/* import-globals-from ../../../../testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js */ // This would be a bit nicer with `self`, but Worklet doesn't have that, so // `globalThis` it is, see https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/7696 function workerReply(port) { port.postMessage({ testTrialInterfaceExposed: !!globalThis.TestTrialInterface, }); } if ( globalThis.SharedWorkerGlobalScope && globalThis instanceof globalThis.SharedWorkerGlobalScope ) { globalThis.addEventListener("connect", function (e) { const port = e.ports[0]; workerReply(port); }); } else if ( globalThis.WorkerGlobalScope && globalThis instanceof globalThis.WorkerGlobalScope ) { workerReply(globalThis); } else if ( globalThis.WorkletGlobalScope && globalThis instanceof globalThis.WorkletGlobalScope ) { class Processor extends AudioWorkletProcessor { constructor() { super(); this.port.start(); workerReply(this.port); } process() { // Do nothing, output silence return true; } } registerProcessor("test-processor", Processor); } function assertTestTrialActive(shouldBeActive) { add_task(async function () { info("Main thread test: " + document.URL); is( !!navigator.testTrialGatedAttribute, shouldBeActive, "Should match active status for Navigator.testTrialControlledAttribute" ); is( !!self.TestTrialInterface, shouldBeActive, "Should match active status for TestTrialInterface" ); if (shouldBeActive) { ok( new self.TestTrialInterface(), "Should be able to construct interface" ); } function promiseWorkerWorkletMessage(target, context) { info(`promiseWorkerWorkletMessage(${context})`); return new Promise(resolve => { target.addEventListener( "message", function (e) { is( e.data.testTrialInterfaceExposed, shouldBeActive, "Should work as expected in " + context ); info(`got ${context} message`); resolve(); }, { once: true } ); }); } { info("Worker test"); const worker = new Worker("common.js"); await promiseWorkerWorkletMessage(worker, "worker"); worker.terminate(); } { info("SharedWorker test"); // We want a unique worker per page since the trial state depends on the // creator document. const worker = new SharedWorker("common.js", document.URL); const promise = promiseWorkerWorkletMessage(worker.port, "shared worker"); worker.port.start(); await promise; } { info("AudioWorklet test"); const audioContext = new AudioContext(); await audioContext.audioWorklet.addModule("common.js"); audioContext.resume(); const workletNode = new AudioWorkletNode(audioContext, "test-processor"); const promise = promiseWorkerWorkletMessage(workletNode.port, "worklet"); workletNode.port.start(); await promise; await audioContext.close(); } // FIXME(emilio): Add more tests. // * Stuff hanging off Window or Document (bug 1757935). }); }