/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002.h" #include "ErrorList.h" #include "FileSystemContentTypeGuess.h" #include "FileSystemDataManager.h" #include "FileSystemFileManager.h" #include "FileSystemHashSource.h" #include "FileSystemHashStorageFunction.h" #include "FileSystemParentTypes.h" #include "ResultStatement.h" #include "StartedTransaction.h" #include "mozStorageHelper.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FileSystemDataManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FileSystemHandle.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FileSystemLog.h" #include "mozilla/dom/FileSystemTypes.h" #include "mozilla/dom/PFileSystemManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/QMResult.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/Client.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaCommon.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaObject.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/ResultExtensions.h" namespace mozilla::dom::fs::data { namespace { Result GetFileId002(const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const EntryId& aEntryId) { const nsLiteralCString fileIdQuery = "SELECT fileId FROM MainFiles WHERE handle = :entryId ;"_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, fileIdQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("entryId"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(bool moreResults, stmt.ExecuteStep()); if (!moreResults) { return Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)); } QM_TRY_INSPECT(const FileId& fileId, stmt.GetFileIdByColumn(/* Column */ 0u)); return fileId; } Result DoesFileIdExist(const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const FileId& aFileId) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aFileId.IsEmpty()); const nsLiteralCString existsQuery = "SELECT EXISTS " "(SELECT 1 FROM FileIds WHERE fileId = :handle ) " ";"_ns; QM_TRY_RETURN( ApplyEntryExistsQuery(aConnection, existsQuery, aFileId.Value())); } nsresult RehashFile(const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const EntryId& aEntryId, const FileSystemChildMetadata& aNewDesignation, const ContentType& aNewType) { QM_TRY_INSPECT(const EntryId& newId, FileSystemHashSource::GenerateHash( aNewDesignation.parentId(), aNewDesignation.childName())); // The destination should be empty at this point: either we exited because // overwrite was not desired, or the existing content was removed. const nsLiteralCString insertNewEntryQuery = "INSERT INTO Entries ( handle, parent ) " "VALUES ( :newId, :newParent ) " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString insertNewFileAndTypeQuery = "INSERT INTO Files ( handle, type, name ) " "VALUES ( :newId, :type, :newName ) " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString insertNewFileKeepTypeQuery = "INSERT INTO Files ( handle, type, name ) " "SELECT :newId, type, :newName FROM Files " "WHERE handle = :oldId ;"_ns; const auto& insertNewFileQuery = aNewType.IsVoid() ? insertNewFileKeepTypeQuery : insertNewFileAndTypeQuery; const nsLiteralCString updateFileMappingsQuery = "UPDATE FileIds SET handle = :newId WHERE handle = :handle ;"_ns; const nsLiteralCString updateMainFilesQuery = "UPDATE MainFiles SET handle = :newId WHERE handle = :handle ;"_ns; const nsLiteralCString cleanupOldEntryQuery = "DELETE FROM Entries WHERE handle = :handle ;"_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(auto transaction, StartedTransaction::Create(aConnection)); { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, insertNewEntryQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("newId"_ns, newId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT( stmt.BindEntryIdByName("newParent"_ns, aNewDesignation.parentId()))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, insertNewFileQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("newId"_ns, newId))); if (aNewType.IsVoid()) { QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("oldId"_ns, aEntryId))); } else { QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindContentTypeByName("type"_ns, aNewType))); } QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT( stmt.BindNameByName("newName"_ns, aNewDesignation.childName()))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP( ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, updateFileMappingsQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("newId"_ns, newId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, updateMainFilesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("newId"_ns, newId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, cleanupOldEntryQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(transaction.Commit())); return NS_OK; } nsresult RehashDirectory(const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const EntryId& aEntryId, const FileSystemChildMetadata& aNewDesignation) { // This name won't match up with the entryId for the old path but // it will be removed at the end const nsLiteralCString updateNameQuery = "UPDATE Directories SET name = :newName WHERE handle = :handle " "; "_ns; const nsLiteralCString calculateHashesQuery = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ParentChildHash AS " "WITH RECURSIVE " "rehashMap( depth, isFile, handle, parent, name, hash ) AS ( " "SELECT 0, isFile, handle, parent, name, hashEntry( :newParent, name ) " "FROM EntryNames WHERE handle = :handle UNION SELECT " "1 + depth, EntryNames.isFile, EntryNames.handle, EntryNames.parent, " "EntryNames.name, hashEntry( rehashMap.hash, EntryNames.name ) " "FROM rehashMap, EntryNames WHERE rehashMap.handle = EntryNames.parent ) " "SELECT depth, isFile, handle, parent, name, hash FROM rehashMap " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString createIndexByDepthQuery = "CREATE INDEX indexOnDepth ON ParentChildHash ( depth ); "_ns; // To avoid constraint violation, we insert new entries under the old parent. // The destination should be empty at this point: either we exited because // overwrite was not desired, or the existing content was removed. const nsLiteralCString insertNewEntriesQuery = "INSERT INTO Entries ( handle, parent ) " "SELECT hash, :parent FROM ParentChildHash " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString insertNewDirectoriesQuery = "INSERT INTO Directories ( handle, name ) " "SELECT hash, name FROM ParentChildHash WHERE isFile = 0 " "ORDER BY depth " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString insertNewFilesQuery = "INSERT INTO Files ( handle, type, name ) " "SELECT ParentChildHash.hash, Files.type, ParentChildHash.name " "FROM ParentChildHash INNER JOIN Files USING (handle) " "WHERE ParentChildHash.isFile = 1 " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString updateFileMappingsQuery = "UPDATE FileIds SET handle = hash " "FROM ( SELECT handle, hash FROM ParentChildHash ) AS replacement " "WHERE FileIds.handle = replacement.handle " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString updateMainFilesQuery = "UPDATE MainFiles SET handle = hash " "FROM ( SELECT handle, hash FROM ParentChildHash ) AS replacement " "WHERE MainFiles.handle = replacement.handle " ";"_ns; // Now fix the parents const nsLiteralCString updateEntryMappingsQuery = "UPDATE Entries SET parent = hash " "FROM ( SELECT Lhs.hash AS handle, Rhs.hash AS hash, Lhs.depth AS depth " "FROM ParentChildHash AS Lhs " "INNER JOIN ParentChildHash AS Rhs " "ON Rhs.handle = Lhs.parent ORDER BY depth ) AS replacement " "WHERE Entries.handle = replacement.handle " ";"_ns; const nsLiteralCString cleanupOldEntriesQuery = "DELETE FROM Entries WHERE handle = :handle " ";"_ns; // Index is automatically deleted const nsLiteralCString cleanupTemporaries = "DROP TABLE ParentChildHash " ";"_ns; nsCOMPtr rehashFunction = new data::FileSystemHashStorageFunction(); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(aConnection->CreateFunction("hashEntry"_ns, /* number of arguments */ 2, rehashFunction))); auto finallyRemoveFunction = MakeScopeExit([&aConnection]() { QM_WARNONLY_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(aConnection->RemoveFunction("hashEntry"_ns))); }); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(auto transaction, StartedTransaction::Create(aConnection)); { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, updateNameQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT( stmt.BindNameByName("newName"_ns, aNewDesignation.childName()))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, calculateHashesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT( stmt.BindEntryIdByName("newParent"_ns, aNewDesignation.parentId()))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(aConnection->ExecuteSimpleSQL(createIndexByDepthQuery))); { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, insertNewEntriesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT( stmt.BindEntryIdByName("parent"_ns, aNewDesignation.parentId()))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP( ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, insertNewDirectoriesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, insertNewFilesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP( ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, updateFileMappingsQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, updateMainFilesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP( ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, updateEntryMappingsQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, cleanupOldEntriesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, cleanupTemporaries)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); } QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(transaction.Commit())); return NS_OK; } /** * @brief Each entryId is interpreted as a large integer, which is increased * until an unused value is found. This process is in principle infallible. * The files associated with a given path will form a cluster next to the * entryId which could be used for recovery because our hash function is * expected to distribute all clusters far from each other. */ Result GetNextFreeFileId( const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const FileSystemFileManager& aFileManager, const EntryId& aEntryId) { MOZ_ASSERT(32u == aEntryId.Length()); auto DoesExist = [&aConnection, &aFileManager]( const