// This test is fission-only! Make that clear before continuing, to avoid // confusing failures. ok( Services.appinfo.fissionAutostart, "this test requires fission to function!" ); requestLongerTimeout(2); const WebContentIsolationStrategy = { IsolateNothing: 0, IsolateEverything: 1, IsolateHighValue: 2, }; const COM_ORIGIN = "https://example.com"; const ORG_ORIGIN = "https://example.org"; const MOZ_ORIGIN = "https://www.mozilla.org"; // Helper for building document-builder.sjs URLs which have specific headers & // HTML content. function documentURL(origin, headers, html) { let params = new URLSearchParams(); params.append("html", html.trim()); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(headers)) { params.append("headers", `${key}:${value}`); } return `${origin}/document-builder.sjs?${params.toString()}`; } async function testTreeRemoteTypes(name, testpage) { // Use document-builder.sjs to build up the expected document tree. function buildURL(path, page) { let html = `<h1>${path}</h1>`; for (let i = 0; i < page.children.length; ++i) { const inner = buildURL(`${path}[${i}]`, page.children[i]); html += `<iframe src=${JSON.stringify(inner)}></iframe>`; } return documentURL(page.origin, page.headers, html); } const url = buildURL(name, testpage); // Load the tab and confirm that properties of the loaded documents match // expectation. await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(url, async browser => { let stack = [ { path: name, bc: browser.browsingContext, ...testpage, }, ]; while (stack.length) { const { path, bc, remoteType, children, origin } = stack.pop(); is( Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( bc.currentWindowGlobal.documentURI, {} ).originNoSuffix, origin, `Frame ${path} has expected originNoSuffix` ); is( bc.currentWindowGlobal.domProcess.remoteType, remoteType, `Frame ${path} has expected remote type` ); is( bc.children.length, children.length, `Frame ${path} has the expected number of children` ); for (let i = 0; i < bc.children.length; ++i) { stack.push({ path: `${path}[${i}]`, bc: bc.children[i], ...children[i], }); } } }); } function mkTestPage({ comRemoteType, orgRemoteType, mozRemoteType, topOrigin, topHeaders = {}, frameHeaders = {}, }) { const topRemoteType = { [COM_ORIGIN]: comRemoteType, [ORG_ORIGIN]: orgRemoteType, [MOZ_ORIGIN]: mozRemoteType, }[topOrigin]; const innerChildren = [ { origin: COM_ORIGIN, headers: frameHeaders, remoteType: comRemoteType, children: [], }, { origin: ORG_ORIGIN, headers: frameHeaders, remoteType: orgRemoteType, children: [], }, { origin: MOZ_ORIGIN, headers: frameHeaders, remoteType: mozRemoteType, children: [], }, ]; return { origin: topOrigin, headers: topHeaders, remoteType: topRemoteType, children: [ { origin: COM_ORIGIN, headers: frameHeaders, remoteType: comRemoteType, children: [...innerChildren], }, { origin: ORG_ORIGIN, headers: frameHeaders, remoteType: orgRemoteType, children: [...innerChildren], }, { origin: MOZ_ORIGIN, headers: frameHeaders, remoteType: mozRemoteType, children: [...innerChildren], }, ], }; } const heuristics = [ { name: "coop", setup_com: async expected => { // Set the COOP header, and load await testTreeRemoteTypes( "com_set_coop", mkTestPage({ topOrigin: COM_ORIGIN, topHeaders: { "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin" }, comRemoteType: expected.com_high, orgRemoteType: expected.org_normal, mozRemoteType: expected.moz_normal, }) ); }, run_extra_test: async expected => { // Load with both the COOP and COEP headers set. await testTreeRemoteTypes( "com_coop_coep", mkTestPage({ topOrigin: COM_ORIGIN, topHeaders: { "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin", "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp", }, frameHeaders: { "Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp", "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy": "cross-origin", }, comRemoteType: expected.com_coop_coep, orgRemoteType: expected.org_coop_coep, mozRemoteType: expected.moz_coop_coep, }) ); }, }, { name: "hasSavedLogin", setup_com: async expected => { // add .com to the password manager let LoginInfo = new Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1", Ci.nsILoginInfo, "init" ); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync( new LoginInfo(COM_ORIGIN, "", null, "username", "password", "", "") ); // Init login detection service to trigger fetching logins let loginDetection = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/login-detection-service;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsILoginDetectionService); loginDetection.init(); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { let x = loginDetection.isLoginsLoaded(); return x; }, "waiting for loading logins from the password manager"); }, }, { name: "isLoggedIn", setup_com: async expected => { let p = new Promise(resolve => { Services.obs.addObserver(function obs() { Services.obs.removeObserver( obs, "passwordmgr-form-submission-detected" ); resolve(); }, "passwordmgr-form-submission-detected"); }); const TEST_URL = documentURL( COM_ORIGIN, {}, `<form> <input value="username"> <input type="password" value="password"> <input type="submit"> </form>` ); // submit the form to simulate the login behavior await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(TEST_URL, async browser => { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { content.document.querySelector("form").submit(); }); }); await p; }, }, ]; async function do_tests(expected) { for (let heuristic of heuristics) { info(`Starting ${heuristic.name} test`); // Clear all site-specific data, as we don't want to have any high-value site // permissions from any previous iterations. await new Promise(resolve => Services.clearData.deleteData(Ci.nsIClearDataService.CLEAR_ALL, resolve) ); // Loads for basic URLs with no special headers set. await testTreeRemoteTypes( "basic_com", mkTestPage({ topOrigin: COM_ORIGIN, comRemoteType: expected.com_normal, orgRemoteType: expected.org_normal, mozRemoteType: expected.moz_normal, }) ); await testTreeRemoteTypes( "basic_org", mkTestPage({ topOrigin: ORG_ORIGIN, comRemoteType: expected.com_normal, orgRemoteType: expected.org_normal, mozRemoteType: expected.moz_normal, }) ); info(`Setting up ${heuristic.name} test`); await heuristic.setup_com(expected); // Load again after the heuristic is triggered info(`Running ${heuristic.name} tests after setup`); await testTreeRemoteTypes( `com_after_${heuristic.name}`, mkTestPage({ topOrigin: COM_ORIGIN, comRemoteType: expected.com_high, orgRemoteType: expected.org_normal, mozRemoteType: expected.moz_normal, }) ); // Load again with a .org toplevel await testTreeRemoteTypes( `org_after_${heuristic.name}`, mkTestPage({ topOrigin: ORG_ORIGIN, comRemoteType: expected.com_high, orgRemoteType: expected.org_normal, mozRemoteType: expected.moz_normal, }) ); // Run heuristic dependent tests if (heuristic.run_extra_test) { info(`Running extra tests for ${heuristic.name}`); await heuristic.run_extra_test(expected); } } }