/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const BUILDER = "http://mochi.test:8888/document-builder.sjs?html="; const PAGE_1 = BUILDER + encodeURIComponent(`Page 1`); const PAGE_2 = BUILDER + encodeURIComponent(`Page 2`); add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["browser.history.collectWireframes", true]], }); }); /** * Test that capturing wireframes on nsISHEntriy's in the parent process * happens at the right times. */ add_task(async function () { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(PAGE_1, async browser => { let sh = browser.browsingContext.sessionHistory; Assert.equal( sh.count, 1, "Got the right SessionHistory entry count after initial tab load." ); Assert.ok( !sh.getEntryAtIndex(0).wireframe, "No wireframe for the loaded entry after initial tab load." ); let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, PAGE_2); BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(browser, PAGE_2); await loaded; Assert.equal( sh.count, 2, "Got the right SessionHistory entry count after loading page 2." ); Assert.ok( sh.getEntryAtIndex(0).wireframe, "A wireframe was captured for the first entry after loading page 2." ); Assert.ok( !sh.getEntryAtIndex(1).wireframe, "No wireframe for the loaded entry after loading page 2." ); // Now go back loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(browser, "pageshow"); browser.goBack(); await loaded; Assert.ok( sh.getEntryAtIndex(1).wireframe, "A wireframe was captured for the second entry after going back." ); Assert.ok( !sh.getEntryAtIndex(0).wireframe, "No wireframe for the loaded entry after going back." ); // Now forward again loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForContentEvent(browser, "pageshow"); browser.goForward(); await loaded; Assert.equal( sh.count, 2, "Got the right SessionHistory entry count after going forward again." ); Assert.ok( sh.getEntryAtIndex(0).wireframe, "A wireframe was captured for the first entry after going forward again." ); Assert.ok( !sh.getEntryAtIndex(1).wireframe, "No wireframe for the loaded entry after going forward again." ); // And using pushState await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { content.history.pushState({}, "", "nothing-1.html"); content.history.pushState({}, "", "nothing-2.html"); }); Assert.equal( sh.count, 4, "Got the right SessionHistory entry count after using pushState." ); Assert.ok( sh.getEntryAtIndex(0).wireframe, "A wireframe was captured for the first entry after using pushState." ); Assert.ok( sh.getEntryAtIndex(1).wireframe, "A wireframe was captured for the second entry after using pushState." ); Assert.ok( sh.getEntryAtIndex(2).wireframe, "A wireframe was captured for the third entry after using pushState." ); Assert.ok( !sh.getEntryAtIndex(3).wireframe, "No wireframe for the loaded entry after using pushState." ); // Now check that wireframes can be written to in case we're restoring // an nsISHEntry from serialization. let wireframe = sh.getEntryAtIndex(2).wireframe; sh.getEntryAtIndex(2).wireframe = null; Assert.equal( sh.getEntryAtIndex(2).wireframe, null, "Successfully cleared wireframe." ); sh.getEntryAtIndex(3).wireframe = wireframe; Assert.deepEqual( sh.getEntryAtIndex(3).wireframe, wireframe, "Successfully wrote a wireframe to an nsISHEntry." ); }); });