# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import os import re import sys from pathlib import Path sys.path.append(os.fspath(Path(__file__).parents[3] / "quota/test/marionette")) from quota_test_case import QuotaTestCase INDEXED_DB_PBM_PREF = "dom.indexedDB.privateBrowsing.enabled" QM_TESTING_PREF = "dom.quotaManager.testing" class IDBEncryptionPBM(QuotaTestCase): """ Bug1784966: Ensure IDB data gets encrypted in Private Browsing Mode. We need to ensure data inside both sqlite fields and blob files under *.sqllite gets encrypted. """ def setUp(self): super(IDBEncryptionPBM, self).setUp() self.testHTML = "dom/indexedDB/basicIDB_PBM.html" self.IDBName = "IDBTest" self.IDBStoreName = "IDBTestStore" self.IDBVersion = 1 self.IDBValue = "test_IDB_Encryption_PBM" self.idbStoragePath = None self.profilePath = self.marionette.instance.profile.profile self.defaultIDBPrefValue = self.marionette.get_pref(INDEXED_DB_PBM_PREF) self.marionette.set_pref(INDEXED_DB_PBM_PREF, True) self.defaultQMPrefValue = self.marionette.get_pref(QM_TESTING_PREF) self.marionette.set_pref(QM_TESTING_PREF, True) def tearDown(self): super(IDBEncryptionPBM, self).tearDown() self.marionette.set_pref(INDEXED_DB_PBM_PREF, self.defaultIDBPrefValue) self.marionette.set_pref(QM_TESTING_PREF, self.defaultQMPrefValue) def test_raw_IDB_data_ondisk(self): with self.using_new_window(self.testHTML, private=False) as ( self.origin, self.persistenceType, ): self.runAndValidate( lambda exists: self.assertTrue( exists, "Failed to find expected data on disk" ) ) def test_ensure_encrypted_IDB_data_ondisk(self): with self.using_new_window(self.testHTML, private=True) as ( self.origin, self.persistenceType, ): self.runAndValidate( lambda exists: self.assertFalse(exists, "Data on disk is not encrypted") ) def runAndValidate(self, validator): self.marionette.execute_async_script( """ const [idb, store, key, value, resolve] = arguments; window.wrappedJSObject.addDataIntoIDB(idb, store, key, value).then(resolve); """, script_args=(self.IDBName, self.IDBStoreName, "textKey", self.IDBValue), ) self.validateSqlite(validator) self.marionette.execute_async_script( """ const [idb, store, key, value, resolve] = arguments; const blobValue = new Blob([value], {type:'text/plain'}); window.wrappedJSObject.addDataIntoIDB(idb, store, key, blobValue).then(resolve); """, script_args=(self.IDBName, self.IDBStoreName, "blobKey", self.IDBValue), ) self.validateBlob(validator) def validateBlob(self, validator): self.ensureInvariantHolds(lambda _: self.sqliteWALReleased()) self.ensureInvariantHolds( lambda _: self.findDirObj(self.getIDBStoragePath(), ".files", False) is not None ) idbBlobDir = self.findDirObj(self.getIDBStoragePath(), ".files", False) # seems like there's a timing issue here. There are sometimes no blob file # even after WAL is released. Allowing some buffer time and ensuring blob file # exists before validating it's contents idbBlobPath = os.path.join(idbBlobDir, "1") self.ensureInvariantHolds(lambda _: os.path.exists(idbBlobPath)) foundRawValue = False with open(idbBlobPath, "rb") as f_binary: foundRawValue = ( re.search(self.IDBValue.encode("ascii"), f_binary.read()) is not None ) validator(foundRawValue) def validateSqlite(self, validator): self.ensureInvariantHolds(lambda _: self.sqliteWALReleased()) self.ensureInvariantHolds( lambda _: self.findDirObj(self.getIDBStoragePath(), ".sqlite", True) is not None ) sqliteDBFile = self.findDirObj(self.getIDBStoragePath(), ".sqlite", True) foundRawValue = False with open(sqliteDBFile, "rb") as f_binary: foundRawValue = ( re.search(self.IDBValue.encode("ascii"), f_binary.read()) is not None ) validator(foundRawValue) def getIDBStoragePath(self): if self.idbStoragePath is not None: return self.idbStoragePath assert self.origin is not None assert self.persistenceType is not None self.idbStoragePath = self.getStoragePath( self.profilePath, self.origin, self.persistenceType, "idb" ) print("idb origin directory = " + self.idbStoragePath) return self.idbStoragePath def sqliteWALReleased(self): """ checks if .sqlite-wal has been cleared or not. returns False if idbStoragePath does not exist """ if not os.path.exists(self.getIDBStoragePath()): return False walPath = self.findDirObj(self.idbStoragePath, ".sqlite-wal", True) return walPath is None or os.stat(walPath).st_size == 0