/* eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script */ "use strict"; /** * Defers one or more callbacks until the next turn of the event loop. Multiple * callbacks are executed in order. * * @param {Function[]} callbacks The callbacks to execute. One callback will be * executed per tick. */ function waterfall(...callbacks) { callbacks .reduce( (promise, callback) => promise.then(() => { callback(); }), Promise.resolve() ) .catch(Cu.reportError); } /** * Minimal implementation of a mock WebSocket connect to be used with * PushService. Forwards and receive messages from the implementation * that lives in the content process. */ function MockWebSocketParent(originalURI) { this._originalURI = originalURI; } MockWebSocketParent.prototype = { _originalURI: null, _listener: null, _context: null, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIWebSocketChannel"]), get originalURI() { return this._originalURI; }, asyncOpen(uri, origin, originAttributes, windowId, listener, context) { this._listener = listener; this._context = context; waterfall(() => this._listener.onStart(this._context)); }, sendMsg(msg) { sendAsyncMessage("socket-client-msg", msg); }, close() { waterfall(() => this._listener.onStop(this._context, Cr.NS_OK)); }, serverSendMsg(msg) { waterfall( () => this._listener.onMessageAvailable(this._context, msg), () => this._listener.onAcknowledge(this._context, 0) ); }, }; var pushService = Cc["@mozilla.org/push/Service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPushService ).wrappedJSObject; var mockSocket; var serverMsgs = []; addMessageListener("socket-setup", function () { pushService.replaceServiceBackend({ serverURI: "wss://push.example.org/", makeWebSocket(uri) { mockSocket = new MockWebSocketParent(uri); while (serverMsgs.length) { let msg = serverMsgs.shift(); mockSocket.serverSendMsg(msg); } return mockSocket; }, }); }); addMessageListener("socket-teardown", function (msg) { pushService .restoreServiceBackend() .then(_ => { serverMsgs.length = 0; if (mockSocket) { mockSocket.close(); mockSocket = null; } sendAsyncMessage("socket-server-teardown"); }) .catch(error => { Cu.reportError(`Error restoring service backend: ${error}`); }); }); addMessageListener("socket-server-msg", function (msg) { if (mockSocket) { mockSocket.serverSendMsg(msg); } else { serverMsgs.push(msg); } }); var MockService = { requestID: 1, resolvers: new Map(), sendRequest(name, params) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let id = this.requestID++; this.resolvers.set(id, { resolve, reject }); sendAsyncMessage("service-request", { name, id, // The request params from the real push service may contain a // principal, which cannot be passed to the unprivileged // mochitest scope, and will cause the message to be dropped if // present. The mochitest scope fortunately does not need the // principal, though, so set it to null before sending. params: Object.assign({}, params, { principal: null }), }); }); }, handleResponse(response) { if (!this.resolvers.has(response.id)) { Cu.reportError(`Unexpected response for request ${response.id}`); return; } let resolver = this.resolvers.get(response.id); this.resolvers.delete(response.id); if (response.error) { resolver.reject(response.error); } else { resolver.resolve(response.result); } }, init() {}, register(pageRecord) { return this.sendRequest("register", pageRecord); }, registration(pageRecord) { return this.sendRequest("registration", pageRecord); }, unregister(pageRecord) { return this.sendRequest("unregister", pageRecord); }, reportDeliveryError(messageId, reason) { sendAsyncMessage("service-delivery-error", { messageId, reason, }); }, uninit() { return Promise.resolve(); }, }; async function replaceService(service) { // `?.` because `service` can be null // (either by calling this function with null, or the push module doesn't have the // field at all e.g. in GeckoView) // Passing null here resets it to the default implementation on desktop // (so `.service` never becomes null there) but not for GeckoView. // XXX(krosylight): we need to remove this deviation. await pushService.service?.uninit(); pushService.service = service; await pushService.service?.init(); } addMessageListener("service-replace", function () { replaceService(MockService) .then(_ => { sendAsyncMessage("service-replaced"); }) .catch(error => { Cu.reportError(`Error replacing service: ${error}`); }); }); addMessageListener("service-restore", function () { replaceService(null) .then(_ => { sendAsyncMessage("service-restored"); }) .catch(error => { Cu.reportError(`Error restoring service: ${error}`); }); }); addMessageListener("service-response", function (response) { MockService.handleResponse(response); });