  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Test for Bug 864040</title>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
  <script src="/tests/SimpleTest/WindowSnapshot.js"></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
<a target="_blank" href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=864040">Mozilla Bug 864040</a>
<div id="display">
  <textarea id="ta" rows="5" cols="20" style="-moz-appearance:none"></textarea>
  <div id="ce" contentEditable="true" style="height: 5em;"></div>
<div id="content" style="display: none">
<pre id="test">
  <script type="application/javascript">
    * Test for Bug 864040
    * We use a selection event to set the selection to the end of an editor
    * containing an ending newline. Then we test to see that the caret is
    * actually drawn on the newline.

    async function testSelectEndOfText(elem) {
      var tn = elem.tagName;

      // Enter test string into editor
      var test_string = 'test\n';

      // Get the caret position after what we entered
      var result = synthesizeQuerySelectedText();
      ok(result, tn + ': failed to query selection (1)');
      var refoffset = result.offset;

      // Take a snapshot of where the caret is (on the new line)
      referenceSnapshot = await snapshotWindow(window, true /* withCaret */);
      ok(referenceSnapshot, tn + ': failed to take snapshot (1)');

      // Set selection to the same spot through a selection event
      ok(await synthesizeSelectionSet(refoffset, 0, false), tn + ': failed to set selection');

      // Make sure new selection is the same
      result = synthesizeQuerySelectedText();
      ok(result, tn + ': failed to query selection (2)');
      is(result.offset, refoffset, tn + ': caret is not at the right position');

      // Take a snapshot of where the new caret is (shoud still be on the new line)
      testSnapshot = await snapshotWindow(window, true /* withCaret */);
      ok(testSnapshot, tn + ': failed to take snapshot (2)');

      // Compare snapshot (should be the same)
      result = compareSnapshots(referenceSnapshot, testSnapshot, true /* expected */)
      ok(result, tn + ': failed to compare snapshots');
      // result = [correct, s1data, s2data]
      ok(result[0], tn + ': caret is not on new line');
      if (!result[0]) {
        dump('Ref: ' + result[1] + '\n');
        dump('Res: ' + result[2] + '\n');

    async function runTests() {
      // we don't test regular <input> because this test is about multiline support
      // test textarea
      await testSelectEndOfText(document.getElementById('ta'));
      // test contentEditable
      await testSelectEndOfText(document.getElementById('ce'));

