/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* vim: set sw=4 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ include protocol PBrowser; #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY include protocol PDocAccessible; #endif include DOMTypes; include PPrintingTypes; include "mozilla/LayoutMessageUtils.h"; include "mozilla/dom/BindingIPCUtils.h"; include "mozilla/dom/DocShellMessageUtils.h"; include "mozilla/dom/TabMessageUtils.h"; using class mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent from "ipc/nsGUIEventIPC.h"; using mozilla::dom::EffectsInfo from "mozilla/dom/EffectsInfo.h"; using mozilla::ScrollAxis from "mozilla/PresShellForwards.h"; using mozilla::ScrollFlags from "mozilla/PresShellForwards.h"; using struct nsRect from "nsRect.h"; using mozilla::dom::CallerType from "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h"; using nsIntRect from "nsRect.h"; using mozilla::dom::EmbedderElementEventType from "mozilla/dom/TabMessageTypes.h"; [RefCounted] using class nsDocShellLoadState from "nsDocShellLoadState.h"; using mozilla::IntrinsicSize from "nsIFrame.h"; using mozilla::AspectRatio from "mozilla/AspectRatio.h"; using mozilla::StyleImageRendering from "mozilla/ServoStyleConsts.h"; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { /** * A PBrowserBridge connects an iframe/browser in a content process to the * PBrowser that manages the embedded content. * * See `dom/docs/Fission-IPC-Diagram.svg` for an overview of the DOM IPC * actors. */ async protocol PBrowserBridge { manager PBrowser; child: /** * Request that the IPC child / Web parent process move focus to the * browser's frame. If canRaise is true, the window can be raised if * it is inactive. */ async RequestFocus(bool canRaise, CallerType aCallerType); /** * When IPC parent / Web child sends this message, the IPC child / Web parent * should move focus to the next or previous focusable element or document. */ async MoveFocus(bool forward, bool forDocumentNavigation); /** * Called once this PBrowserBridge's OOP subdoc no longer blocks its * embedding element's and embedding doc's 'load' events. */ async MaybeFireEmbedderLoadEvents(EmbedderElementEventType aFireEventAtEmbeddingElement); async ScrollRectIntoView(nsRect aRect, ScrollAxis aVertical, ScrollAxis aHorizontal, ScrollFlags aScrollFlags, int32_t aAppUnitsPerDevPixel); async SubFrameCrashed(); async IntrinsicSizeOrRatioChanged(IntrinsicSize? aIntrinsicSize, AspectRatio? aIntrinsicRatio); async ImageLoadComplete(nsresult aResult); both: // Destroy the remote web browser due to the nsFrameLoader going away. // Before initialization we sync-delete it from the child. After // initialization we sync-delete it from the parent after BeginDestroy(). async __delete__(); parent: async BeginDestroy(); // DocShell messaging. async LoadURL(nsDocShellLoadState aLoadState); async ResumeLoad(uint64_t aPendingSwitchID); // Out of process rendering. async Show(OwnerShowInfo info); async ScrollbarPreferenceChanged(ScrollbarPreference pref); [Compress=all] async UpdateDimensions(nsIntRect rect, ScreenIntSize size); async RenderLayers(bool aEnabled); async UpdateEffects(EffectsInfo aEffects); async UpdateRemotePrintSettings(PrintData aPrintData); /** * Navigate by key (Tab/Shift+Tab/F6/Shift+f6). */ async NavigateByKey(bool aForward, bool aForDocumentNavigation); /** * Dispatch the given synthesized mousemove event to the child. */ async DispatchSynthesizedMouseEvent(WidgetMouseEvent event); /** * Sending an activate message moves focus to the iframe. */ async Activate(uint64_t aActionId); async Deactivate(bool aWindowLowering, uint64_t aActionId); async UpdateRemoteStyle(StyleImageRendering aImageRendering); async WillChangeProcess(); #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY /** * Tell the parent the accessible for this iframe's embedder * OuterDocAccessible. * aDoc is the actor for the containing document. * aID is the unique id of the embedder accessible within that document. */ async SetEmbedderAccessible(nullable PDocAccessible aDoc, uint64_t aID); #endif }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla