<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Test for Bug 1199522</title> <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script type="application/javascript" src="file_fullscreen-utils.js"></script> <style> div { position: fixed; top: 20px; height: 50px; opacity: 0.3; border: 5px solid black; box-sizing: border-box; } #fullscreen0 { left: 50px; width: 50px; background: #ff0000; border-color: #800000; } #fullscreen1 { left: 100px; width: 50px; background: #00ff00; border-color: #008000; } #fullscreen2 { left: 150px; width: 50px; background: #0000ff; border-color: #000080; } </style> </head> <body> <script type="application/javascript"> /** Test for Bug 1199522 **/ function info(msg) { opener.info("[selector] " + msg); } function ok(condition, msg) { opener.ok(condition, "[selector] " + msg); } function is(a, b, msg) { opener.is(a, b, "[selector] " + msg); } function rectEquals(rect1, rect2) { return rect1.x == rect2.x && rect1.y == rect2.y && rect1.width == rect2.width && rect1.height == rect2.height; } function getViewportRect() { return new DOMRect(0, 0, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); } var fullscreenElems = []; function checkFullscreenState(elem, hasState, viewportRect) { var id = elem.id; var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); if (hasState) { ok(elem.matches(":fullscreen"), `${id} should match selector ":fullscreen"`); ok(rectEquals(rect, viewportRect), `The bounding rect of ${id} should match the viewport`); } else { ok(!elem.matches(":fullscreen"), `${id} should not match selector ":fullscreen"`); // Position might vary because if one of our ancestors is fullscreen it // contains us. is(rect.width, elem.initialRect.width, `The width of ${id} should match its initial state`); is(rect.height, elem.initialRect.height, `The height of ${id} should match its initial state`); } } function checkFullscreenStates(states) { var viewportRect = getViewportRect(); fullscreenElems.forEach((elem, index) => { checkFullscreenState(elem, states[index], viewportRect); }); } function begin() { fullscreenElems.push(document.getElementById('fullscreen0')); fullscreenElems.push(document.getElementById('fullscreen1')); fullscreenElems.push(document.getElementById('fullscreen2')); var viewportRect = getViewportRect(); for (var elem of fullscreenElems) { var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); var id = elem.id; elem.initialRect = rect; ok(!elem.matches(":fullscreen"), `${id} should not match selector ":fullscreen"`); ok(!rectEquals(elem.initialRect, viewportRect), `The initial bounding rect of ${id} should not match the viewport`); } info("Entering fullscreen on fullscreen0"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter0); fullscreenElems[0].requestFullscreen(); } function enter0() { checkFullscreenStates([true, false, false]); info("Entering fullscreen on fullscreen1"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter1); fullscreenElems[1].requestFullscreen(); } function enter1() { checkFullscreenStates([true, true, false]); info("Entering fullscreen on fullscreen2"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("enter", enter2); fullscreenElems[2].requestFullscreen(); } function enter2() { checkFullscreenStates([true, true, true]); info("Leaving fullscreen on fullscreen2"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit2); document.exitFullscreen(); } function exit2() { checkFullscreenStates([true, true, false]); info("Leaving fullscreen on fullscreen1"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit1); document.exitFullscreen(); } function exit1() { checkFullscreenStates([true, false, false]); info("Leaving fullscreen on fullscreen0"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exit0); document.exitFullscreen(); } function exit0() { checkFullscreenStates([false, false, false]); info("Entering fullscreen on all elements"); var count = 0; function listener() { if (++count == 3) { document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", listener); // We bypassed our fullscreenchangeenters count since we didn't // do our requests with a addFullscreenChangeContinuation, so we // fix up the expected value now that we're done with this part // of the test. setFullscreenChangeEnters(1); enterAll(); } } document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", listener); fullscreenElems[0].requestFullscreen(); fullscreenElems[1].requestFullscreen(); fullscreenElems[2].requestFullscreen(); } function enterAll() { checkFullscreenStates([true, true, true]); info("Fully-exiting fullscreen"); addFullscreenChangeContinuation("exit", exitAll); synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape"); } function exitAll() { checkFullscreenStates([false, false, false]); opener.nextTest(); } </script> </pre> <div id="fullscreen0"> <div id="fullscreen1"> <div id="fullscreen2"> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>