[DEFAULT] subsuite = "webgl1-core" support-files = [ "ensure-exts/ensure-ext.js", "driver-info.js", "es3-data.js", "webgl-util.js", "test_video_fastpath.js", "red-green.mp4", "red-green.theora.ogv", "red-green.webmvp8.webm", "red-green.webmvp9.webm", ] ["ensure-exts/test_ANGLE_instanced_arrays.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_blend_minmax.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_color_buffer_half_float.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_disjoint_timer_query.html"] fail-if = ["true"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_float_blend.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_frag_depth.html"] fail-if = ["os == 'android'"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_sRGB.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_shader_texture_lod.html"] fail-if = ["os == 'android'"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_texture_compression_bptc.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'android'", "os == 'mac'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc.html"] fail-if = ["os == 'android'"] ["ensure-exts/test_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.html"] fail-if = ["os == 'linux' && display != 'wayland'"] ["ensure-exts/test_OES_draw_buffers_indexed.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_OES_fbo_render_mipmap.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_OES_standard_derivatives.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_OVR_multiview2.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_color_buffer_float.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'mac'", "os == 'win'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'mac'", "os == 'win'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", "os == 'win'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'android'", "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", "os == 'win'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc.html"] fail-if = ["os == 'android'"] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_depth_texture.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_draw_buffers.html"] fail-if = ["os == 'android'"] ["ensure-exts/test_WEBGL_provoking_vertex.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'android'", "os == 'linux'", ] ["ensure-exts/test_common.html"] ["ensure-exts/test_implicit.html"] ["regress/test_bug_1268096.html"] ["test_backbuffer_channels.html"] ["test_backends.html"] ["test_canvas_size.html"] ["test_capture.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'win' && debug"] # Bug 1388624 support-files = ["../captureStream_common.js"] # Even though we use ../ here, in the test HTML, we need to omit this. Sub-CWD relative # paths are fine, but they locate the file and dump it in the current directory. ["test_cubemap_must_be_square.html"] ["test_depth_readpixels.html"] ["test_depth_tex_lazy_clear.html"] ["test_draw.html"] ["test_draw_fakevert_large_offset.html"] ["test_fb_param.html"] ["test_fb_param_crash.html"] ["test_fuzzing_bugs.html"] ["test_has_rbab.html"] fail-if = [ "os == 'android' && android_version == '26'", "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", ] ["test_hidden_alpha.html"] ["test_hidden_depth_stencil.html"] ["test_highp_fs.html"] ["test_imagedata_transfered_arraybuffer.html"] ["test_implicit_color_buffer_float.html"] ["test_no_arr_points.html"] ["test_noprog_draw.html"] ["test_pixel_pack_buffer.html"] # skip-if = os == "win" && os_version == "10.0" # Bug 1302199 skip-if = [ "os == 'win'", # Unofficial DXGL support regressed by bug 1632249 "apple_silicon", ] ["test_privileged_exts.html"] ["test_read_pixels_no_format.html"] ["test_renderer_strings.html"] skip-if = ["display == 'wayland'"] ["test_sab_with_webgl.html"] ["test_tex_large_uploads.html"] skip-if = ["win11_2009 && debug && bits == 32"] # bug 1705863 support-files = ["blank_15000x10000.png"] ["test_tex_pbo.html"] ["test_tex_unit_different_sampler_types.html"] ["test_texsubimage_float.html"] ["test_uninit_data.html"] ["test_vertexattrib4f_update.html"] ["test_video_fastpath_mp4.html"] skip-if = ["win11_2009 && bits == 32"] # No fast video path for h264 decoder (done in RDD, can't be read in content) ["test_video_fastpath_theora.html"] skip-if = [ "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", "win11_2009 && bits == 32", # No fast video path for theora decoder (done in RDD, can't be read in content) ] ["test_video_fastpath_vp8.html"] skip-if = [ "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", "win11_2009 && bits == 32", # No fast video path for theora decoder (done in RDD, can't be read in content) ] ["test_video_fastpath_vp9.html"] skip-if = [ "os == 'linux'", "os == 'mac'", "win11_2009 && bits == 32", # No fast video path for theora decoder (done in RDD, can't be read in content) ] ["test_webgl2_alpha_luminance.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests ["test_webgl2_invalidate_framebuffer.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests ["test_webgl2_not_exposed.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests ["test_webgl2_uniform_block.html"] ["test_webgl_available.html"] ["test_webgl_compressed_texture_es3.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] # 2020-01-07 00:00:11.839 F/MOZ_Assert( 6742): Assertion failure: [GFX1]: void mozilla::gl::GLContext::raw_fClear(GLbitfield): Generated unexpected GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY error, at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/gfx/2d/Logging.h:746 # 2020-01-07 00:01:28.281 F/MOZ_Assert( 8333): Assertion failure: [GFX1]: Unexpected error from driver: DoCompressedTexSubImage(0x0de1, 0, 0,4,0, 4,4,1, 0x9270, 8) -> 0x0501, at /builds/worker/workspace/build/src/gfx/2d/Logging.h:746 ["test_webgl_fingerprinting_resistance.html"] ["test_webgl_force_enable.html"] ["test_webgl_request_context.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests ["test_webgl_request_mismatch.html"] skip-if = ["os == 'android'"] #bug 865443- seperate suite - the non_conf* tests pass except for one on armv6 tests ["test_webglcontextcreationerror.html"] ["test_without_index_validation.html"]