# QM_TRY Analysis Guide Welcome to the QM_TRY Analysis Guide! This document walks you through the process of setting up the environment for semi-automatic monitoring of QM_TRY failures within Mozilla. Follow these step-by-step instructions to ensure you have the necessary requirements before initiating the analysis. ## Setup Instructions ### 1. Clone mozilla-central Ensure you have a local clone of mozilla-central. If you don't have it yet, refer to [this link](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/contributing/contribution_quickref.html#bootstrap-a-copy-of-the-firefox-source-code). Building the project is not necessary for this setup. ### 2. Install rust-code-analysis If not done already, set up Rust by visiting [rustup.rs](https://rustup.rs/). Once Rust is installed, install rust-code-analysis using the following command: ```bash cargo install --git https://github.com/mozilla/rust-code-analysis --rev 56f182ac570 ``` ### 3. Obtain Telemetry API Key Obtain a Telemetry API Key by visiting [Telemetry API Key](https://sql.telemetry.mozilla.org/users/me). Save this key for later use in the analysis scripts. ### 4. Obtain Bugzilla API Key Obtain your Bugzilla API Key from [Bugzilla User Preferences](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/userprefs.cgi?tab=apikey). ### 5. Install Python Install Python if not already set up. ### 6. Install Poetry and set up dependencies If you haven't installed Poetry, use the following commands to install it and set up the project: ```bash pip install poetry cd mozilla-unified/dom/quota/scripts/qm-try-analysis poetry install ``` ### Containerized setup To streamline the setup process, use [`Podman`](https://github.com/containers/podman?tab=readme-ov-file#podman-a-tool-for-managing-oci-containers-and-pods) with the provided `Containerfile`. Navigate to the relevant directory: ```bash cd mozilla-unified/dom/quota/scripts/qm-try-analysis ``` Build the container image and run the container: ```bash podman run -it $(podman build -q .) -v :/home/scripts/qm-try-analysis/output ``` ## Effort - Each run takes approximately 5–15 minutes, with scripts running in less than 5 minutes. - Analysis is performed once a week (as of November 2023) on Monday. ## Generate Output Navigate to the analysis directory: ```bash cd mozilla-unified/dom/quota/scripts/qm-try-analysis ``` The process involves fetching data, analyzing, and reporting. Here's a quick overview: ```bash # Jump into a poetry shell session poetry shell # Fetch data qm-try-analysis fetch [OPTIONS] # Analyze data qm-try-analysis analyze [OPTIONS] # Report failures to Bugzilla qm-try-analysis report [OPTIONS] # To exit the shell session exit ``` Refer to the detailed usage instructions provided by adding the `--help` option to one of the commands above. ## Analysis - Look for noticeable problems such as new errors, unusual stacks, or issues not encountered for a long time. ## Additional Hints - Treat QM_TRY bugs as meta bugs; do not attach patches there; create a new bug for that and cross-link using blocks/depends on. - Interesting bugs to cross-link: - [Bug 1705304](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1705304) (FATAL errors): "error conditions we cannot meaningfully recover from." - [Bug 1712582](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1712582) (Replace generic NS_ERROR_FAILURE errors with more specific codes).