/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "WMFMediaDataDecoder.h" #include "VideoUtils.h" #include "WMFUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Logging.h" #include "mozilla/ProfilerMarkers.h" #include "mozilla/SyncRunnable.h" #include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #define LOG(...) MOZ_LOG(sPDMLog, mozilla::LogLevel::Debug, (__VA_ARGS__)) namespace mozilla { WMFMediaDataDecoder::WMFMediaDataDecoder(MFTManager* aMFTManager) : mTaskQueue(TaskQueue::Create( GetMediaThreadPool(MediaThreadType::PLATFORM_DECODER), "WMFMediaDataDecoder")), mMFTManager(aMFTManager) {} WMFMediaDataDecoder::~WMFMediaDataDecoder() {} RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::Init() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); return InitPromise::CreateAndResolve(mMFTManager->GetType(), __func__); } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::Shutdown() { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); mIsShutDown = true; return InvokeAsync(mTaskQueue, __func__, [self = RefPtr{this}, this] { if (mMFTManager) { mMFTManager->Shutdown(); mMFTManager = nullptr; } return mTaskQueue->BeginShutdown(); }); } // Inserts data into the decoder's pipeline. RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::Decode( MediaRawData* aSample) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); return InvokeAsync( mTaskQueue, this, __func__, &WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessDecode, aSample); } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessError( HRESULT aError, const char* aReason) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTaskQueue->IsCurrentThreadIn()); nsPrintfCString markerString( "WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessError for decoder with description %s with " "reason: %s", GetDescriptionName().get(), aReason); LOG("%s", markerString.get()); PROFILER_MARKER_TEXT("WMFDecoder Error", MEDIA_PLAYBACK, {}, markerString); // TODO: For the error DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET, we could return // NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_NEED_NEW_DECODER to get the latest device. Maybe retry // up to 3 times. return DecodePromise::CreateAndReject( MediaResult(NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_DECODE_ERR, RESULT_DETAIL("%s:%lx", aReason, aError)), __func__); } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessDecode( MediaRawData* aSample) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTaskQueue->IsCurrentThreadIn()); DecodedData results; LOG("ProcessDecode, type=%s, sample=%" PRId64, TrackTypeToStr(mMFTManager->GetType()), aSample->mTime.ToMicroseconds()); HRESULT hr = mMFTManager->Input(aSample); if (hr == MF_E_NOTACCEPTING) { hr = ProcessOutput(results); if (FAILED(hr) && hr != MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { return ProcessError(hr, "MFTManager::Output(1)"); } hr = mMFTManager->Input(aSample); } if (FAILED(hr)) { NS_WARNING("MFTManager rejected sample"); return ProcessError(hr, "MFTManager::Input"); } if (mOutputsCount == 0) { mInputTimesSet.insert(aSample->mTime.ToMicroseconds()); } if (!mLastTime || aSample->mTime > *mLastTime) { mLastTime = Some(aSample->mTime); mLastDuration = aSample->mDuration; } mSamplesCount++; mDrainStatus = DrainStatus::DRAINABLE; mLastStreamOffset = aSample->mOffset; hr = ProcessOutput(results); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { return DecodePromise::CreateAndResolve(std::move(results), __func__); } return ProcessError(hr, "MFTManager::Output(2)"); } bool WMFMediaDataDecoder::ShouldGuardAgaintIncorrectFirstSample( MediaData* aOutput) const { // Incorrect first samples have only been observed in video tracks, so only // guard video tracks. if (mMFTManager->GetType() != TrackInfo::kVideoTrack) { return false; } // This is not the first output sample so we don't need to guard it. if (mOutputsCount != 0) { return false; } // Output isn't in the map which contains the inputs we gave to the decoder. // This is probably the invalid first sample. MFT decoder sometime will return // incorrect first output to us, which always has 0 timestamp, even if the // input we gave to MFT has timestamp that is way later than 0. MOZ_ASSERT(!mInputTimesSet.empty()); return mInputTimesSet.find(aOutput->mTime.ToMicroseconds()) == mInputTimesSet.end() && aOutput->mTime.ToMicroseconds() == 0; } HRESULT WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessOutput(DecodedData& aResults) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTaskQueue->IsCurrentThreadIn()); RefPtr