function getType(a) { if (a === null || a === undefined) { return "null"; } if (Array.isArray(a)) { return "array"; } if (typeof a == "object") { return "object"; } if ( SpecialPowers.Cu.getJSTestingFunctions().wasmIsSupported() && a instanceof WebAssembly.Module ) { return "wasm"; } return "primitive"; } function compare(a, b) { is(getType(a), getType(b), "Type matches"); var type = getType(a); if (type == "array") { is(a.length, b.length, "Array.length matches"); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { compare(a[i], b[i]); } return; } if (type == "object") { ok(a !== b, "They should not match"); var aProps = []; for (var p in a) { aProps.push(p); } var bProps = []; for (var p in b) { bProps.push(p); } is(aProps.length, bProps.length, "Props match"); is(aProps.sort().toString(), bProps.sort().toString(), "Props names match"); for (var p in a) { compare(a[p], b[p]); } return; } if (type == "wasm") { var wasmA = new WebAssembly.Instance(a); ok(wasmA instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, "got an instance"); var wasmB = new WebAssembly.Instance(b); ok(wasmB instanceof WebAssembly.Instance, "got an instance"); ok( ===, "Same result!"); ok( === 42, "We want 42"); } if (type != "null") { is(a, b, "Same value"); } } var clonableObjects = [ { target: "all", data: "hello world" }, { target: "all", data: 123 }, { target: "all", data: null }, { target: "all", data: true }, { target: "all", data: new Date() }, { target: "all", data: [1, "test", true, new Date()] }, { target: "all", data: { a: true, b: null, c: new Date(), d: [true, false, {}] }, }, { target: "all", data: new Blob([123], { type: "plain/text" }) }, { target: "all", data: new ImageData(2, 2) }, ]; function create_fileList() { var url = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("script_postmessages_fileList.js"); var script = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(url); function onOpened(message) { var fileList = document.getElementById("fileList"); SpecialPowers.wrap(fileList).mozSetFileArray([message.file]); // Just a simple test var domFile = fileList.files[0]; is(, "prefs.js", "fileName should be prefs.js"); clonableObjects.push({ target: "all", data: fileList.files }); script.destroy(); next(); } script.addMessageListener("file.opened", onOpened); script.sendAsyncMessage(""); } function create_directory() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes("Android")) { next(); return; } var url = SimpleTest.getTestFileURL("script_postmessages_fileList.js"); var script = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(url); function onOpened(message) { var fileList = document.getElementById("fileList"); SpecialPowers.wrap(fileList).mozSetDirectory(message.dir); SpecialPowers.wrap(fileList) .getFilesAndDirectories() .then(function (list) { list = SpecialPowers.unwrap(list); // Just a simple test is(list.length, 1, "This list has 1 element"); ok(list[0] instanceof Directory, "We have a directory."); clonableObjects.push({ target: "all", data: list[0] }); script.destroy(); next(); }); } script.addMessageListener("dir.opened", onOpened); script.sendAsyncMessage(""); } function create_wasmModule() { info("Checking if we can play with WebAssembly..."); if (!SpecialPowers.Cu.getJSTestingFunctions().wasmIsSupported()) { next(); return; } ok(WebAssembly, "WebAssembly object should exist"); ok(WebAssembly.compile, "WebAssembly.compile function should exist"); /* js -e ' t = wasmTextToBinary(` (module (func $foo (result i32) (i32.const 42)) (export "foo" (func $foo)) ) `); print(t) ' */ // prettier-ignore const fooModuleCode = new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,5,1,96,0,1,127,3,2,1,0,7,7,1,3,102,111,111,0,0,10,6,1,4,0,65,42,11,0,13,4,110,97,109,101,1,6,1,0,3,102,111,111]); WebAssembly.compile(fooModuleCode).then( m => { ok(m instanceof WebAssembly.Module, "The WasmModule has been compiled."); clonableObjects.push({ target: "sameProcess", data: m }); next(); }, () => { ok(false, "The compilation of the wasmModule failed."); } ); } function runTests(obj) { ok( "clonableObjectsEveryWhere" in obj && "clonableObjectsSameProcess" in obj && "transferableObjects" in obj && (obj.clonableObjectsEveryWhere || obj.clonableObjectsSameProcess || obj.transferableObjects), "We must run some test!" ); // cloning tests - everyWhere new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var clonableObjectsId = 0; function runClonableTest() { if (clonableObjectsId >= clonableObjects.length) { resolve(); return; } var object = clonableObjects[clonableObjectsId++]; if ( != "all") { runClonableTest(); return; } obj .send(, []) .catch(() => { return { error: true }; }) .then(received => { if (!obj.clonableObjectsEveryWhere) { ok(received.error, "Error expected"); } else { ok(!received.error, "Error not expected"); compare(,; } runClonableTest(); }); } runClonableTest(); }) // clonable same process .then(function () { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var clonableObjectsId = 0; function runClonableTest() { if (clonableObjectsId >= clonableObjects.length) { resolve(); return; } var object = clonableObjects[clonableObjectsId++]; if ( != "sameProcess") { runClonableTest(); return; } obj .send(, []) .catch(() => { return { error: true }; }) .then(received => { if (!obj.clonableObjectsSameProcess) { ok(received.error, "Error expected"); } else { ok(!received.error, "Error not expected"); compare(,; } runClonableTest(); }); } runClonableTest(); }); }) // transfering tests .then(function () { if (!obj.transferableObjects) { return Promise.resolve(); } // MessagePort return new Promise(function (r, rr) { var mc = new MessageChannel(); obj.send(42, [mc.port1]).then(function (received) { is(received.ports.length, 1, "MessagePort has been transferred"); mc.port2.postMessage("hello world"); received.ports[0].onmessage = function (e) { is(, "hello world", "Ports are connected!"); r(); }; }); }); }) // no dup transfering .then(function () { if (!obj.transferableObjects) { return Promise.resolve(); } // MessagePort return new Promise(function (r, rr) { var mc = new MessageChannel(); obj .send(42, [mc.port1, mc.port1]) .then( function (received) { ok(false, "Duplicate ports should throw!"); }, function () { ok(true, "Duplicate ports should throw!"); } ) .then(r); }); }) // maintaining order of transferred ports .then(function () { if (!obj.transferableObjects) { return Promise.resolve(); } // MessagePort return new Promise(function (r, rr) { var mcs = []; const NPORTS = 50; for (let i = 0; i < NPORTS; i++) { mcs.push(new MessageChannel()); } obj .send( 42, => channel.port1) ) .then(function (received) { is( received.ports.length, NPORTS, `all ${NPORTS} ports transferred` ); const promises = Array(NPORTS) .fill() .map( (_, i) => new Promise(function (subr, subrr) { mcs[i].port2.postMessage(i); received.ports[i].onmessage = e => subr( == i); }) ); return Promise.all(promises); }) .then(function (result) { let in_order = 0; for (const correct of result) { if (correct) { in_order++; } } is(in_order, NPORTS, "All transferred ports are in order"); }) .then(r); }); }) // non transfering tests .then(function () { if (obj.transferableObjects) { return Promise.resolve(); } // MessagePort return new Promise(function (r, rr) { var mc = new MessageChannel(); obj .send(42, [mc.port1]) .then( function (received) { ok(false, "This object should not support port transferring"); }, function () { ok(true, "This object should not support port transferring"); } ) .then(r); }); }) // done. .then(function () { obj.finished(); }); } function next() { if (!tests.length) { SimpleTest.finish(); return; } var test = tests.shift(); test(); } var tests = [create_fileList, create_directory, create_wasmModule];