPause(threadFront); Assert.equal(packet2.frame.where.line, 4); Assert.equal(packet2.why.type, "getWatchpoint"); Assert.equal(obj.preview.ownProperties.a.value, 1); await resume(threadFront); } async function testSetPauseWithGetOrSetWatchpoint({ commands, threadFront, debuggee, }) { async function evaluateJS(input) { const { result } = await commands.scriptCommand.execute(input, { frameActor: packet.frame.actorID, }); return result; } function evaluateTestCode(debuggee) { /* eslint-disable */ Cu.evalInSandbox( ` // 1 function stopMe(obj) { // 2 debugger; // 3 obj.a = 2; // 4 } // stopMe({a: { b: 1 }})`, debuggee, "1.8", "test_watchpoint-05.js" ); /* eslint-disable */ } const packet = await executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause( () => evaluateTestCode(debuggee), threadFront ); info("Test that we paused on the debugger statement"); Assert.equal(packet.frame.where.line, 3); info("Add get or set watchpoint"); const args = packet.frame.arguments; const obj = args[0]; const objClient = threadFront.pauseGrip(obj); await objClient.addWatchpoint("a", "obj.a", "getorset"); let result = await evaluateJS("obj.a"); Assert.equal(result.getGrip().preview.ownProperties.b.value, 1); result = await evaluateJS("obj.a.b"); Assert.equal(result, 1); info("Test that watchpoint triggers pause on set"); const packet2 = await resumeAndWaitForPause(threadFront); Assert.equal(packet2.frame.where.line, 4); Assert.equal(packet2.why.type, "setWatchpoint"); Assert.equal(obj.preview.ownProperties.a.value.ownPropertyLength, 1); await resume(threadFront); }