output; HRESULT hr = S_OK; while (SUCCEEDED(hr = mMFTManager->Output(mLastStreamOffset, output))) { MOZ_ASSERT(output.get(), "Upon success, we must receive an output"); if (ShouldGuardAgaintIncorrectFirstSample(output)) { LOG("Discarding sample with time %" PRId64 " because of ShouldGuardAgaintIncorrectFirstSample check", output->mTime.ToMicroseconds()); continue; } if (++mOutputsCount == 1) { // Got first valid sample, don't need to guard following sample anymore. mInputTimesSet.clear(); } aResults.AppendElement(std::move(output)); if (mDrainStatus == DrainStatus::DRAINING) { break; } } return hr; } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessFlush() { MOZ_ASSERT(mTaskQueue->IsCurrentThreadIn()); if (mMFTManager) { mMFTManager->Flush(); } LOG("ProcessFlush, type=%s", TrackTypeToStr(mMFTManager->GetType())); mDrainStatus = DrainStatus::DRAINED; mSamplesCount = 0; mOutputsCount = 0; mLastTime.reset(); mInputTimesSet.clear(); return FlushPromise::CreateAndResolve(true, __func__); } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::Flush() { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); return InvokeAsync(mTaskQueue, this, __func__, &WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessFlush); } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessDrain() { MOZ_ASSERT(mTaskQueue->IsCurrentThreadIn()); if (!mMFTManager || mDrainStatus == DrainStatus::DRAINED) { return DecodePromise::CreateAndResolve(DecodedData(), __func__); } if (mDrainStatus != DrainStatus::DRAINING) { // Order the decoder to drain... mMFTManager->Drain(); mDrainStatus = DrainStatus::DRAINING; } // Then extract all available output. DecodedData results; HRESULT hr = ProcessOutput(results); if (hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { mDrainStatus = DrainStatus::DRAINED; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) { if (results.Length() > 0 && results.LastElement()->mType == MediaData::Type::VIDEO_DATA) { const RefPtr& data = results.LastElement(); if (mSamplesCount == 1 && data->mTime == media::TimeUnit::Zero()) { // WMF is unable to calculate a duration if only a single sample // was parsed. Additionally, the pts always comes out at 0 under those // circumstances. // Seeing that we've only fed the decoder a single frame, the pts // and duration are known, it's of the last sample. data->mTime = *mLastTime; } if (data->mTime == *mLastTime) { // The WMF Video decoder is sometimes unable to provide a valid duration // on the last sample even if it has been first set through // SetSampleTime (appears to always happen on Windows 7). So we force // set the duration of the last sample as it was input. data->mDuration = mLastDuration; } } else if (results.Length() == 1 && results.LastElement()->mType == MediaData::Type::AUDIO_DATA) { // When we drain the audio decoder and one frame was queued (such as with // AAC) the MFT will re-calculate the starting time rather than use the // value set on the IMF Sample. // This is normally an okay thing to do; however when dealing with poorly // muxed content that has incorrect start time, it could lead to broken // A/V sync. So we ensure that we use the compressed sample's time // instead. Additionally, this is what all other audio decoders are doing // anyway. MOZ_ASSERT(mLastTime, "We must have attempted to decode at least one frame to get " "one decoded output"); results.LastElement()->As()->SetOriginalStartTime(*mLastTime); } return DecodePromise::CreateAndResolve(std::move(results), __func__); } return ProcessError(hr, "MFTManager::Output"); } RefPtr WMFMediaDataDecoder::Drain() { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); return InvokeAsync(mTaskQueue, this, __func__, &WMFMediaDataDecoder::ProcessDrain); } bool WMFMediaDataDecoder::IsHardwareAccelerated( nsACString& aFailureReason) const { MOZ_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); return mMFTManager && mMFTManager->IsHardwareAccelerated(aFailureReason); } void WMFMediaDataDecoder::SetSeekThreshold(const media::TimeUnit& aTime) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mIsShutDown); RefPtr self = this; nsCOMPtr runnable = NS_NewRunnableFunction( "WMFMediaDataDecoder::SetSeekThreshold", [self, aTime]() { MOZ_ASSERT(self->mTaskQueue->IsCurrentThreadIn()); media::TimeUnit threshold = aTime; self->mMFTManager->SetSeekThreshold(threshold); }); nsresult rv = mTaskQueue->Dispatch(runnable.forget()); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)); Unused << rv; } } // namespace mozilla