/** * This test is used to ensure that invisible play time would be accumulated * when tab is in background. It also checks the HDR video accumulation time. * However, this test won't directly check the reported telemetry result, * because we can't check the snapshot histogram in the content process. * The actual probe checking happens in `test_accumulated_play_time.html`. */ "use strict"; const PAGE_URL = "https://example.com/browser/dom/media/test/browser/file_media.html"; // This HDR tests will only pass on platforms that accurately report color // depth in their VideoInfo structures. Presently, that is only true for // macOS. const reportsColorDepthFromVideoData = AppConstants.platform == "macosx"; add_task(async function testChangingTabVisibilityAffectsInvisiblePlayTime() { const originalTab = gBrowser.selectedTab; const mediaTab = await openMediaTab(PAGE_URL); info(`measuring play time when tab is in foreground`); await startMedia({ mediaTab, shouldAccumulateTime: true, shouldAccumulateInvisibleTime: false, shouldAccumulateHDRTime: reportsColorDepthFromVideoData, }); await pauseMedia(mediaTab); info(`measuring play time when tab is in background`); await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(window.gBrowser, originalTab); await startMedia({ mediaTab, shouldAccumulateTime: true, shouldAccumulateInvisibleTime: true, shouldAccumulateHDRTime: reportsColorDepthFromVideoData, }); await pauseMedia(mediaTab); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(mediaTab); }); /** * Following are helper functions. */ async function openMediaTab(url) { info(`open tab for media playback`); const tab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(window.gBrowser, url); info(`add content helper functions and variables`); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], _ => { content.waitForOnTimeUpdate = element => { return new Promise(resolve => { element.addEventListener( "timeupdate", () => { resolve(); }, { once: true } ); }); }; content.sleep = ms => { return new Promise(resolve => content.setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }; content.assertAttributeDefined = (videoChrome, checkType) => { Assert.notEqual(videoChrome[checkType], undefined, `${checkType} exists`); }; content.assertValueEqualTo = (videoChrome, checkType, expectedValue) => { content.assertAttributeDefined(videoChrome, checkType); is( videoChrome[checkType], expectedValue, `${checkType} equals to ${expectedValue}` ); }; content.assertValueConstantlyIncreases = async (videoChrome, checkType) => { content.assertAttributeDefined(videoChrome, checkType); const valueSnapshot = videoChrome[checkType]; await content.waitForOnTimeUpdate(videoChrome); Assert.greater( videoChrome[checkType], valueSnapshot, `${checkType} keeps increasing` ); }; content.assertValueKeptUnchanged = async (videoChrome, checkType) => { content.assertAttributeDefined(videoChrome, checkType); const valueSnapshot = videoChrome[checkType]; await content.sleep(1000); Assert.equal( videoChrome[checkType], valueSnapshot, `${checkType} keeps unchanged` ); }; }); return tab; } function startMedia({ mediaTab, shouldAccumulateTime, shouldAccumulateInvisibleTime, shouldAccumulateHDRTime, }) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( mediaTab.linkedBrowser, [ shouldAccumulateTime, shouldAccumulateInvisibleTime, shouldAccumulateHDRTime, ], async (accumulateTime, accumulateInvisibleTime, accumulateHDRTime) => { const video = content.document.getElementById("video"); ok( await video.play().then( () => true, () => false ), "video started playing" ); const videoChrome = SpecialPowers.wrap(video); if (accumulateTime) { await content.assertValueConstantlyIncreases( videoChrome, "totalVideoPlayTime" ); } else { await content.assertValueKeptUnchanged( videoChrome, "totalVideoPlayTime" ); } if (accumulateInvisibleTime) { await content.assertValueConstantlyIncreases( videoChrome, "invisiblePlayTime" ); } else { await content.assertValueKeptUnchanged( videoChrome, "invisiblePlayTime" ); } const videoHDR = content.document.getElementById("videoHDR"); // HDR test video might not decode on all platforms, so catch // the play() command and exit early in such a case. Failure to // decode might manifest as a timeout, so add a rejection race // to catch that. let didDecode = true; const playPromise = videoHDR.play().then( () => true, () => false ); /* eslint-disable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */ const tooSlowPromise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { info("videoHDR timed out."); didDecode = false; resolve(false); }, 1000) ); /* eslint-enable mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout */ let didPlay = await Promise.race(playPromise, tooSlowPromise).catch( err => { info("videoHDR failed to decode with error: " + err.message); didDecode = false; return false; } ); if (!didDecode) { return; } ok(didPlay, "videoHDR started playing"); const videoHDRChrome = SpecialPowers.wrap(videoHDR); if (accumulateHDRTime) { await content.assertValueConstantlyIncreases( videoHDRChrome, "totalVideoHDRPlayTime" ); } else { await content.assertValueKeptUnchanged( videoHDRChrome, "totalVideoHDRPlayTime" ); } } ); } function pauseMedia(tab) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async _ => { const video = content.document.getElementById("video"); video.pause(); ok(true, "video paused"); const videoChrome = SpecialPowers.wrap(video); await content.assertValueKeptUnchanged(videoChrome, "totalVideoPlayTime"); await content.assertValueKeptUnchanged(videoChrome, "invisiblePlayTime"); const videoHDR = content.document.getElementById("videoHDR"); videoHDR.pause(); ok(true, "videoHDR paused"); const videoHDRChrome = SpecialPowers.wrap(videoHDR); await content.assertValueKeptUnchanged( videoHDRChrome, "totalVideoHDRPlayTime" ); }); }