const PAGE_URL = ""; add_task(async function setupTestingPref() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["media.mediacontrol.stopcontrol.aftermediaends", true]], }); }); /** * This test is used to ensure that we would stop controlling media after it * reaches to the end when a controller doesn't have an active media session. * If a controller has an active media session, it would keep active despite * media reaches to the end. */ add_task(async function testControllerShouldStopAfterMediaReachesToTheEnd() { info(`open media page and play media until the end`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_URL); await Promise.all([ checkIfMediaControllerBecomeInactiveAfterMediaEnds(tab), playMediaUntilItReachesToTheEnd(tab), ]); info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); }); add_task(async function testControllerWontStopAfterMediaReachesToTheEnd() { info(`open media page and create media session`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_URL); await createMediaSession(tab); info(`play media until the end`); await playMediaUntilItReachesToTheEnd(tab); info(`controller is still active because of having active media session`); await checkControllerIsActive(tab); info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); }); /** * The following are helper functions. */ function checkIfMediaControllerBecomeInactiveAfterMediaEnds(tab) { return new Promise(r => { let activeChangedNums = 0; const controller = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController; controller.onactivated = () => { is( ++activeChangedNums, 1, `Receive ${activeChangedNums} times 'onactivechange'` ); // We activate controller when it becomes playing, which doesn't guarantee // it's already audible, so we won't check audible state here. ok(controller.isActive, "controller should be active"); ok(controller.isPlaying, "controller should be playing"); }; controller.ondeactivated = () => { is( ++activeChangedNums, 2, `Receive ${activeChangedNums} times 'onactivechange'` ); ok(!controller.isActive, "controller should be inactive"); ok(!controller.isAudible, "controller should be inaudible"); ok(!controller.isPlaying, "controller should be paused"); r(); }; }); } function playMediaUntilItReachesToTheEnd(tab) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async () => { const video = content.document.getElementById("video"); if (!video) { ok(false, "can't get video"); } if (video.readyState < video.HAVE_METADATA) { info(`load media to get its duration`); video.load(); await new Promise(r => (video.loadedmetadata = r)); } info(`adjust the start position to faster reach to the end`); Assert.greater(video.duration, 1.0, "video's duration is larger than 1.0s"); video.currentTime = video.duration - 1.0; info(`play ${} video`);; await new Promise(r => (video.onended = r)); }); } function createMediaSession(tab) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], _ => { // simply create a media session, which would become the active media session later. content.navigator.mediaSession; }); } function checkControllerIsActive(tab) { const controller = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController; ok(controller.isActive, `controller is active`); }