/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "AudioWorkletNode.h" #include "AudioNodeEngine.h" #include "AudioParamMap.h" #include "AudioWorkletImpl.h" #include "js/Array.h" // JS::{Get,Set}ArrayLength, JS::NewArrayLength #include "js/CallAndConstruct.h" // JS::Call, JS::IsCallable #include "js/Exception.h" #include "js/experimental/TypedData.h" // JS_NewFloat32Array, JS_GetFloat32ArrayData, JS_GetTypedArrayLength, JS_GetArrayBufferViewBuffer #include "js/PropertyAndElement.h" // JS_DefineElement, JS_DefineUCProperty, JS_GetProperty #include "mozilla/dom/AudioWorkletNodeBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/AudioParamMapBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/AutoEntryScript.h" #include "mozilla/dom/RootedDictionary.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ErrorEvent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Worklet.h" #include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h" #include "AudioParam.h" #include "AudioDestinationNode.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MessageChannel.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MessagePort.h" #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Span.h" #include "PlayingRefChangeHandler.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "Tracing.h" namespace mozilla::dom { NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED_0(AudioWorkletNode, AudioNode) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(AudioWorkletNode, AudioNode, mPort, mParameters) struct NamedAudioParamTimeline { explicit NamedAudioParamTimeline(const AudioParamDescriptor& aParamDescriptor) : mName(aParamDescriptor.mName), mTimeline(aParamDescriptor.mDefaultValue) {} const nsString mName; AudioParamTimeline mTimeline; }; struct ProcessorErrorDetails { ProcessorErrorDetails() : mLineno(0), mColno(0) {} // Line number (1-origin). unsigned mLineno; // Column number in UTF-16 code units (1-origin). unsigned mColno; nsString mFilename; nsString mMessage; }; class WorkletNodeEngine final : public AudioNodeEngine { public: WorkletNodeEngine(AudioWorkletNode* aNode, AudioDestinationNode* aDestinationNode, nsTArray&& aParamTimelines, const Optional>& aOutputChannelCount) : AudioNodeEngine(aNode), mDestination(aDestinationNode->Track()), mParamTimelines(std::move(aParamTimelines)) { if (aOutputChannelCount.WasPassed()) { mOutputChannelCount = aOutputChannelCount.Value(); } } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ConstructProcessor(AudioWorkletImpl* aWorkletImpl, const nsAString& aName, NotNull aSerializedOptions, UniqueMessagePortId& aPortIdentifier, AudioNodeTrack* aTrack); void RecvTimelineEvent(uint32_t aIndex, AudioParamEvent& aEvent) override { MOZ_ASSERT(mDestination); aEvent.ConvertToTicks(mDestination); if (aIndex < mParamTimelines.Length()) { mParamTimelines[aIndex].mTimeline.InsertEvent(aEvent); } else { NS_ERROR("Bad WorkletNodeEngine timeline event index"); } } void ProcessBlock(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, GraphTime aFrom, const AudioBlock& aInput, AudioBlock* aOutput, bool* aFinished) override { MOZ_ASSERT(InputCount() <= 1); MOZ_ASSERT(OutputCount() <= 1); TRACE("WorkletNodeEngine::ProcessBlock"); ProcessBlocksOnPorts(aTrack, aFrom, Span(&aInput, InputCount()), Span(aOutput, OutputCount()), aFinished); } void ProcessBlocksOnPorts(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, GraphTime aFrom, Span aInput, Span aOutput, bool* aFinished) override; void OnGraphThreadDone() override { ReleaseJSResources(); } bool IsActive() const override { return mKeepEngineActive; } // Vector supports non-memmovable types such as PersistentRooted // (without any need to jump through hoops like // MOZ_DECLARE_RELOCATE_USING_MOVE_CONSTRUCTOR_FOR_TEMPLATE for nsTArray). // PersistentRooted is used because these AudioWorkletGlobalScope scope // objects may be kept alive as long as the AudioWorkletNode in the // main-thread global. struct Channels { Vector, GUESS_AUDIO_CHANNELS> mFloat32Arrays; JS::PersistentRooted mJSArray; // For SetArrayElements(): operator JS::Handle() const { return mJSArray; } }; struct Ports { Vector mPorts; JS::PersistentRooted mJSArray; }; struct ParameterValues { Vector> mFloat32Arrays; JS::PersistentRooted mJSObject; }; private: size_t ParameterCount() { return mParamTimelines.Length(); } void SendProcessorError(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, JSContext* aCx); bool