Working on Firefox ================== Welcome to the Firefox codebase. This is the home of the Firefox development process and source code documentation. .. toctree:: :caption: Making Changes To Firefox :maxdepth: 1 contribution_quickref stack_quickref pocket-guide-shipping-firefox editor reviews levelling-up how_to_submit_a_patch .. toctree:: :caption: Code reviews :maxdepth: 1 Code_Review_FAQ reviewer_checklist .. toctree:: :caption: The Mercurial Version Control System :maxdepth: 1 :glob: vcs/* .. toctree:: :caption: Debugging :maxdepth: 1 :glob: debugging/* .. toctree:: :caption: Additional Information :maxdepth: 1 directory_structure build/artifact_builds build/building_mobile_firefox build/supported engineering_show_and_tell filing-good-bugs