/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WebGLMemoryTracker.h" #include "HostWebGLContext.h" #include "WebGLBuffer.h" #include "WebGLRenderbuffer.h" #include "WebGLShader.h" #include "WebGLTexture.h" namespace mozilla { MOZ_DEFINE_MALLOC_SIZE_OF(WebGLShaderMallocSizeOf) void WebGLMemoryTracker::EnsureRegistered() { static bool sIsRegistered = []() { RegisterStrongMemoryReporter(new WebGLMemoryTracker); return true; }(); (void)sIsRegistered; } NS_IMETHODIMP WebGLMemoryTracker::CollectReports(nsIHandleReportCallback* aHandleReport, nsISupports* aData, bool) { const auto locked = HostWebGLContext::OutstandingContexts(); const auto& contexts = locked->contexts; const auto contextCount = contexts.size(); size_t bufferCount = 0; int64_t bufferGpuSize = 0; int64_t bufferCacheSize = 0; size_t rbCount = 0; int64_t rbGpuSize = 0; size_t shaderCount = 0; int64_t shaderCpuSize = 0; size_t texCount = 0; int64_t texGpuSize = 0; for (const auto& context : contexts) { bufferCount += context->mBufferMap.size(); for (const auto& pair : context->mBufferMap) { const auto& buffer = *pair.second; bufferGpuSize += buffer.mByteLength; if (buffer.mIndexCache) { bufferCacheSize += buffer.mByteLength; } bufferCacheSize += buffer.mIndexRanges.size() * sizeof(decltype(buffer.mIndexRanges)::value_type); } // - rbCount += context->mRenderbufferMap.size(); for (const auto& pair : context->mRenderbufferMap) { const auto& rb = pair.second; rbGpuSize += rb->MemoryUsage(); } // - shaderCount += context->mShaderMap.size(); for (const auto& pair : context->mShaderMap) { const auto& shader = pair.second; shaderCpuSize += shader->SizeOfIncludingThis(WebGLShaderMallocSizeOf); } // - texCount += context->mTextureMap.size(); for (const auto& pair : context->mTextureMap) { const auto& texture = pair.second; texGpuSize += texture->MemoryUsage(); } } // - MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT( "webgl-texture-memory", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_BYTES, texGpuSize, "Memory used by WebGL textures. The OpenGL implementation is free to " "store these textures in either video memory or main memory. This " "measurement is only a lower bound, actual memory usage may be higher " "for example if the storage is strided."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT("webgl-texture-count", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_COUNT, static_cast(texCount), "Number of WebGL textures."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT( "webgl-buffer-memory", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_BYTES, bufferGpuSize, "Memory used by WebGL buffers. The OpenGL implementation is free to " "store these buffers in either video memory or main memory. This " "measurement is only a lower bound, actual memory usage may be higher " "for example if the storage is strided."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT( "explicit/webgl/buffer-cache-memory", KIND_HEAP, UNITS_BYTES, bufferCacheSize, "Memory used by WebGL buffer caches. The WebGL implementation caches " "the contents of element array buffers only. This adds up with the " "'webgl-buffer-memory' value, but contrary to it, this one represents " "bytes on the heap, not managed by OpenGL."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT("webgl-buffer-count", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_COUNT, static_cast(bufferCount), "Number of WebGL buffers."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT( "webgl-renderbuffer-memory", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_BYTES, rbGpuSize, "Memory used by WebGL renderbuffers. The OpenGL implementation is free " "to store these renderbuffers in either video memory or main memory. " "This measurement is only a lower bound, actual memory usage may be " "higher, for example if the storage is strided."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT("webgl-renderbuffer-count", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_COUNT, static_cast(rbCount), "Number of WebGL renderbuffers."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT( "explicit/webgl/shader", KIND_HEAP, UNITS_BYTES, shaderCpuSize, "Combined size of WebGL shader ASCII sources and translation logs " "cached on the heap."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT("webgl-shader-count", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_COUNT, static_cast(shaderCount), "Number of WebGL shaders."); MOZ_COLLECT_REPORT("webgl-context-count", KIND_OTHER, UNITS_COUNT, static_cast(contextCount), "Number of WebGL contexts."); return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(WebGLMemoryTracker, nsIMemoryReporter) } // namespace mozilla