CallProcess(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aCallable); void ProduceSilence(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, Span aOutput); void SendErrorToMainThread(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, const ProcessorErrorDetails& aDetails); void ReleaseJSResources() { mInputs.mPorts.clearAndFree(); mOutputs.mPorts.clearAndFree(); mParameters.mFloat32Arrays.clearAndFree(); mInputs.mJSArray.reset(); mOutputs.mJSArray.reset(); mParameters.mJSObject.reset(); mGlobal = nullptr; // This is equivalent to setting [[callable process]] to false. mProcessor.reset(); } nsCString mProcessorName; RefPtr mDestination; nsTArray mOutputChannelCount; nsTArray mParamTimelines; // The AudioWorkletGlobalScope-associated objects referenced from // WorkletNodeEngine are typically kept alive as long as the // AudioWorkletNode in the main-thread global. The objects must be released // on the rendering thread, which usually happens simply because // AudioWorkletNode is such that the last AudioNodeTrack reference is // released by the MTG. That occurs on the rendering thread except during // process shutdown, in which case NotifyForcedShutdown() is called on the // rendering thread. // // mInputs, mOutputs and mParameters keep references to all objects passed to // process(), for reuse of the same objects. The JS objects are all in the // compartment of the realm of mGlobal. Properties on the objects may be // replaced by script, so don't assume that getting indexed properties on the // JS arrays will return the same objects. Only objects and buffers created // by the implementation are modified or read by the implementation. Ports mInputs; Ports mOutputs; ParameterValues mParameters; RefPtr mGlobal; JS::PersistentRooted mProcessor; // mProcessorIsActive is named [[active source]] in the spec. // It is initially true and so at least the first process() // call will not be skipped when there are no active inputs. bool mProcessorIsActive = true; // mKeepEngineActive ensures another call to ProcessBlocksOnPorts(), even if // there are no active inputs. Its transitions to false lag those of // mProcessorIsActive by one call to ProcessBlocksOnPorts() so that // downstream engines can addref their nodes before this engine's node is // released. bool mKeepEngineActive = true; }; void WorkletNodeEngine::SendErrorToMainThread( AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, const ProcessorErrorDetails& aDetails) { RefPtr track = aTrack; NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "WorkletNodeEngine::SendProcessorError", [track = std::move(track), aDetails]() mutable { AudioWorkletNode* node = static_cast(track->Engine()->NodeMainThread()); if (!node) { return; } node->DispatchProcessorErrorEvent(aDetails); })); } void WorkletNodeEngine::SendProcessorError(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, JSContext* aCx) { // Note that once an exception is thrown, the processor will output silence // throughout its lifetime. ReleaseJSResources(); // The processor errored out while getting a context, try to tell the node // anyways. if (!aCx || !JS_IsExceptionPending(aCx)) { ProcessorErrorDetails details; details.mMessage.Assign(u"Unknown processor error"); SendErrorToMainThread(aTrack, details); return; } JS::ExceptionStack exnStack(aCx); if (JS::StealPendingExceptionStack(aCx, &exnStack)) { JS::ErrorReportBuilder jsReport(aCx); if (!jsReport.init(aCx, exnStack, JS::ErrorReportBuilder::WithSideEffects)) { ProcessorErrorDetails details; details.mMessage.Assign(u"Unknown processor error"); SendErrorToMainThread(aTrack, details); // Set the exception and stack back to have it in the console with a stack // trace. JS::SetPendingExceptionStack(aCx, exnStack); return; } ProcessorErrorDetails details; CopyUTF8toUTF16( mozilla::MakeStringSpan(jsReport.report()->filename.c_str()), details.mFilename); xpc::ErrorReport::ErrorReportToMessageString(jsReport.report(), details.mMessage); details.mLineno = jsReport.report()->lineno; details.mColno = jsReport.report()->column.oneOriginValue(); MOZ_ASSERT(!jsReport.report()->isMuted); SendErrorToMainThread(aTrack, details); // Set the exception and stack back to have it in the console with a stack // trace. JS::SetPendingExceptionStack(aCx, exnStack); } else { NS_WARNING("No exception, but processor errored out?"); } } void WorkletNodeEngine::ConstructProcessor( AudioWorkletImpl* aWorkletImpl, const