/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const NS_OK = Cr.NS_OK; const NS_ERROR_FAILURE = Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; const NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED = Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; const NS_ERROR_FILE_NO_DEVICE_SPACE = Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NO_DEVICE_SPACE; const loggingEnabled = false; var testGenerator; loadScript("dom/quota/test/common/xpcshell.js"); function log(msg) { if (loggingEnabled) { info(msg); } } function is(a, b, msg) { Assert.equal(a, b, msg); } function ok(cond, msg) { Assert.ok(!!cond, msg); } function todo(cond, msg) { todo_check_true(cond); } function run_test() { runTest(); } if (!this.runTest) { this.runTest = function () { do_get_profile(); enableStorageTesting(); enableTesting(); // In order to support converting tests to using async functions from using // generator functions, we detect async functions by checking the name of // function's constructor. Assert.ok( typeof testSteps === "function", "There should be a testSteps function" ); if (testSteps.constructor.name === "AsyncFunction") { // Do run our existing cleanup function that would normally be called by // the generator's call to finishTest(). registerCleanupFunction(function () { resetStorageTesting(); resetTesting(); }); add_task(testSteps); // Since we defined run_test, we must invoke run_next_test() to start the // async test. run_next_test(); } else { Assert.ok( testSteps.constructor.name === "GeneratorFunction", "Unsupported function type" ); do_test_pending(); testGenerator = testSteps(); testGenerator.next(); } }; } function finishTest() { resetStorageTesting(); resetTesting(); executeSoon(function () { do_test_finished(); }); } function grabArgAndContinueHandler(arg) { testGenerator.next(arg); } function continueToNextStep() { executeSoon(function () { testGenerator.next(); }); } function continueToNextStepSync() { testGenerator.next(); } function enableTesting() { SpecialPowers.setBoolPref( "dom.storage.enable_unsupported_legacy_implementation", false ); } function resetTesting() { SpecialPowers.clearUserPref( "dom.storage.enable_unsupported_legacy_implementation" ); } function setGlobalLimit(globalLimit) { SpecialPowers.setIntPref( "dom.quotaManager.temporaryStorage.fixedLimit", globalLimit ); } function resetGlobalLimit() { SpecialPowers.clearUserPref("dom.quotaManager.temporaryStorage.fixedLimit"); } function storageInitialized(callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().storageInitialized(); request.callback = callback; return request; } function temporaryStorageInitialized(callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().temporaryStorageInitialized(); request.callback = callback; return request; } function init(callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().init(); request.callback = callback; return request; } function initTemporaryStorage(callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().initTemporaryStorage(); request.callback = callback; return request; } function initPersistentOrigin(principal, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().initializePersistentOrigin(principal); request.callback = callback; return request; } function initTemporaryOrigin(persistence, principal, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().initializeTemporaryOrigin( persistence, principal ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function initPersistentClient(principal, client, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().initializePersistentClient( principal, client ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function initTemporaryClient(persistence, principal, client, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().initializeTemporaryClient( persistence, principal, client ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function getFullOriginMetadata(persistence, principal, callback) { const request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().getFullOriginMetadata( persistence, principal ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function clearClient(principal, persistence, client, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().clearStoragesForPrincipal( principal, persistence, client ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function clearOrigin(principal, persistence, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().clearStoragesForPrincipal( principal, persistence ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function clearOriginsByPrefix(principal, persistence, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().clearStoragesForOriginPrefix( principal, persistence ); request.callback = callback; return request; } function