/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "domstubs.idl" #include "nsIRequest.idl" interface mozIDOMWindow; interface nsPIDOMWindowInner; interface mozIDOMWindowProxy; interface nsIArray; interface nsIInterceptedChannel; interface nsIPrincipal; interface nsIRunnable; interface nsIURI; %{C++ namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class ClientInfo; class ServiceWorkerDescriptor; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla %} [ref] native const_ClientInfoRef(const mozilla::dom::ClientInfo); [ref] native const_ServiceWorkerDescriptorRef(const mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerDescriptor); [scriptable, uuid(52ee2c9d-ee87-4caf-9588-23ae77ff8798)] interface nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback : nsISupports { // aState is true if the unregistration succeded. // It's false if this ServiceWorkerRegistration doesn't exist. void unregisterSucceeded(in bool aState); void unregisterFailed(); }; interface nsIWorkerDebugger; [scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(76e357ed-208d-4e4c-9165-1c4059707879)] interface nsIServiceWorkerInfo : nsISupports { // State values below should match the ServiceWorkerState enumeration. const unsigned short STATE_PARSED = 0; const unsigned short STATE_INSTALLING = 1; const unsigned short STATE_INSTALLED = 2; const unsigned short STATE_ACTIVATING = 3; const unsigned short STATE_ACTIVATED = 4; const unsigned short STATE_REDUNDANT = 5; const unsigned short STATE_UNKNOWN = 6; readonly attribute AString id; readonly attribute AString scriptSpec; readonly attribute AString cacheName; readonly attribute unsigned short state; readonly attribute nsIWorkerDebugger debugger; // Return whether the ServiceWorker has a "fetch" event listener. Throws if // this is unknown because the worker's main script hasn't finished executing // (when exposed as evaluatingWorker). readonly attribute bool handlesFetchEvents; readonly attribute PRTime installedTime; readonly attribute PRTime activatedTime; readonly attribute PRTime redundantTime; // Total number of navigation faults experienced by this ServiceWorker since // it was loaded from disk at startup or was installed. readonly attribute unsigned long navigationFaultCount; // Testing mechanism to induce synthetic failure of fetch events. If set to // something other than NS_OK, all fetch events dispatched will be propagated // to the content process, but when it comes time to dispatch the fetch event, // the cancellation control flow path will be triggered. attribute nsresult testingInjectCancellation; void attachDebugger(); void detachDebugger(); }; [scriptable, uuid(87e63548-d440-4b8a-b158-65ad1de0211E)] interface nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener : nsISupports { void onChange(); }; [scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(ddbc1fd4-2f2e-4fca-a395-6e010bbedfe3)] interface nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo : nsISupports { // State values below should match the ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache enumeration. const unsigned short UPDATE_VIA_CACHE_IMPORTS = 0; const unsigned short UPDATE_VIA_CACHE_ALL = 1; const unsigned short UPDATE_VIA_CACHE_NONE = 2; readonly attribute nsIPrincipal principal; readonly attribute boolean unregistered; readonly attribute AString scope; readonly attribute AString scriptSpec; readonly attribute unsigned short updateViaCache; readonly attribute PRTime lastUpdateTime; readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo evaluatingWorker; readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo installingWorker; readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo waitingWorker; readonly attribute nsIServiceWorkerInfo activeWorker; // Exposes the number of times we have ever checked the usage of this origin // for the purposes of mitigating ServiceWorker navigation faults that we // suspect to be due to quota limit problems. This should start out 0 and // max out at 1 for the time being. // // Note that the underlying value is tracked on our per-Principal data, but // we don't currently expose that data directly via XPCOM so we're exposing // this here as the next best thing and because most non-test consumers would // work in terms of the registration anyways. // // This will return -1 if there is no longer any per-origin data because the // last registration for the origin (principal) has been unregistered. // (Retaining a reference to this interface does not impact anything the // underlying scope-to-registration map that is implemented per spec.) readonly attribute long quotaUsageCheckCount; // Allows to get the related nsIServiceWorkerInfo for a given // nsIWorkerDebugger. Over time we shouldn't need this anymore, // and instead always control then nsIWorkerDebugger from // nsIServiceWorkerInfo and not the other way around. Returns // null if the service worker is no longer registered. nsIServiceWorkerInfo getWorkerByID(in unsigned long long aID); void addListener(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener listener); void removeListener(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfoListener listener); // Terminate all the service worker relate to this registration. // This is used by the WebExtensions framework to shutdown the extension's // background service workers as part of shutdown, which happens when: // - the extension has been disabled. // - the extension is shutting down to be updated. // - the extension is shutting down as part of the uninstall flow. // // All the service workers instances related to this registration are expected // to be terminate immediately. // // TODO - Bug 1638099: This method should also allow the WebExtension framework // to mark the registration as disabled (e.g. through an additional parameter), // to avoid it to be started again until the WebExtensions framework does explicitly // mark it back to enabled. void