/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint-env worker */ "use strict"; console.log("Initializing worker."); self.onmessage = () => { console.log("Starting test."); try { ok(ChromeUtils, "Should have access to ChromeUtils in a worker."); ok(HeapSnapshot, "Should have access to HeapSnapshot in a worker."); const filePath = ChromeUtils.saveHeapSnapshot({ globals: [this] }); ok(true, "Should be able to save a snapshot."); const snapshot = ChromeUtils.readHeapSnapshot(filePath); ok(snapshot, "Should be able to read a heap snapshot"); ok( HeapSnapshot.isInstance(snapshot), "Should be an instanceof HeapSnapshot" ); } catch (e) { ok( false, "Unexpected error inside worker:\n" + e.toString() + "\n" + e.stack ); } finally { done(); } }; // Proxy assertions to the main thread. function ok(val, msg) { console.log("ok(" + !!val + ', "' + msg + '")'); self.postMessage({ type: "assertion", passed: !!val, msg, stack: Error().stack, }); } // Tell the main thread we are done with the tests. function done() { console.log("done()"); self.postMessage({ type: "done", }); }