clearPrivateBrowsing(callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().clearStoragesForPrivateBrowsing(); request.callback = callback; return request; } function resetClient(principal, client) { let request = Services.qms.resetStoragesForPrincipal( principal, "default", client ); return request; } function persist(principal, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().persist(principal); request.callback = callback; return request; } function persisted(principal, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().persisted(principal); request.callback = callback; return request; } function estimateOrigin(principal, callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().estimate(principal); request.callback = callback; return request; } function listOrigins(callback) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().listOrigins(callback); request.callback = callback; return request; } function getPersistedFromMetadata(readBuffer) { const persistedPosition = 8; // Persisted state is stored in the 9th byte let view = readBuffer instanceof Uint8Array ? readBuffer : new Uint8Array(readBuffer); return !!view[persistedPosition]; } function grabResultAndContinueHandler(request) { testGenerator.next(request.result); } function grabUsageAndContinueHandler(request) { testGenerator.next(request.result.usage); } function getUsage(usageHandler, getAll) { let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().getUsage(usageHandler, getAll); return request; } function getOriginUsage(principal, fromMemory = false) { let request = Services.qms.getUsageForPrincipal( principal, function () {}, fromMemory ); return request; } function getCurrentUsage(usageHandler) { let principal = Cc["@mozilla.org/systemprincipal;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIPrincipal ); let request = SpecialPowers._getQuotaManager().getUsageForPrincipal( principal, usageHandler ); return request; } function getPrincipal(url, attr = {}) { let uri = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIIOService) .newURI(url); let ssm = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptsecuritymanager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager ); return ssm.createContentPrincipal(uri, attr); } var SpecialPowers = { getBoolPref(prefName) { return this._getPrefs().getBoolPref(prefName); }, setBoolPref(prefName, value) { this._getPrefs().setBoolPref(prefName, value); }, setIntPref(prefName, value) { this._getPrefs().setIntPref(prefName, value); }, clearUserPref(prefName) { this._getPrefs().clearUserPref(prefName); }, _getPrefs() { let prefService = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIPrefService ); return prefService.getBranch(null); }, _getQuotaManager() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/dom/quota-manager-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIQuotaManagerService ); }, }; function installPackages(packageRelativePaths) { if (packageRelativePaths.length != 2) { throw new Error("Unsupported number of package relative paths"); } for (const packageRelativePath of packageRelativePaths) { installPackage(packageRelativePath); } } // Take current storage structure on disk and compare it with the expected // structure. The expected structure is defined in JSON and consists of a per // test package definition and a shared package definition. The shared package // definition should contain unknown stuff which needs to be properly handled // in all situations. function verifyStorage(packageDefinitionRelativePaths, key, sharedKey) { if (packageDefinitionRelativePaths.length != 2) { throw new Error("Unsupported number of package definition relative paths"); } function verifyEntries(entries, name, indent = "") { log(`${indent}Verifying ${name} entries`); indent += " "; for (const entry of entries) { const maybeName = entry.name; log(`${indent}Verifying entry ${maybeName}`); let hasName = false; let hasDir = false; let hasEntries = false; for (const property in entry) { switch (property) { case "note": case "todo": break; case "name": hasName = true; break; case "dir": hasDir = true; break; case "entries": hasEntries = true; break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown property ${property}`); } } if (!hasName) { throw new Error("An entry must have the name property"); } if (!hasDir) { throw new Error("An entry must have the dir property"); } if (hasEntries && !entry.dir) { throw new Error("An entry can't have entries if it's not a directory"); } if (hasEntries) { verifyEntries(entry.entries, entry.name, indent); } } } function getCurrentEntries() { log("Getting current entries"); function getEntryForFile(file) { let entry = { name: file.leafName, dir: file.isDirectory(), }; if (file.isDirectory()) { const