nsAString& aName, NotNull aSerializedOptions, UniqueMessagePortId& aPortIdentifier, AudioNodeTrack* aTrack) { MOZ_ASSERT(mInputs.mPorts.empty() && mOutputs.mPorts.empty()); RefPtr global = aWorkletImpl->GetGlobalScope(); if (!global) { // A global was previously used to register this kind of processor. If it // no longer exists now, that is because the document is going away and so // there is no need to send an error. return; } AutoJSAPI api; if (NS_WARN_IF(!api.Init(global))) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, nullptr); return; } mProcessorName = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aName); JSContext* cx = api.cx(); mProcessor.init(cx); if (!global->ConstructProcessor(cx, aName, aSerializedOptions, aPortIdentifier, &mProcessor) || // mInputs and mOutputs outer arrays are fixed length and so much of the // initialization need only be performed once (i.e. here). NS_WARN_IF(!mInputs.mPorts.growBy(InputCount())) || NS_WARN_IF(!mOutputs.mPorts.growBy(OutputCount()))) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); return; } mGlobal = std::move(global); mInputs.mJSArray.init(cx); mOutputs.mJSArray.init(cx); for (auto& port : mInputs.mPorts) { port.mJSArray.init(cx); } for (auto& port : mOutputs.mPorts) { port.mJSArray.init(cx); } JSObject* object = JS_NewPlainObject(cx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!object)) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); return; } mParameters.mJSObject.init(cx, object); if (NS_WARN_IF(!mParameters.mFloat32Arrays.growBy(ParameterCount()))) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mParamTimelines.Length(); i++) { auto& float32ArraysRef = mParameters.mFloat32Arrays; float32ArraysRef[i].init(cx); JSObject* array = JS_NewFloat32Array(cx, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); if (NS_WARN_IF(!array)) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); return; } float32ArraysRef[i] = array; if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS_DefineUCProperty( cx, mParameters.mJSObject, mParamTimelines[i].mName.get(), mParamTimelines[i].mName.Length(), float32ArraysRef[i], JSPROP_ENUMERATE))) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); return; } } if (NS_WARN_IF(!JS_FreezeObject(cx, mParameters.mJSObject))) { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); return; } } // Type T should support the length() and operator[]() methods and the return // type of |operator[]() const| should support conversion to Handle. template static bool SetArrayElements(JSContext* aCx, const T& aElements, JS::Handle aArray) { for (size_t i = 0; i < aElements.length(); ++i) { if (!JS_DefineElement(aCx, aArray, i, aElements[i], JSPROP_ENUMERATE)) { return false; } } return true; } template static bool PrepareArray(JSContext* aCx, const T& aElements, JS::MutableHandle aArray) { size_t length = aElements.length(); if (aArray) { // Attempt to reuse. uint32_t oldLength; if (JS::GetArrayLength(aCx, aArray, &oldLength) && (oldLength == length || JS::SetArrayLength(aCx, aArray, length)) && SetArrayElements(aCx, aElements, aArray)) { return true; } // Script may have frozen the array. Try again with a new Array. JS_ClearPendingException(aCx); } JSObject* array = JS::NewArrayObject(aCx, length); if (NS_WARN_IF(!array)) { return false; } aArray.set(array); return SetArrayElements(aCx, aElements, aArray); } enum class ArrayElementInit { None, Zero }; // Exactly when to create new Float32Array and Array objects is not specified. // This approach aims to minimize garbage creation, while continuing to // function after objects are modified by content. // See https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1934 and // https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1933 static bool PrepareBufferArrays(JSContext* aCx, Span aBlocks, WorkletNodeEngine::Ports* aPorts, ArrayElementInit aInit) { MOZ_ASSERT(aBlocks.Length() == aPorts->mPorts.length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < aBlocks.Length(); ++i) { size_t channelCount = aBlocks[i].ChannelCount(); WorkletNodeEngine::Channels& portRef = aPorts->mPorts[i]; auto& float32ArraysRef = portRef.mFloat32Arrays; for (auto& channelRef : float32ArraysRef) { size_t length = JS_GetTypedArrayLength(channelRef); if (length != WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) { // Script has detached array buffers. Create new objects. JSObject* array = JS_NewFloat32Array(aCx, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); if (NS_WARN_IF(!array)) { return false; } channelRef = array; } else if (aInit == ArrayElementInit::Zero) { // Need only zero existing arrays as new arrays are already zeroed. JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; bool isShared; float* elementData = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(channelRef, &isShared, nogc); MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); // Was created as unshared std::fill_n(elementData, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE, 0.0f); } } // Enlarge if necessary... if (NS_WARN_IF(!float32ArraysRef.reserve(channelCount))) { return false; } while (float32ArraysRef.length() < channelCount) { JSObject* array = JS_NewFloat32Array(aCx, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); if (NS_WARN_IF(!array)) { return false; } float32ArraysRef.infallibleEmplaceBack(aCx, array); } // ... or shrink if necessary. float32ArraysRef.shrinkTo(channelCount); if (NS_WARN_IF(!PrepareArray(aCx, float32ArraysRef, &portRef.mJSArray))) { return false; } } return !(NS_WARN_IF(!PrepareArray(aCx, aPorts->mPorts, &aPorts->mJSArray))); } // This runs JS script. MediaTrackGraph control messages, which would // potentially destroy the WorkletNodeEngine and its AudioNodeTrack, cannot // be triggered by script. They are not run from an nsIThread event loop and // do not run until after ProcessBlocksOnPorts() has returned. bool WorkletNodeEngine::CallProcess(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aCallable) { TRACE_COMMENT("AudioWorkletNodeEngine::CallProcess", mProcessorName.get()); JS::RootedVector argv(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!argv.resize(3))) { return false; } argv[0].setObject(*mInputs.mJSArray); argv[1].setObject(*mOutputs.mJSArray); argv[2].setObject(*mParameters.mJSObject); JS::Rooted rval(aCx); if (!JS::Call(aCx, mProcessor, aCallable, argv, &rval)) { return false; } mProcessorIsActive = JS::ToBoolean(rval); // Transitions of mProcessorIsActive to false do not trigger // PlayingRefChangeHandler::RELEASE until silence is produced in the next // block. This allows downstream engines receiving this non-silence block // to take a reference to their nodes before this engine's node releases its // down node references. if (mProcessorIsActive && !mKeepEngineActive) { mKeepEngineActive = true; RefPtr refchanged = new PlayingRefChangeHandler(aTrack, PlayingRefChangeHandler::ADDREF); aTrack->Graph()->DispatchToMainThreadStableState(refchanged.forget()); } return true; } void WorkletNodeEngine::ProduceSilence(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, Span aOutput) { if (mKeepEngineActive) { mKeepEngineActive = false; aTrack->ScheduleCheckForInactive(); RefPtr refchanged = new PlayingRefChangeHandler(aTrack, PlayingRefChangeHandler::RELEASE); aTrack->Graph()->DispatchToMainThreadStableState(refchanged.forget()); } for (AudioBlock& output : aOutput) { output.SetNull(WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); } } void WorkletNodeEngine::ProcessBlocksOnPorts(AudioNodeTrack* aTrack, GraphTime aFrom, Span aInput, Span aOutput, bool* aFinished) { MOZ_ASSERT(aInput.Length() == InputCount()); MOZ_ASSERT(aOutput.Length() == OutputCount()); TRACE("WorkletNodeEngine::ProcessBlocksOnPorts"); bool isSilent = true; if (mProcessor) { if (mProcessorIsActive) { isSilent = false; // call process() } else { // [[active source]] is false. // Call process() only if an input is actively processing. for (const AudioBlock& input : aInput) { if (!input.IsNull()) { isSilent = false; break; } } } } if (isSilent) { ProduceSilence(aTrack, aOutput); return; } if (!mOutputChannelCount.IsEmpty()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mOutputChannelCount.Length() == aOutput.Length()); for (size_t o = 0; o < aOutput.Length(); ++o) { aOutput[o].AllocateChannels(mOutputChannelCount[o]); } } else if (aInput.Length() == 1 && aOutput.Length() == 1) { uint32_t channelCount = std::max(aInput[0].ChannelCount(), 1U); aOutput[0].AllocateChannels(channelCount); } else { for (AudioBlock& output : aOutput) { output.AllocateChannels(1); } } AutoEntryScript aes(mGlobal, "Worklet Process"); JSContext* cx = aes.cx(); auto produceSilenceWithError = MakeScopeExit([this, aTrack, cx, &aOutput] { SendProcessorError(aTrack, cx); ProduceSilence(aTrack, aOutput); }); JS::Rooted