# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os from marionette_driver import Wait from marionette_harness import MarionetteTestCase """ Currently we expect our size after cleanup to be 98k for the current database schema and page sizes and constants used in this test. We set the threshold at 128k so the test doesn't start failing if these control objects/structures increase somewhat in size, but should still fail if we fail to delete all of the 5,000 1k files we create on disk as part of the test. """ QM_TESTING_PREF = "dom.quotaManager.testing" EXPECTED_CACHEDIR_SIZE_AFTER_CLEANUP = 128 * 1024 # 128KB CACHE_ID = "data" class CachesDeleteCleanupAtShutdownTestCase(MarionetteTestCase): """ Bug1784700: This test ensures that cache body files get cleaned up properly after cache has been deleted. Note that body files gets cleaned up asynchronously which means that these files might still be around even after Caches.Delete promise gets resolved. Currently, we would only clean up body files on origin initialization and that's a firefox is necessary here. """ def setUp(self): super(CachesDeleteCleanupAtShutdownTestCase, self).setUp() self.marionette.restart(in_app=False, clean=True) self.marionette.set_pref(QM_TESTING_PREF, True) def tearDown(self): self.marionette.restart(in_app=False, clean=True) super(CachesDeleteCleanupAtShutdownTestCase, self).tearDown() self.marionette.set_pref(QM_TESTING_PREF, False) def getUsage(self): return self.marionette.execute_script( """ return window.wrappedJSObject.getStorageEstimate(); """, new_sandbox=False, ) def doCacheWork(self, n): # max timeout for this script to execute is 5 minutes maxTimeout = 5 * 60 * 1000 return self.marionette.execute_script( """ const [cacheId, n] = arguments; return window.wrappedJSObject.doCacheWork(cacheId, n); """, script_args=( CACHE_ID, n, ), new_sandbox=False, script_timeout=maxTimeout, ) def openCache(self): return self.marionette.execute_async_script( """ const [cacheId, resolve] = arguments; window.wrappedJSObject.openCache(cacheId).then(resolve("success")); """, new_sandbox=False, script_args=(CACHE_ID,), ) def countBodies(self): profile = self.marionette.instance.profile.profile originDir = ( self.marionette.absolute_url("")[:-1].replace(":", "+").replace("/", "+") ) morgueDir = f"{profile}/storage/default/{originDir}/cache/morgue" print("morgueDir path = ", morgueDir) bodyCount = -1 if os.path.exists(morgueDir): bodyCount = 0 for elem in os.listdir(morgueDir): absPathElem = os.path.join(morgueDir, elem) if os.path.isdir(absPathElem): bodyCount += sum( 1 for e in os.listdir(absPathElem) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(absPathElem, e)) ) return bodyCount def ensureCleanDirectory(self): orphanedBodiesCount = self.countBodies() return orphanedBodiesCount <= 0 def isStorageInitialized(self, temporary=False): with self.marionette.using_context("chrome"): return self.marionette.execute_async_script( """ const [resolve] = arguments; const req = %s; req.callback = () => { resolve(req.resultCode == Cr.NS_OK && req.result) }; """ % ( "Services.qms.temporaryStorageInitialized()" if temporary else "Services.qms.storageInitialized()" ), new_sandbox=False, ) def create_and_cleanup_cache(self, ensureCleanCallback, in_app): # create 640 cache entries self.doCacheWork(640) print("usage after doCacheWork = ", self.getUsage()) self.marionette.restart(in_app=in_app) print("restart successful") self.marionette.navigate( self.marionette.absolute_url("dom/cache/cacheUsage.html") ) return ensureCleanCallback() def afterCleanupClosure(self, usage): print( f"Storage initialized = {self.isStorageInitialized()}, temporary storage initialized = {self.isStorageInitialized(True)}" ) print(f"Usage = {usage} and number of orphaned bodies = {self.countBodies()}") return usage < EXPECTED_CACHEDIR_SIZE_AFTER_CLEANUP def test_ensure_cache_cleanup_after_clean_restart(self): self.marionette.navigate( self.marionette.absolute_url("dom/cache/cacheUsage.html") ) beforeUsage = self.getUsage() def ensureCleanCallback(): Wait(self.marionette, interval=1, timeout=60).until( lambda _: self.afterCleanupClosure(self.getUsage() - beforeUsage), message="Cache directory is not cleaned up properly", ) return ( abs(beforeUsage - self.getUsage()) <= EXPECTED_CACHEDIR_SIZE_AFTER_CLEANUP and self.ensureCleanDirectory() ) if not self.create_and_cleanup_cache(ensureCleanCallback, True): print(f"beforeUsage = {beforeUsage}, and afterUsage = {self.getUsage()}") assert False def test_ensure_cache_cleanup_after_unclean_restart(self): self.marionette.navigate( self.marionette.absolute_url("dom/cache/cacheUsage.html") ) print(f"profile path = {self.marionette.instance.profile.profile}") beforeUsage = self.getUsage() def ensureCleanCallback(): print( f"ensureCleanCallback, profile path = {self.marionette.instance.profile.profile}" ) self.openCache() Wait(self.marionette, interval=1, timeout=60).until( lambda _: self.afterCleanupClosure(self.getUsage() - beforeUsage), message="Cache directory is not cleaned up properly", ) return ( abs(beforeUsage - self.getUsage()) <= EXPECTED_CACHEDIR_SIZE_AFTER_CLEANUP and self.ensureCleanDirectory() ) if not self.create_and_cleanup_cache(ensureCleanCallback, False): print(f"beforeUsage = {beforeUsage}, and afterUsage = {self.getUsage()}") assert False