enumerator = file.directoryEntries; let nextFile; while ((nextFile = enumerator.nextFile)) { if (!entry.entries) { entry.entries = []; } entry.entries.push(getEntryForFile(nextFile)); } } return entry; } let entries = []; let file = getRelativeFile("indexedDB"); if (file.exists()) { entries.push(getEntryForFile(file)); } file = getRelativeFile("storage"); if (file.exists()) { entries.push(getEntryForFile(file)); } file = getRelativeFile("storage.sqlite"); if (file.exists()) { entries.push(getEntryForFile(file)); } verifyEntries(entries, "current"); return entries; } function getEntriesFromPackageDefinition( packageDefinitionRelativePath, lookupKey ) { log(`Getting ${lookupKey} entries from ${packageDefinitionRelativePath}`); const currentDir = Services.dirsvc.get("CurWorkD", Ci.nsIFile); const file = getRelativeFile( packageDefinitionRelativePath + ".json", currentDir ); const fileInputStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); fileInputStream.init(file, -1, -1, 0); const scriptableInputStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); scriptableInputStream.init(fileInputStream); const data = scriptableInputStream.readBytes( scriptableInputStream.available() ); const obj = JSON.parse(data); const result = obj.find(({ key: elementKey }) => elementKey == lookupKey); if (!result) { throw new Error("The file doesn't contain an element for given key"); } if (!result.entries) { throw new Error("The element doesn't have the entries property"); } verifyEntries(result.entries, lookupKey); return result.entries; } function addSharedEntries(expectedEntries, sharedEntries, name, indent = "") { log(`${indent}Checking common ${name} entries`); indent += " "; for (const sharedEntry of sharedEntries) { const expectedEntry = expectedEntries.find( ({ name: elementName }) => elementName == sharedEntry.name ); if (expectedEntry) { log(`${indent}Checking common entry ${sharedEntry.name}`); if (!expectedEntry.dir || !sharedEntry.dir) { throw new Error("A common entry must be a directory"); } if (!expectedEntry.entries && !sharedEntry.entries) { throw new Error("A common entry must not be a leaf"); } if (sharedEntry.entries) { if (!expectedEntry.entries) { expectedEntry.entries = []; } addSharedEntries( expectedEntry.entries, sharedEntry.entries, sharedEntry.name, indent ); } } else { log(`${indent}Adding entry ${sharedEntry.name}`); expectedEntries.push(sharedEntry); } } } function compareEntries(currentEntries, expectedEntries, name, indent = "") { log(`${indent}Comparing ${name} entries`); indent += " "; if (currentEntries.length != expectedEntries.length) { throw new Error("Entries must have the same length"); } for (const currentEntry of currentEntries) { log(`${indent}Comparing entry ${currentEntry.name}`); const expectedEntry = expectedEntries.find( ({ name: elementName }) => elementName == currentEntry.name ); if (!expectedEntry) { throw new Error("Cannot find a matching entry"); } if (expectedEntry.dir != currentEntry.dir) { throw new Error("The dir property doesn't match"); } if ( (expectedEntry.entries && !currentEntry.entries) || (!expectedEntry.entries && currentEntry.entries) ) { throw new Error("The entries property doesn't match"); } if (expectedEntry.entries) { compareEntries( currentEntry.entries, expectedEntry.entries, currentEntry.name, indent ); } } } const currentEntries = getCurrentEntries(); log("Stringified current entries: " + JSON.stringify(currentEntries)); const expectedEntries = getEntriesFromPackageDefinition( packageDefinitionRelativePaths[0], key ); const sharedEntries = getEntriesFromPackageDefinition( packageDefinitionRelativePaths[1], sharedKey ? sharedKey : key ); addSharedEntries(expectedEntries, sharedEntries, key); log("Stringified expected entries: " + JSON.stringify(expectedEntries)); compareEntries(currentEntries, expectedEntries, key); } async function verifyInitializationStatus( expectStorageIsInitialized, expectTemporaryStorageIsInitialized ) { if (!expectStorageIsInitialized && expectTemporaryStorageIsInitialized) { throw new Error("Invalid expectation"); } let request = storageInitialized(); await requestFinished(request); const storageIsInitialized = request.result; request = temporaryStorageInitialized(); await requestFinished(request); const temporaryStorageIsInitialized = request.result; ok( !(!storageIsInitialized && temporaryStorageIsInitialized), "Initialization status is consistent" ); if (expectStorageIsInitialized) { ok(storageIsInitialized, "Storage is initialized"); } else { ok(!storageIsInitialized, "Storage is not initialized"); } if (expectTemporaryStorageIsInitialized) { ok(temporaryStorageIsInitialized, "Temporary storage is initialized"); } else { ok(!temporaryStorageIsInitialized, "Temporary storage is not initialized"); } }