/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // HeapSnapshot.prototype.takeCensus behaves plausibly as we allocate objects. // // Exact object counts vary in ways we can't predict. For example, // BaselineScripts can hold onto "template objects", which exist only to hold // the shape and type for newly created objects. When BaselineScripts are // discarded, these template objects go with them. // // So instead of expecting precise counts, we expect counts that are at least as // many as we would expect given the object graph we've built. // // Ported from js/src/jit-tests/debug/Memory-takeCensus-02.js function run_test() { // A Debugger with no debuggees had better not find anything. const dbg = new Debugger(); const census0 = saveHeapSnapshotAndTakeCensus(dbg); Census.walkCensus(census0, "census0", Census.assertAllZeros); function newGlobalWithDefs() { const g = newGlobal(); g.eval(` function times(n, fn) { var a=[]; for (var i = 0; i ({}));"); g.eval("var rxs = times(200, () => /foo/);"); g.eval("var ars = times(400, () => []);"); g.eval("var fns = times(800, () => () => {});"); const census1 = dbg.memory.takeCensus(dbg); Census.walkCensus( census1, "census1", Census.assertAllNotLessThan({ objects: { Object: { count: 100 }, RegExp: { count: 200 }, Array: { count: 400 }, Function: { count: 800 }, }, }) ); do_test_finished(); }