/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "MessagePortParent.h" #include "MessagePortService.h" #include "mozilla/dom/RefMessageBodyService.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SharedMessageBody.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" namespace mozilla::dom { MessagePortParent::MessagePortParent(const nsID& aUUID) : mService(MessagePortService::GetOrCreate()), mUUID(aUUID), mEntangled(false), mCanSendData(true) { MOZ_ASSERT(mService); } MessagePortParent::~MessagePortParent() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mService); MOZ_ASSERT(!mEntangled); } bool MessagePortParent::Entangle(const nsID& aDestinationUUID, const uint32_t& aSequenceID) { if (!mService) { NS_WARNING("Entangle is called after a shutdown!"); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mEntangled); return mService->RequestEntangling(this, aDestinationUUID, aSequenceID); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult MessagePortParent::RecvPostMessages( nsTArray<MessageData>&& aMessages) { if (!mService) { NS_WARNING("PostMessages is called after a shutdown!"); // This implies most probably that CloseAndDelete() has been already called // such that we have no better option than to silently ignore this call. return IPC_OK(); } if (!mEntangled) { // If we were shut down, the above condition already bailed out. So this // should actually never happen and returning a failure is fine. return IPC_FAIL(this, "RecvPostMessages not entangled"); } // This converts the object in a data struct where we have BlobImpls. FallibleTArray<RefPtr<SharedMessageBody>> messages; if (NS_WARN_IF(!SharedMessageBody::FromMessagesToSharedParent(aMessages, messages))) { // FromMessagesToSharedParent() returns false only if the array allocation // failed. // See bug 1750497 for further discussion if this is the wanted behavior. return IPC_FAIL(this, "SharedMessageBody::FromMessagesToSharedParent"); } if (messages.IsEmpty()) { // An empty payload can be safely ignored. return IPC_OK(); } if (!mService->PostMessages(this, std::move(messages))) { // TODO: Verify if all failure conditions of PostMessages() merit an // IPC_FAIL. See bug 1750499. return IPC_FAIL(this, "RecvPostMessages->PostMessages"); } return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult MessagePortParent::RecvDisentangle( nsTArray<MessageData>&& aMessages) { if (!mService) { NS_WARNING("Entangle is called after a shutdown!"); // This implies most probably that CloseAndDelete() has been already called // such that we can silently ignore this call. return IPC_OK(); } if (!mEntangled) { // If we were shut down, the above condition already bailed out. So this // should actually never happen and returning a failure is fine. return IPC_FAIL(this, "RecvDisentangle not entangled"); } // This converts the object in a data struct where we have BlobImpls. FallibleTArray<RefPtr<SharedMessageBody>> messages; if (NS_WARN_IF(!SharedMessageBody::FromMessagesToSharedParent(aMessages, messages))) { // TODO: Verify if failed allocations merit an IPC_FAIL. See bug 1750497. return IPC_FAIL(this, "SharedMessageBody::FromMessagesToSharedParent"); } if (!mService->DisentanglePort(this, std::move(messages))) { // TODO: Verify if all failure conditions of DisentanglePort() merit an // IPC_FAIL. See bug 1750501. return IPC_FAIL(this, "RecvDisentangle->DisentanglePort"); } CloseAndDelete(); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult MessagePortParent::RecvStopSendingData() { if (!mEntangled) { return IPC_OK(); } mCanSendData = false; Unused << SendStopSendingDataConfirmed(); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult MessagePortParent::RecvClose() { if (mService) { MOZ_ASSERT(mEntangled); if (!mService->ClosePort(this)) { return IPC_FAIL(this, "RecvClose->ClosePort"); } Close(); } MOZ_ASSERT(!mEntangled); Unused << Send__delete__(this); return IPC_OK(); } void MessagePortParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { if (mService && mEntangled) { // When the last parent is deleted, this service is freed but this cannot // be done when the hashtables are written by CloseAll. RefPtr<MessagePortService> kungFuDeathGrip = mService; kungFuDeathGrip->ParentDestroy(this); } } bool MessagePortParent::Entangled(nsTArray<MessageData>&& aMessages) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mEntangled); mEntangled = true; return SendEntangled(aMessages); } void MessagePortParent::CloseAndDelete() { Close(); Unused << Send__delete__(this); } void MessagePortParent::Close() { mService = nullptr; mEntangled = false; } /* static */ bool MessagePortParent::ForceClose(const nsID& aUUID, const nsID& aDestinationUUID, const uint32_t& aSequenceID) { MessagePortService* service = MessagePortService::Get(); if (!service) { NS_WARNING( "The service must exist if we want to close an existing MessagePort."); // There is nothing to close so we are ok. return true; } return service->ForceClose(aUUID, aDestinationUUID, aSequenceID); } } // namespace mozilla::dom