Data Review ----------- **Everything that lands in mozilla-central that adds or expands data collection must go through the data review process.** This will require assessing the sensitivity of the data that is being collected, and going through the `sensitive data collection process `__ if necessary. All data collection is subject to our `overall data collection policy `__. Documentation for the data collection request process and the expectations we have for people following it `lives on the wiki `__. This document describes the technical implementation in Phabricator using tags. 1. Any change that touches metrics will be automatically flagged with a ``needs-data-classification`` tag by Phabricator, using `this herald rule `__. If a change adds/updates data collection in a way that doesn’t automatically trigger this rule, this tag should be added manually (and if appropriate, please file a bug to update the herald rule so it happens automatically next time). 2. After assessing data sensitivity, the tag can be replaced with either ``data-classification-low`` or ``data-classification-high`` depending on that sensitivity. 3. Adding ``data-classification-high`` will auto-add the ``#data-stewards`` reviewer group as a blocking reviewer for the change and initiate the `sensitive data review process `__. 4. For patches making mechanical changes that happen to trigger the herald rule linked above, but that do not actually add or update any data collection, the ``data-classification-unnecessary`` tag can be used. Patches with the ``needs-data-classification`` tag will not be landable in Lando. The process linked above must be followed in order to land the change.