CondProf Addons =============== CondProf Addons is a linter for condprof customization JSON files (see :searchfox:`testing/condprofile/condprof/customization`), it reports linting errors if: - any of the addons required by the customization files (e.g. see :searchfox:`testing/condprofile/condprof/customization/webext.json`) is not found in the tar file fetched through the `firefox-addons` fetch task (see :searchfox:`taskcluster/ci/fetch/browsertime.yml`) - or the expected `firefox-addons` fetch task has not been found Run Locally ----------- The mozlint integration of condprof-addons can be run using mach: .. parsed-literal:: $ mach lint --linter condprof-addons Alternatively, if the ``--linter condprof-addons`` is omitted, the ``condprof-addons`` will still be selected automatically if any of the files paths passed explicitly is detected to be part of the condprof customization directory. The ``condprof-addons`` will also be running automatically on ``mach lint --outgoing`` if there are customization files changes detected in the outgoing patches. Run on Taskcluster ------------------ The condprof-addons job shows up as ``misc(condprof-addons)`` in the linting job. It should run automatically if changes are made to condprof customization JSON files. Fix reported errors ------------------- XPI file is missing from the firefox-addons.tar archive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This linting errors is expected to be reported if the linter detected that a confprof customization file requires an addon but the related xpi filename is not included in the firefox-addons.tar file fetched through the `firefox-addons` fetch task (see :searchfox:`taskcluster/ci/fetch/browsertime.yml`). If the patch or phabricator revision is not meant to be landed, but only used as a temporary patch pushed on try or only applied locally (e.g. to run the tp6/tp6m webextensions perftests with a given third party extension installed to gather some metrics and/or GeckoProfiler data), then it can be safely ignored. On the contrary, if the patch or phabricator revision is meant to be landed on mozilla-central, the linting error have to be fixed before or along landing the change, either by: - removing the addition to the customization file if it wasn't intended to include that addon to all runs of the tp6/tp6m webextensions perftests - updating the `firefox-addons` fetch task as defined in :searchfox:`taskcluster/ci/fetch/browsertime.yml` by creating a pull request in the github repository where the asset is stored, and ask a review from a peer of the `#webextensions-reviewer` and `#perftests-reviewers` review groups. firefox-addons taskcluster config 'add-prefix' attribute should be set to 'firefox-addons/' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If this linting error is hit, then the `firefox-addons` task defined in :searchfox:`taskcluster/ci/fetch/browsertime.yml` is missing the `add-prefix` attribute or its value is not set to the expected 'firefox-addons/' subdir name. This is enforced as a linting rule because when the condprof utility is going to build a conditioned profile for which some add-ons xpi files are expected to be sideloaded (see :searchfox:`testing/condprofile/condprof/customization.webext.json`), to avoid re-downloading the same xpi from a remote urls every time the conditioned profile is built on the build infrastructure (which for tp6/tp6m perftests will happen once per job being executed) condprof is going to look first if the expected xpi file names are already available in `$MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/firefox-addons`. firefox-addons taskcluser fetch config section not found ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This linting error is hit if the linter does not find the expected `firefox-addons` task defined in :searchfox:`taskcluster/ci/fetch/browsertime.yml` or it is missing the expected `fetch` attribute. Configuration ------------- ConfProf Addons does not currently provide any configuration files. Sources ------- * :searchfox:`Configuration (YAML) ` * :searchfox:`Source ` * :searchfox:`Test `