process(cx); if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, mProcessor, "process", &process) || !process.isObject() || !JS::IsCallable(&process.toObject()) || !PrepareBufferArrays(cx, aInput, &mInputs, ArrayElementInit::None) || !PrepareBufferArrays(cx, aOutput, &mOutputs, ArrayElementInit::Zero)) { // process() not callable or OOM. return; } // Copy input values to JS objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < aInput.Length(); ++i) { const AudioBlock& input = aInput[i]; size_t channelCount = input.ChannelCount(); if (channelCount == 0) { // Null blocks have AUDIO_FORMAT_SILENCE. // Don't call ChannelData(). continue; } float volume = input.mVolume; const auto& channelData = input.ChannelData(); const auto& float32Arrays = mInputs.mPorts[i].mFloat32Arrays; JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; for (size_t c = 0; c < channelCount; ++c) { bool isShared; float* dest = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(float32Arrays[c], &isShared, nogc); MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); // Was created as unshared AudioBlockCopyChannelWithScale(channelData[c], volume, dest); } } TrackTime tick = mDestination->GraphTimeToTrackTime(aFrom); // Compute and copy parameter values to JS objects. for (size_t i = 0; i < mParamTimelines.Length(); ++i) { const auto& float32Arrays = mParameters.mFloat32Arrays[i]; size_t length = JS_GetTypedArrayLength(float32Arrays); // If the Float32Array that is supposed to hold the values for a particular // AudioParam has been detached, error out. This is being worked on in // https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1933 and // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1619486 if (length != WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) { return; } JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; bool isShared; float* dest = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(float32Arrays, &isShared, nogc); MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); // Was created as unshared size_t frames = mParamTimelines[i].mTimeline.HasSimpleValue() ? 1 : WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE; mParamTimelines[i].mTimeline.GetValuesAtTime(tick, dest, frames); // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1616599 if (frames == 1) { std::fill_n(dest + 1, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE - 1, dest[0]); } } if (!CallProcess(aTrack, cx, process)) { // An exception occurred. /** * https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#dom-audioworkletnode-onprocessorerror * Note that once an exception is thrown, the processor will output silence * throughout its lifetime. */ return; } // Copy output values from JS objects. for (size_t o = 0; o < aOutput.Length(); ++o) { AudioBlock* output = &aOutput[o]; size_t channelCount = output->ChannelCount(); const auto& float32Arrays = mOutputs.mPorts[o].mFloat32Arrays; for (size_t c = 0; c < channelCount; ++c) { size_t length = JS_GetTypedArrayLength(float32Arrays[c]); if (length != WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE) { // ArrayBuffer has been detached. Behavior is unspecified. // https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1933 and // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1619486 return; } JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; bool isShared; const float* src = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(float32Arrays[c], &isShared, nogc); MOZ_ASSERT(!isShared); // Was created as unshared PodCopy(output->ChannelFloatsForWrite(c), src, WEBAUDIO_BLOCK_SIZE); } } produceSilenceWithError.release(); // have output and no error } AudioWorkletNode::AudioWorkletNode(AudioContext* aAudioContext, const nsAString& aName, const AudioWorkletNodeOptions& aOptions) : AudioNode(aAudioContext, 2, ChannelCountMode::Max, ChannelInterpretation::Speakers), mNodeName(aName), mInputCount(aOptions.mNumberOfInputs), mOutputCount(aOptions.mNumberOfOutputs) {} void AudioWorkletNode::InitializeParameters( nsTArray* aParamTimelines, ErrorResult& aRv) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mParameters, "Only initialize the `parameters` attribute once."); MOZ_ASSERT(aParamTimelines); AudioContext* context = Context(); const AudioParamDescriptorMap* parameterDescriptors = context->GetParamMapForWorkletName(mNodeName); MOZ_ASSERT(parameterDescriptors); size_t audioParamIndex = 0; aParamTimelines->SetCapacity(parameterDescriptors->Length()); for (size_t i = 0; i < parameterDescriptors->Length(); i++) { auto& paramEntry = (*parameterDescriptors)[i]; CreateAudioParam(audioParamIndex++, paramEntry.mName, paramEntry.mDefaultValue, paramEntry.mMinValue, paramEntry.mMaxValue); aParamTimelines->AppendElement(paramEntry); } } void AudioWorkletNode::SendParameterData( const Optional>& aParameterData) { MOZ_ASSERT(mTrack, "This method only works if the track has been created."); nsAutoString name; if (aParameterData.WasPassed()) { const auto& paramData = aParameterData.Value(); for (const auto& paramDataEntry : paramData.Entries()) { for (auto& audioParam : mParams) { audioParam->GetName(name); if (paramDataEntry.mKey.Equals(name)) { audioParam->SetInitialValue(paramDataEntry.mValue); } } } } } /* static */ already_AddRefed AudioWorkletNode::Constructor( const GlobalObject& aGlobal, AudioContext& aAudioContext, const nsAString& aName, const AudioWorkletNodeOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv) { TRACE_COMMENT("AudioWorkletNode::Constructor", "%s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aName).get()); /** * 1. If nodeName does not exist as a key in the BaseAudioContext’s node * name to parameter descriptor map, throw a InvalidStateError exception * and abort these steps. */ const AudioParamDescriptorMap* parameterDescriptors = aAudioContext.GetParamMapForWorkletName(aName); if (!parameterDescriptors) { // Not using nsPrintfCString in case aName has embedded nulls. aRv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Unknown AudioWorklet name '"_ns + NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aName) + "'"_ns); return nullptr; } // See https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/2074 for ordering. RefPtr audioWorkletNode = new AudioWorkletNode(&aAudioContext, aName, aOptions); audioWorkletNode->Initialize(aOptions, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } /** * 3. Configure input, output and output channels of node with options. */ if (aOptions.mNumberOfInputs == 0 && aOptions.mNumberOfOutputs == 0) { aRv.ThrowNotSupportedError( "Must have nonzero numbers of inputs or outputs"); return nullptr; } if (aOptions.mOutputChannelCount.WasPassed()) { /** * 1. If any value in outputChannelCount is zero or greater than the * implementation’s maximum number of channels, throw a * NotSupportedError and abort the remaining steps. */ for (uint32_t channelCount : aOptions.mOutputChannelCount.Value()) { if (channelCount == 0 || channelCount > WebAudioUtils::MaxChannelCount) { aRv.ThrowNotSupportedError( nsPrintfCString("Channel count (%u) must be in the range [1, max " "supported channel count]", channelCount)); return nullptr; } } /** * 2. If the length of outputChannelCount does not equal numberOfOutputs, * throw an IndexSizeError and abort the remaining steps. */ if (aOptions.mOutputChannelCount.Value().Length() != aOptions.mNumberOfOutputs) { aRv.ThrowIndexSizeError( nsPrintfCString("Length of outputChannelCount (%zu) does not match " "numberOfOutputs (%u)", aOptions.mOutputChannelCount.Value().Length(), aOptions.mNumberOfOutputs)); return nullptr; } } // MTG does not support more than UINT16_MAX inputs or outputs. if (aOptions.mNumberOfInputs > UINT16_MAX) { aRv.ThrowRangeError("numberOfInputs"); return nullptr; } if (aOptions.mNumberOfOutputs > UINT16_MAX) { aRv.ThrowRangeError("numberOfOutputs"); return nullptr; } /** * 4. Let messageChannel be a new MessageChannel. */ RefPtr messageChannel = MessageChannel::Constructor(aGlobal, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } /* 5. Let nodePort be the value of messageChannel’s port1 attribute. * 6. Let processorPortOnThisSide be the value of messageChannel’s port2 * attribute. * 7. Let serializedProcessorPort be the result of * StructuredSerializeWithTransfer(processorPortOnThisSide, * « processorPortOnThisSide »). */ UniqueMessagePortId processorPortId; messageChannel->Port2()->CloneAndDisentangle(processorPortId); /** * 8. Convert options dictionary to optionsObject. */ JSContext* cx = aGlobal.Context(); JS::Rooted optionsVal(cx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!ToJSValue(cx, aOptions, &optionsVal))) { aRv.NoteJSContextException(cx); return nullptr; } /** * 9. Let serializedOptions be the result of * StructuredSerialize(optionsObject). */ // This context and the worklet are part of the same agent cluster and they // can share memory. JS::CloneDataPolicy