/** * Return a web-based URL for a given file based on the testing directory. * @param {String} fileName * file that caller wants its web-based url * @param {Boolean} crossOrigin [optional] * if set, then return a url with different origin. The default value is * false. */ function GetTestWebBasedURL(fileName, { crossOrigin = false } = {}) { const origin = crossOrigin ? "http://example.org" : "http://example.com"; return ( getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace("chrome://mochitests/content", origin) + fileName ); } /** * Runs a content script that creates an autoplay video. * @param {browserElement} browser * the browser to run the script in * @param {object} args * test case definition, required members * { * mode: String, "autoplay attribute" or "call play". * } */ function loadAutoplayVideo(browser, args) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [args], async args => { info("- create a new autoplay video -"); let video = content.document.createElement("video"); video.id = "v1"; video.didPlayPromise = new Promise(resolve => { video.addEventListener( "playing", () => { video.didPlay = true; resolve(); }, { once: true } ); video.addEventListener( "blocked", () => { video.didPlay = false; resolve(); }, { once: true } ); }); if (args.mode == "autoplay attribute") { info("autoplay attribute set to true"); video.autoplay = true; } else if (args.mode == "call play") { info("will call play() when reached loadedmetadata"); video.addEventListener( "loadedmetadata", () => { video.play().then( () => { info("video play() resolved"); }, () => { info("video play() rejected"); } ); }, { once: true } ); } else { ok(false, "Invalid 'mode' arg"); } video.src = "gizmo.mp4"; content.document.body.appendChild(video); }); } /** * Runs a content script that checks whether the video created by * loadAutoplayVideo() started playing. * @param {browserElement} browser * the browser to run the script in * @param {object} args * test case definition, required members * { * name: String, description of test. * mode: String, "autoplay attribute" or "call play". * shouldPlay: boolean, whether video should play. * } */ function checkVideoDidPlay(browser, args) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [args], async args => { let video = content.document.getElementById("v1"); await video.didPlayPromise; is( video.didPlay, args.shouldPlay, args.name + " should " + (!args.shouldPlay ? "not " : "") + "be able to autoplay" ); video.src = ""; content.document.body.remove(video); }); } /** * Create a tab that will load the given url, and define an autoplay policy * check function inside the content window in that tab. This function should * only be used when `dom.media.autoplay-policy-detection.enabled` is true. * @param {url} url * the url which the created tab should load */ async function createTabAndSetupPolicyAssertFunc(url) { let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(window.gBrowser, url); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], _ => { content.video = content.document.createElement("video"); content.ac = new content.AudioContext(); content.assertAutoplayPolicy = ({ resultForElementType, resultForElement, resultForContextType, resultForContext, }) => { is( content.navigator.getAutoplayPolicy("mediaelement"), resultForElementType, "getAutoplayPolicy('mediaelement') returns correct value" ); is( content.navigator.getAutoplayPolicy(content.video), resultForElement, "getAutoplayPolicy(content.video) returns correct value" ); // note, per spec "allowed-muted" won't be used for audio context. is( content.navigator.getAutoplayPolicy("audiocontext"), resultForContextType, "getAutoplayPolicy('audiocontext') returns correct value" ); is( content.navigator.getAutoplayPolicy(content.ac), resultForContext, "getAutoplayPolicy(content.ac) returns correct value" ); }; }); return tab; }