FileId& aId) -> Result { QM_TRY_INSPECT(const nsCOMPtr& diskFile, aFileManager.GetFile(aId)); bool result = true; QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(diskFile->Exists(&result))); if (result) { return true; } QM_TRY_RETURN(DoesFileIdExist(aConnection, aId)); }; auto Next = [](FileId& aId) { // Using a larger integer would make fileIds depend on platform endianness. using IntegerType = uint8_t; constexpr int32_t bufferSize = 32 / sizeof(IntegerType); using IdBuffer = std::array; auto Increase = [](IdBuffer& aIn) { for (int i = 0; i < bufferSize; ++i) { if (1u + aIn[i] != 0u) { ++aIn[i]; return; } aIn[i] = 0u; } }; DebugOnly original = aId.Value(); Increase(*reinterpret_cast(aId.mValue.BeginWriting())); MOZ_ASSERT(!aId.Value().Equals(original)); }; FileId id = FileId(aEntryId); while (true) { QM_WARNONLY_TRY_UNWRAP(Maybe maybeExists, DoesExist(id)); if (maybeExists.isSome() && !maybeExists.value()) { return id; } Next(id); } } Result AddNewFileId(const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const FileSystemFileManager& aFileManager, const EntryId& aEntryId) { QM_TRY_INSPECT(const FileId& nextFreeId, GetNextFreeFileId(aConnection, aFileManager, aEntryId)); const nsLiteralCString insertNewFileIdQuery = "INSERT INTO FileIds ( fileId, handle ) " "VALUES ( :fileId, :entryId ) " "; "_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, insertNewFileIdQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindFileIdByName("fileId"_ns, nextFreeId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("entryId"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); return nextFreeId; } /** * @brief Get recorded usage or zero if nothing was ever written to the file. * Removing files is only allowed when there is no lock on the file, and their * usage is either correctly recorded in the database during unlock, or nothing, * or they remain in tracked state and the quota manager assumes their usage to * be equal to the latest recorded value. In all cases, the latest recorded * value (or nothing) is the correct amount of quota to be released. */ Result GetKnownUsage(const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const FileId& aFileId) { const nsLiteralCString trackedUsageQuery = "SELECT usage FROM Usages WHERE handle = :handle ;"_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(aConnection, trackedUsageQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindFileIdByName("handle"_ns, aFileId))); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(const bool moreResults, stmt.ExecuteStep()); if (!moreResults) { return 0; } QM_TRY_RETURN(stmt.GetUsageByColumn(/* Column */ 0u)); } } // namespace /* static */ nsresult FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::RescanTrackedUsages( const FileSystemConnection& aConnection, const quota::OriginMetadata& aOriginMetadata) { return FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion001::RescanTrackedUsages( aConnection, aOriginMetadata); } /* static */ Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::GetFileUsage( const FileSystemConnection& aConnection) { return FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion001::GetFileUsage(aConnection); } nsresult FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::GetFile( const EntryId& aEntryId, const FileId& aFileId, const FileMode& aMode, ContentType& aType, TimeStamp& lastModifiedMilliSeconds, nsTArray& aPath, nsCOMPtr& aFile) const { MOZ_ASSERT(!aFileId.IsEmpty()); const FileSystemEntryPair endPoints(mRootEntry, aEntryId); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(aPath, ResolveReversedPath(mConnection, endPoints)); if (aPath.IsEmpty()) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR; } QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(GetFileAttributes(mConnection, aEntryId, aType))); if (aMode == FileMode::SHARED_FROM_COPY) { QM_WARNONLY_TRY_UNWRAP(Maybe mainFileId, GetFileId(aEntryId)); if (mainFileId) { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(aFile, mFileManager->CreateFileFrom(aFileId, mainFileId.value())); int64_t fileSize = 0; QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(aFile->GetFileSize(&fileSize))); UpdateCachedQuotaUsage(aFileId, 0, fileSize); } else { // LockShared/EnsureTemporaryFileId has provided a brand new fileId. QM_TRY_UNWRAP(aFile, mFileManager->GetOrCreateFile(aFileId)); } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aMode == FileMode::EXCLUSIVE || aMode == FileMode::SHARED_FROM_EMPTY); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(aFile, mFileManager->GetOrCreateFile(aFileId)); } PRTime lastModTime = 0; QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(aFile->GetLastModifiedTime(&lastModTime))); lastModifiedMilliSeconds = static_cast(lastModTime); aPath.Reverse(); return NS_OK; } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::RenameEntry( const FileSystemEntryMetadata& aHandle, const Name& aNewName) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aNewName.IsEmpty()); const auto& entryId = aHandle.entryId(); MOZ_ASSERT(!entryId.IsEmpty()); // Can't rename root if (mRootEntry == entryId) { return Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)); } // Verify the source exists