/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "CubebDeviceEnumerator.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/SchedulerGroup.h" #include "mozilla/StaticMutex.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #include "mozilla/media/MediaUtils.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #ifdef XP_WIN # include "mozilla/mscom/EnsureMTA.h" #endif namespace mozilla { using namespace CubebUtils; using AudioDeviceSet = CubebDeviceEnumerator::AudioDeviceSet; /* static */ static StaticRefPtr sInstance; static StaticMutex sInstanceMutex MOZ_UNANNOTATED; /* static */ CubebDeviceEnumerator* CubebDeviceEnumerator::GetInstance() { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sInstanceMutex); if (!sInstance) { sInstance = new CubebDeviceEnumerator(); static bool clearOnShutdownSetup = []() -> bool { auto setClearOnShutdown = []() -> void { ClearOnShutdown(&sInstance, ShutdownPhase::XPCOMShutdownThreads); }; if (NS_IsMainThread()) { setClearOnShutdown(); } else { SchedulerGroup::Dispatch( NS_NewRunnableFunction("CubebDeviceEnumerator::::GetInstance()", std::move(setClearOnShutdown))); } return true; }(); Unused << clearOnShutdownSetup; } return sInstance.get(); } CubebDeviceEnumerator::CubebDeviceEnumerator() : mMutex("CubebDeviceListMutex"), mManualInputInvalidation(false), mManualOutputInvalidation(false) { #ifdef XP_WIN // Ensure the MTA thread exists and gets instantiated before the // CubebDeviceEnumerator so that this instance will always gets destructed // before the MTA thread gets shutdown. mozilla::mscom::EnsureMTA([&]() -> void { #endif RefPtr handle = GetCubeb(); if (handle) { int rv = cubeb_register_device_collection_changed( handle->Context(), CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT, &OutputAudioDeviceListChanged_s, this); if (rv != CUBEB_OK) { NS_WARNING( "Could not register the audio output" " device collection changed callback."); mManualOutputInvalidation = true; } rv = cubeb_register_device_collection_changed( handle->Context(), CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT, &InputAudioDeviceListChanged_s, this); if (rv != CUBEB_OK) { NS_WARNING( "Could not register the audio input" " device collection changed callback."); mManualInputInvalidation = true; } } #ifdef XP_WIN }); #endif } /* static */ void CubebDeviceEnumerator::Shutdown() { StaticMutexAutoLock lock(sInstanceMutex); if (sInstance) { sInstance = nullptr; } } CubebDeviceEnumerator::~CubebDeviceEnumerator() { #ifdef XP_WIN mozilla::mscom::EnsureMTA([&]() -> void { #endif RefPtr handle = GetCubeb(); if (handle) { int rv = cubeb_register_device_collection_changed( handle->Context(), CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT, nullptr, this); if (rv != CUBEB_OK) { NS_WARNING( "Could not unregister the audio output" " device collection changed callback."); } rv = cubeb_register_device_collection_changed( handle->Context(), CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT, nullptr, this); if (rv != CUBEB_OK) { NS_WARNING( "Could not unregister the audio input" " device collection changed callback."); } } #ifdef XP_WIN }); #endif } RefPtr CubebDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateAudioInputDevices() { return EnumerateAudioDevices(Side::INPUT); } RefPtr CubebDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateAudioOutputDevices() { return EnumerateAudioDevices(Side::OUTPUT); } #ifndef ANDROID static uint16_t ConvertCubebType(cubeb_device_type aType) { uint16_t map[] = { nsIAudioDeviceInfo::TYPE_UNKNOWN, // CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN nsIAudioDeviceInfo::TYPE_INPUT, // CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT, nsIAudioDeviceInfo::TYPE_OUTPUT // CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT }; return map[aType]; } static uint16_t ConvertCubebState(cubeb_device_state aState) { uint16_t map[] = { nsIAudioDeviceInfo::STATE_DISABLED, // CUBEB_DEVICE_STATE_DISABLED nsIAudioDeviceInfo::STATE_UNPLUGGED, // CUBEB_DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED nsIAudioDeviceInfo::STATE_ENABLED // CUBEB_DEVICE_STATE_ENABLED }; return map[aState]; } static uint16_t ConvertCubebPreferred(cubeb_device_pref aPreferred) { if (aPreferred == CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_NONE) { return nsIAudioDeviceInfo::PREF_NONE; } if (aPreferred == CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_ALL) { return nsIAudioDeviceInfo::PREF_ALL; } uint16_t preferred = 0; if (aPreferred & CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_MULTIMEDIA) { preferred |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::PREF_MULTIMEDIA; } if (aPreferred & CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_VOICE) { preferred |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::PREF_VOICE; } if (aPreferred & CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_NOTIFICATION) { preferred |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::PREF_NOTIFICATION; } return preferred; } static uint16_t ConvertCubebFormat(cubeb_device_fmt aFormat) { uint16_t format = 0; if (aFormat & CUBEB_DEVICE_FMT_S16LE) { format |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::FMT_S16LE; } if (aFormat & CUBEB_DEVICE_FMT_S16BE) { format |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::FMT_S16BE; } if (aFormat & CUBEB_DEVICE_FMT_F32LE) { format |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::FMT_F32LE; } if (aFormat & CUBEB_DEVICE_FMT_F32BE) { format |= nsIAudioDeviceInfo::FMT_F32BE; } return format; } static RefPtr GetDeviceCollection(Side aSide) { RefPtr set = new AudioDeviceSet(); RefPtr handle = GetCubeb(); if (handle) { cubeb_device_collection collection = {nullptr, 0}; # ifdef XP_WIN mozilla::mscom::EnsureMTA([&]() -> void { # endif if (cubeb_enumerate_devices(handle->Context(), aSide == Input ? CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT : CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT, &collection) == CUBEB_OK) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < collection.count; ++i) { auto device = collection.device[i]; if (device.max_channels == 0) { continue; } RefPtr info = new AudioDeviceInfo( device.devid, NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(device.friendly_name), NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(device.group_id), NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(device.vendor_name), ConvertCubebType(device.type), ConvertCubebState(device.state), ConvertCubebPreferred(device.preferred), ConvertCubebFormat(device.format), ConvertCubebFormat(device.default_format), device.max_channels, device.default_rate, device.max_rate, device.min_rate, device.latency_hi, device.latency_lo); set->AppendElement(std::move(info)); } } cubeb_device_collection_destroy(handle->Context(), &collection); # ifdef XP_WIN }); # endif } return set; } #endif // non ANDROID RefPtr CubebDeviceEnumerator::EnumerateAudioDevices( CubebDeviceEnumerator::Side aSide) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSide == Side::INPUT || aSide == Side::OUTPUT); RefPtr* devicesCache; bool manualInvalidation = true; if (aSide == Side::INPUT) { devicesCache = &mInputDevices; manualInvalidation = mManualInputInvalidation; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aSide == Side::OUTPUT); devicesCache = &mOutputDevices; manualInvalidation = mManualOutputInvalidation; } if (!GetCubeb()) { return new AudioDeviceSet(); } if (!manualInvalidation) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); if (*devicesCache) { return *devicesCache; } } #ifdef ANDROID cubeb_device_type type = CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; uint32_t channels = 0; nsAutoString name; if (aSide == Side::INPUT) { type = CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_INPUT; channels = 1; name = u"Default audio input device"_ns; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aSide == Side::OUTPUT); type = CUBEB_DEVICE_TYPE_OUTPUT; channels = 2; name = u"Default audio output device"_ns; } RefPtr devices = new AudioDeviceSet(); // Bug 1473346: enumerating devices is not supported on Android in cubeb, // simply state that there is a single sink, that it is the default, and has // a single channel. All the other values are made up and are not to be used. // Bug 1660391: we can't use fluent here yet to get localized strings, so // those are hard-coded en_US strings for now. RefPtr info = new AudioDeviceInfo( nullptr, name, u""_ns, u""_ns, type, CUBEB_DEVICE_STATE_ENABLED, CUBEB_DEVICE_PREF_ALL, CUBEB_DEVICE_FMT_ALL, CUBEB_DEVICE_FMT_S16NE, channels, 44100, 44100, 44100, 441, 128); devices->AppendElement(std::move(info)); #else RefPtr devices = GetDeviceCollection( (aSide == Side::INPUT) ? CubebUtils::Input : CubebUtils::Output); #endif { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); *devicesCache = devices; } return devices; } already_AddRefed CubebDeviceEnumerator::DeviceInfoFromName( const nsString& aName, Side aSide) { RefPtr devices = EnumerateAudioDevices(aSide); for (const RefPtr& device : *devices) { if (device->Name().Equals(aName)) { RefPtr other = device; return other.forget(); } } return nullptr; } RefPtr CubebDeviceEnumerator::DefaultDevice(Side aSide) { RefPtr devices = EnumerateAudioDevices(aSide); for (const RefPtr& device : *devices) { if (device->Preferred()) { RefPtr other = device; return other.forget(); } } return nullptr; } void CubebDeviceEnumerator::InputAudioDeviceListChanged_s(cubeb* aContext, void* aUser) { CubebDeviceEnumerator* self = reinterpret_cast(aUser); self->AudioDeviceListChanged(CubebDeviceEnumerator::Side::INPUT); } void CubebDeviceEnumerator::OutputAudioDeviceListChanged_s(cubeb* aContext, void* aUser) { CubebDeviceEnumerator* self = reinterpret_cast(aUser); self->AudioDeviceListChanged(CubebDeviceEnumerator::Side::OUTPUT); } void CubebDeviceEnumerator::AudioDeviceListChanged(Side aSide) { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); if (aSide == Side::INPUT) { mInputDevices = nullptr; mOnInputDeviceListChange.Notify(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(aSide == Side::OUTPUT); mOutputDevices = nullptr; mOnOutputDeviceListChange.Notify(); } } } // namespace mozilla