#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. import pathlib import click from qm_try_analysis import telemetry, utils from qm_try_analysis.logging import info """ The analysis is based on the following query: https://sql.telemetry.mozilla.org/queries/78691/source?p_day=28&p_month=03&p_year=2021 SELECT UNIX_MILLIS(timestamp) AS submit_timeabs, session_start_time, submission_date, build_id, client_id, session_id, event_timestamp, CAST(mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, "seq") AS INT64) AS seq, mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, "context") AS context, mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, "source_file") AS source_file, mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, "source_line") AS source_line, mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, "severity") AS severity, mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, "result") AS result, FROM telemetry.events WHERE submission_date >= CAST('{{ year }}-{{ month }}-{{ day }}' AS DATE) AND event_category='dom.quota.try' AND build_id >= '{{ build }}' AND UNIX_MILLIS(timestamp) > {{ last }} ORDER BY submit_timeabs LIMIT 600000 We fetch events in chronological order, as we want to keep track of where we already arrived with our analysis. To accomplish this we write our runs into qmexecutions.json. [ { "workdir": ".", "daysback": 1, "numrows": 17377, "lasteventtime": 1617303855145, "rawfile": "./qmrows_until_1617303855145.json" } ] lasteventtime is the highest value of event_timeabs we found in our data. analyze_qm_failures instead needs the rows to be ordered by client_id, session_id, thread_id, submit_timeabs, seq Thus we sort the rows accordingly before writing them. """ @click.command() @click.option( "-k", "--key", required=True, help="Your personal telemetry API key.", ) @click.option( "-b", "--minbuild", default="20210329000000", help="The lowest build id we will fetch data for. This should have the following format: `yyyymmddhhmmss`.", ) @click.option("-d", "--days", type=int, default=7, help="Number of days to go back.") @click.option( "-l", "--lasteventtime", type=int, default=0, help="Fetch only events after this number of Unix milliseconds.", ) @click.option( "-w", "--workdir", type=click.Path(file_okay=False, writable=True, path_type=pathlib.Path), default="output", help="Working directory", ) def fetch_qm_failures(key, minbuild, days, lasteventtime, workdir): """ Invokes the query 78691 and stores the result in a JSON file. """ # Creeate output dir if it does not exist workdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) start = utils.dateback(days) year, month, day = start.year, start.month, start.day run = {} lastrun = utils.getLastRunFromExecutionFile(workdir) if "lasteventtime" in lastrun: lasteventtime = lastrun["lasteventtime"] run["workdir"] = workdir.as_posix() run["daysback"] = days run["minbuild"] = minbuild p_params = f"p_year={year:04d}&p_month={month:02d}&p_day={day:02d}&p_build={minbuild}&p_last={lasteventtime}" # Read string at the start of the file for more information on query 78691 result = telemetry.query(key, 78691, p_params) rows = result["query_result"]["data"]["rows"] run["numrows"] = len(rows) if run["numrows"] > 0: lasteventtime = telemetry.getLastEventTimeAbs(rows) run["lasteventtime"] = lasteventtime rows.sort( key=lambda row: "{}.{}.{}.{}.{:06d}".format( row["client_id"], row["session_id"], row["seq"] >> 32, # thread_id row["submit_timeabs"], row["seq"] & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, # seq, ), reverse=False, ) outfile = f"{workdir}/qmrows_until_{lasteventtime}.json" utils.writeJSONFile(outfile, rows) run["rawfile"] = outfile else: info("No results found, maybe next time.") run["lasteventtime"] = lasteventtime utils.addNewRunToExecutionFile(workdir, run) if __name__ == "__main__": fetch_qm_failures()