QM_TRY_UNWRAP(bool isFile, IsFile(mConnection, entryId), Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR))); // Are we actually renaming? if (aHandle.entryName() == aNewName) { return entryId; } QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(PrepareRenameEntry(mConnection, mDataManager, aHandle, aNewName, isFile))); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(EntryId parentId, FindParent(mConnection, entryId)); FileSystemChildMetadata newDesignation(parentId, aNewName); if (isFile) { const ContentType type = DetermineContentType(aNewName); QM_TRY( QM_TO_RESULT(RehashFile(mConnection, entryId, newDesignation, type))); } else { QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(RehashDirectory(mConnection, entryId, newDesignation))); } QM_TRY_UNWRAP(DebugOnly dbId, FindEntryId(mConnection, newDesignation, isFile)); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(EntryId generated, FileSystemHashSource::GenerateHash(parentId, aNewName)); MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast(dbId).Equals(generated)); return generated; } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::MoveEntry( const FileSystemEntryMetadata& aHandle, const FileSystemChildMetadata& aNewDesignation) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aHandle.entryId().IsEmpty()); const auto& entryId = aHandle.entryId(); if (mRootEntry == entryId) { return Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)); } // Verify the source exists QM_TRY_UNWRAP(bool isFile, IsFile(mConnection, entryId), Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR))); // If the rename doesn't change the name or directory, just return success. // XXX Needs to be added to the spec QM_WARNONLY_TRY_UNWRAP(Maybe maybeSame, IsSame(mConnection, aHandle, aNewDesignation, isFile)); if (maybeSame && maybeSame.value()) { return entryId; } QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(PrepareMoveEntry(mConnection, mDataManager, aHandle, aNewDesignation, isFile))); if (isFile) { const ContentType type = DetermineContentType(aNewDesignation.childName()); QM_TRY( QM_TO_RESULT(RehashFile(mConnection, entryId, aNewDesignation, type))); } else { QM_TRY( QM_TO_RESULT(RehashDirectory(mConnection, entryId, aNewDesignation))); } QM_TRY_UNWRAP(DebugOnly dbId, FindEntryId(mConnection, aNewDesignation, isFile)); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(EntryId generated, FileSystemHashSource::GenerateHash( aNewDesignation.parentId(), aNewDesignation.childName())); MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast(dbId).Equals(generated)); return generated; } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::GetEntryId( const FileSystemChildMetadata& aHandle) const { return fs::data::GetEntryHandle(aHandle); } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::GetEntryId( const FileId& aFileId) const { const nsLiteralCString getEntryIdQuery = "SELECT handle FROM FileIds WHERE fileId = :fileId ;"_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(mConnection, getEntryIdQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindFileIdByName("fileId"_ns, aFileId))); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(bool hasEntries, stmt.ExecuteStep()); if (!hasEntries || stmt.IsNullByColumn(/* Column */ 0u)) { return Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)); } QM_TRY_RETURN(stmt.GetEntryIdByColumn(/* Column */ 0u)); } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::EnsureFileId( const EntryId& aEntryId) { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(bool exists, DoesFileExist(mConnection, aEntryId)); if (!exists) { return Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)); } QM_TRY_UNWRAP(Maybe maybeMainFileId, QM_OR_ELSE_LOG_VERBOSE_IF( // Expression. GetFileId(aEntryId).map([](auto mainFileId) { return Some(std::move(mainFileId)); }), // Predicate. IsSpecificError, // Fallback. ([](const auto&) -> Result, QMResult> { return Maybe{}; }))); if (maybeMainFileId) { return *maybeMainFileId; } QM_TRY_UNWRAP(auto transaction, StartedTransaction::Create(mConnection)); QM_TRY_INSPECT(const FileId& fileId, AddNewFileId(mConnection, *mFileManager, aEntryId)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(MergeFileId(aEntryId, fileId, /* aAbort */ false))); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(transaction.Commit())); return fileId; } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::EnsureTemporaryFileId( const EntryId& aEntryId) { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(bool exists, DoesFileExist(mConnection, aEntryId)); if (!exists) { return Err(QMResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR)); } QM_TRY_RETURN(AddNewFileId(mConnection, *mFileManager, aEntryId)); } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::GetFileId( const EntryId& aEntryId) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mConnection); return data::GetFileId002(mConnection, aEntryId); } nsresult FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::MergeFileId( const EntryId& aEntryId, const FileId& aFileId, bool aAbort) { MOZ_ASSERT(mConnection); auto doCleanUp = [this](const FileId& aCleanable) -> nsresult { // We need to clean up the old main file. QM_TRY_UNWRAP(Usage usage, GetKnownUsage(mConnection, aCleanable).mapErr(toNSResult)); QM_WARNONLY_TRY_UNWRAP(Maybe removedUsage, mFileManager->RemoveFile(aCleanable)); if (removedUsage) { // Removal of file data was ok, update the related fileId and usage QM_WARNONLY_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(RemoveFileId(aCleanable))); if (usage > 0) { // Performance! DecreaseCachedQuotaUsage(usage); } // We only check the most common case. This can fail spuriously if an // external application writes to the file, or OS reports zero size due to // corruption. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(0 == mFilesOfUnknownUsage, usage == removedUsage.value()); return NS_OK; } // Removal failed const nsLiteralCString forgetCleanable = "UPDATE FileIds SET handle = NULL WHERE fileId = :fileId ; "_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(mConnection, forgetCleanable) .mapErr(toNSResult)); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindFileIdByName("fileId"_ns, aCleanable))); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); TryRemoveDuringIdleMaintenance({aCleanable}); return NS_OK; }; if (aAbort) { QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(doCleanUp(aFileId))); return NS_OK; } QM_TRY_UNWRAP( Maybe maybeOldFileId, QM_OR_ELSE_LOG_VERBOSE_IF( // Expression. GetFileId(aEntryId) .map([](auto oldFileId) { return Some(std::move(oldFileId)); }) .mapErr(toNSResult), // Predicate. IsSpecificError, // Fallback. ErrToDefaultOk>)); if (maybeOldFileId && *maybeOldFileId == aFileId) { return NS_OK; // Nothing to do } // Main file changed const nsLiteralCString flagAsMainFileQuery = "INSERT INTO MainFiles ( handle, fileId ) " "VALUES ( :entryId, :fileId ) " "ON CONFLICT (handle) " "DO UPDATE SET fileId = excluded.fileId " "; "_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(auto transaction, StartedTransaction::Create(mConnection)); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(mConnection, flagAsMainFileQuery) .mapErr(toNSResult)); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("entryId"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindFileIdByName("fileId"_ns, aFileId))); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(stmt.Execute())); if (!maybeOldFileId) { // We successfully added a new main file and there is nothing to clean up. QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(transaction.Commit())); return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(maybeOldFileId); MOZ_ASSERT(*maybeOldFileId != aFileId); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(doCleanUp(*maybeOldFileId))); // If the old fileId and usage were not deleted, main file update fails. QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(transaction.Commit())); return NS_OK; } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::DoesFileIdExist( const FileId& aFileId) const { QM_TRY_RETURN(data::DoesFileIdExist(mConnection, aFileId)); } nsresult FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::RemoveFileId( const FileId& aFileId) { const nsLiteralCString removeFileIdQuery = "DELETE FROM FileIds " "WHERE fileId = :fileId " ";"_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(mConnection, removeFileIdQuery) .mapErr(toNSResult)); QM_TRY(MOZ_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("fileId"_ns, aFileId.Value()))); return stmt.Execute(); } Result FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::GetUsagesOfDescendants( const EntryId& aEntryId) const { const nsLiteralCString descendantUsagesQuery = "WITH RECURSIVE traceChildren(handle, parent) AS ( " "SELECT handle, parent FROM Entries WHERE handle = :handle " "UNION " "SELECT Entries.handle, Entries.parent FROM traceChildren, Entries " "WHERE traceChildren.handle=Entries.parent ) " "SELECT sum(Usages.usage) " "FROM traceChildren " "INNER JOIN FileIds ON traceChildren.handle = FileIds.handle " "INNER JOIN Usages ON Usages.handle = FileIds.fileId " ";"_ns; QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(mConnection, descendantUsagesQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); QM_TRY_UNWRAP(const bool moreResults, stmt.ExecuteStep()); if (!moreResults) { return 0; } QM_TRY_RETURN(stmt.GetUsageByColumn(/* Column */ 0u)); } Result, QMResult> FileSystemDatabaseManagerVersion002::FindFilesUnderEntry( const EntryId& aEntryId) const { const nsLiteralCString descendantsQuery = "WITH RECURSIVE traceChildren(handle, parent) AS ( " "SELECT handle, parent FROM Entries WHERE handle = :handle " "UNION " "SELECT Entries.handle, Entries.parent FROM traceChildren, Entries " "WHERE traceChildren.handle = Entries.parent ) " "SELECT FileIds.fileId " "FROM traceChildren INNER JOIN FileIds USING (handle) " ";"_ns; nsTArray descendants; { QM_TRY_UNWRAP(ResultStatement stmt, ResultStatement::Create(mConnection, descendantsQuery)); QM_TRY(QM_TO_RESULT(stmt.BindEntryIdByName("handle"_ns, aEntryId))); while (true) { QM_TRY_INSPECT(const bool& moreResults, stmt.ExecuteStep()); if (!moreResults) { break; } QM_TRY_INSPECT(const FileId& fileId, stmt.GetFileIdByColumn(/* Column */ 0u)); descendants.AppendElement(fileId); } } return descendants; } } // namespace mozilla::dom::fs::data