/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function documentURL(origin, html) { let params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append("html", html.trim()); return `${origin}/document-builder.sjs?${params.toString()}`; } add_task(async function checkIsActiveInTab() { // This test creates a few tricky situations with navigation and iframes and // examines the results of various ways you might think to check if a page // is currently visible, and confirms that isActiveInTab works, even if the // others don't. // Make a top level page with two nested iframes. const IFRAME2_URL = documentURL("https://example.com", `


`); const IFRAME1_URL = documentURL( "https://example.com", `


` ); const TEST_URL = documentURL( "https://example.com", `

top window

` ); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(TEST_URL, async browser => { let topBC1 = browser.browsingContext; let topWindowGlobal1 = topBC1.currentWindowGlobal; is( browser.browsingContext.children.length, 1, "only one child for top window" ); let iframe1 = browser.browsingContext.children[0]; let iframeWindowGlobal1a = iframe1.currentWindowGlobal; is(iframe1.children.length, 1, "only one child for iframe"); let iframe2 = iframe1.children[0]; let iframeWindowGlobal2 = iframe2.currentWindowGlobal; ok(topWindowGlobal1.isActiveInTab, "top window global is active in tab"); ok(iframeWindowGlobal1a.isActiveInTab, "topmost iframe is active in tab"); ok(iframeWindowGlobal2.isActiveInTab, "innermost iframe is active in tab"); // Do a same-origin navigation on the topmost iframe. let iframe1bURI = "https://example.com/browser/dom/ipc/tests/file_dummy.html"; let loadedIframe = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded( browser, true, iframe1bURI ); await SpecialPowers.spawn( iframe1, [iframe1bURI], async function (_iframe1bURI) { content.location = _iframe1bURI; } ); await loadedIframe; ok( topWindowGlobal1.isActiveInTab, "top window global is still active in tab" ); let iframeWindowGlobal1b = iframe1.currentWindowGlobal; isnot( iframeWindowGlobal1a, iframeWindowGlobal1b, "navigating changed the iframe's current window" ); // This tests the !CanSend() case but unfortunately not the // `bc->GetCurrentWindowGlobal() != this` case. Apparently the latter will // only hold temporarily, so that is likely hard to test. ok( !iframeWindowGlobal1a.isActiveInTab, "topmost iframe is not active in tab" ); ok(iframeWindowGlobal1b.isActiveInTab, "new iframe is active in tab"); is( iframe2.currentWindowGlobal, iframeWindowGlobal2, "innermost iframe current window global has not changed" ); ok( iframeWindowGlobal2.isCurrentGlobal, "innermost iframe is still the current global for its BC" ); // With a same-origin navigation, this hits the !bc->AncestorsAreCurrent() // case. (With a cross-origin navigation, this hits the !CanSend() case.) ok( !iframeWindowGlobal2.isActiveInTab, "innermost iframe is not active in tab" ); // Load a new page into the tab to test the behavior when a page is in // the BFCache. let newTopURI = "https://example.com/browser/dom/ipc/tests/file_dummy.html"; let loadedTop2 = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, newTopURI); await BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(browser, newTopURI); await loadedTop2; isnot(browser.browsingContext, topBC1, "Navigated to a new BC"); is( topBC1.currentWindowGlobal, topWindowGlobal1, "old top window is still the current window global for the old BC" ); ok(topWindowGlobal1.isInBFCache, "old top window's BC is in the BFCache"); ok(!topWindowGlobal1.isCurrentGlobal, "old top frame isn't current"); ok(!topWindowGlobal1.isActiveInTab, "old top frame not active in tab"); is( iframe1.currentWindowGlobal, iframeWindowGlobal1b, "old iframe is still the current window global for the BC" ); ok(!iframeWindowGlobal1b.isCurrentGlobal, "newer top iframe isn't current"); ok( iframeWindowGlobal1b.isInBFCache, "old top window's BC is in the BFCache" ); ok(iframe1.ancestorsAreCurrent, "ancestors of iframe are current"); ok( !iframeWindowGlobal1b.isActiveInTab, "newer top iframe is active in not active in tab after top level navigation" ); }); });