/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; requestLongerTimeout(2); // Import helpers Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/dom/base/test/fullscreen/fullscreen_helpers.js", this ); // This test tends to trigger a race in the fullscreen time telemetry, // where the fullscreen enter and fullscreen exit events (which use the // same histogram ID) overlap. That causes TelemetryStopwatch to log an // error, bug 1742890. SimpleTest.ignoreAllUncaughtExceptions(true); add_setup(async function () { await pushPrefs( ["full-screen-api.transition-duration.enter", "0 0"], ["full-screen-api.transition-duration.leave", "0 0"], ["full-screen-api.allow-trusted-requests-only", false] ); }); add_task(async () => { const url = "https://example.com/browser/dom/base/test/fullscreen/dummy_page.html"; const name = "foo"; await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url, }, async function (browser) { info("open new window"); SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [url, name], function (u, n) { content.document.notifyUserGestureActivation(); content.window.open(u, n, "width=100,height=100"); }); let newWin = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewWindow({ url }); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(newWin); info("re-focusing main window"); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(window); info("open an existing window and request fullscreen"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [url, name], function (u, n) { content.document.notifyUserGestureActivation(); content.window.open(u, n); content.document.body.requestFullscreen(); }); // We call window.open() first than requestFullscreen() in a row on // content page, but given that focus sync-up takes several IPC exchanges, // so parent process ends up processing the requests in a reverse order, // which should reject the fullscreen request and leave fullscreen. await waitWidgetFullscreenEvent(window, false, true); // Ensure the browser exits fullscreen state. ok(!window.fullScreen, "The chrome window should not be in fullscreen"); ok( !document.documentElement.hasAttribute("inDOMFullscreen"), "The chrome document should not be in fullscreen" ); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(newWin); } ); });