forceShutdown(); }; [scriptable, uuid(9e523e7c-ad6f-4df0-8077-c74aebbc679d)] interface nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener : nsISupports { void onRegister(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo aInfo); void onUnregister(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo aInfo); /** * Called by ServiceWorker bypass mitigations when checking whether an * origin's quota usage is sufficiently full that we need to clear the origin * (and possibly group's) data as part of our mitigation. * This notification is provided primarily for testing code that needs to wait * for this check to happen but has no other mechanism for knowing it's * completed. Probably not relevant to devtools. */ void onQuotaUsageCheckFinish(in nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo aInfo); }; [scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(7404c8e8-4d47-4449-8ed1-47d1261d4e33)] interface nsIServiceWorkerManager : nsISupports { /** * A testing helper that is meant to only be used in xpcshell-test to test behaviors * that would need a browser restart to re-initialize the ServiceWorkerManager from * the service worker registration dumped on disk (the one listed in the serviceworker.txt * file part of the Firefox profile directory). * * NOTE: this test helper does * - fail if "dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled" is not set to true * - fail if there are controlled clients (the test case is responsible of making sure that * there is none when this method is being called) * - shutdown and clear all service worker registrations (but without removing them from * the registration stored in serviceworker.txt) * - force reload the registration data stored in serviceworker.txt (but the test case using * this helper is responsible to be sure that the registrations have been already written * on disk) */ void reloadRegistrationsForTest(); /** * A testing helper that registers a service worker for testing purpose (e.g. used to test * a remote worker that has to spawn a new process to be launched). * This method can only be used when "dom.serviceWorkers.testing.enabled" is true and * it doesn't support all the registration options (e.g. updateViaCache is set automatically * to "imports"). */ [implicit_jscontext] Promise registerForTest(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, in AString aScope, in AString aScriptURL); /** * Register an extension background service worker for a given * extension principal and return a promise that resolves to the * nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo (or rejects if there was one * already registered). */ [implicit_jscontext] Promise registerForAddonPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal); /** * Get an extension background service worker registration for a * given extension principal, return an nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo * if one exists (or null if no registration has been found). */ void getRegistrationForAddonPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, [optional, retval] out nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo regInfo); /** * Wake up the extension background service worker given its extension base url, * for an API event identified by the namespace and event name strings. * * Returns a Promise which is resolved to true if a listener has been subscribed * during the synchronous worker script execution for the expected WebExtensions * API event. * * NOTE: ExtensionBrowser and ExtensionEventManager interfaces are keeping track * of these listeners. These are WebExtensions API event listeners and they do not * involve any functional events at all. */ [implicit_jscontext] Promise wakeForExtensionAPIEvent(in AString aExtensionBaseURL, in AString aAPINamespace, in AString aAPIEventName); /** * Unregister an existing ServiceWorker registration for `aScope`. * It keeps aCallback alive until the operation is concluded. */ void unregister(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, in nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback aCallback, in AString aScope); nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo getRegistrationByPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, in AString aScope); [notxpcom, nostdcall] bool StartControlling(in const_ClientInfoRef aClientInfo, in const_ServiceWorkerDescriptorRef aServiceWorker); // Testing AString getScopeForUrl(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, in AString aPath); // It returns an array of nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfos. nsIArray getAllRegistrations(); // For clear-origin-attributes-data void removeRegistrationsByOriginAttributes(in AString aOriginAttributes); // It calls unregister() in each child process. The callback is used to // inform when unregister() is completed on the current process. void propagateUnregister(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, in nsIServiceWorkerUnregisterCallback aCallback, in AString aScope); void sendNotificationClickEvent(in ACString aOriginSuffix, in ACString scope, in AString aID, in AString aTitle, in AString aDir, in AString aLang, in AString aBody, in AString aTag, in AString aIcon, in AString aData, in AString aBehavior); void sendNotificationCloseEvent(in ACString aOriginSuffix, in ACString scope, in AString aID, in AString aTitle, in AString aDir, in AString aLang, in AString aBody, in AString aTag, in AString aIcon, in AString aData, in AString aBehavior); [optional_argc] void sendPushEvent(in ACString aOriginAttributes, in ACString aScope, [optional] in Array aDataBytes); void sendPushSubscriptionChangeEvent(in ACString aOriginAttributes, in ACString scope); void addListener(in nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener aListener); void removeListener(in nsIServiceWorkerManagerListener aListener); }; %{ C++ #define SERVICEWORKERMANAGER_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/serviceworkers/manager;1" %}