cloneDataPolicy; cloneDataPolicy.allowIntraClusterClonableSharedObjects(); cloneDataPolicy.allowSharedMemoryObjects(); // StructuredCloneHolder does not have a move constructor. Instead allocate // memory so that the pointer can be passed to the rendering thread. UniquePtr serializedOptions = MakeUnique( StructuredCloneHolder::CloningSupported, StructuredCloneHolder::TransferringNotSupported, JS::StructuredCloneScope::SameProcess); serializedOptions->Write(cx, optionsVal, JS::UndefinedHandleValue, cloneDataPolicy, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } /** * 10. Set node’s port to nodePort. */ audioWorkletNode->mPort = messageChannel->Port1(); /** * 11. Let parameterDescriptors be the result of retrieval of nodeName from * node name to parameter descriptor map. */ nsTArray paramTimelines; audioWorkletNode->InitializeParameters(¶mTimelines, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } auto engine = new WorkletNodeEngine( audioWorkletNode, aAudioContext.Destination(), std::move(paramTimelines), aOptions.mOutputChannelCount); audioWorkletNode->mTrack = AudioNodeTrack::Create( &aAudioContext, engine, AudioNodeTrack::NO_TRACK_FLAGS, aAudioContext.Graph()); audioWorkletNode->SendParameterData(aOptions.mParameterData); /** * 12. Queue a control message to invoke the constructor of the * corresponding AudioWorkletProcessor with the processor construction * data that consists of: nodeName, node, serializedOptions, and * serializedProcessorPort. */ Worklet* worklet = aAudioContext.GetAudioWorklet(aRv); MOZ_ASSERT(worklet, "Worklet already existed and so getter shouldn't fail."); auto workletImpl = static_cast(worklet->Impl()); audioWorkletNode->mTrack->SendRunnable(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "WorkletNodeEngine::ConstructProcessor", // MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY until Runnable::Run is MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT. // See bug 1535398. // // Note that clang and gcc have mutually incompatible rules about whether // attributes should come before or after the `mutable` keyword here, so // use a compatibility hack until we can switch to the standardized // [[attr]] syntax (bug 1627007). #ifdef __clang__ # define AND_MUTABLE(macro) macro mutable #else # define AND_MUTABLE(macro) mutable macro #endif [track = audioWorkletNode->mTrack, workletImpl = RefPtr(workletImpl), name = nsString(aName), options = std::move(serializedOptions), portId = std::move(processorPortId)]() AND_MUTABLE(MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY) { auto engine = static_cast(track->Engine()); engine->ConstructProcessor( workletImpl, name, WrapNotNull(options.get()), portId, track); })); #undef AND_MUTABLE // [[active source]] is initially true and so at least the first process() // call will not be skipped when there are no active inputs. audioWorkletNode->MarkActive(); return audioWorkletNode.forget(); } AudioParamMap* AudioWorkletNode::GetParameters(ErrorResult& aRv) { if (!mParameters) { RefPtr parameters = new AudioParamMap(this); nsAutoString name; for (const auto& audioParam : mParams) { audioParam->GetName(name); AudioParamMap_Binding::MaplikeHelpers::Set(parameters, name, *audioParam, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } mParameters = std::move(parameters); } return mParameters.get(); } void AudioWorkletNode::DispatchProcessorErrorEvent( const ProcessorErrorDetails& aDetails) { TRACE("AudioWorkletNode::DispatchProcessorErrorEvent"); if (HasListenersFor(nsGkAtoms::onprocessorerror)) { RootedDictionary init(RootingCx()); init.mMessage = aDetails.mMessage; init.mFilename = aDetails.mFilename; init.mLineno = aDetails.mLineno; init.mColno = aDetails.mColno; RefPtr errorEvent = ErrorEvent::Constructor(this, u"processorerror"_ns, init); MOZ_ASSERT(errorEvent); DispatchTrustedEvent(errorEvent); } } JSObject* AudioWorkletNode::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return AudioWorkletNode_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } size_t AudioWorkletNode::SizeOfExcludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { size_t amount = AudioNode::SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); return amount; } size_t AudioWorkletNode::SizeOfIncludingThis(MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const { return aMallocSizeOf(this) + SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf); } } // namespace mozilla::dom