/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // This file is derived from :bkelly's https://glitch.com/edit/#!/html-sw-stream addEventListener("install", evt => { evt.waitUntil(self.skipWaiting()); }); // Create a BroadcastChannel to notify when we have closed our streams. const channel = new BroadcastChannel("stream-closed"); const MAX_TICK_COUNT = 3000; const TICK_INTERVAL = 4; /** * Generate a continuous stream of data at a sufficiently high frequency that a * there"s a good chance of racing channel cancellation. */ function handleStream(evt, filename) { // Create some payload to send. const encoder = new TextEncoder(); let strChunk = "Static routes are the future of ServiceWorkers! So say we all!\n"; while (strChunk.length < 1024) { strChunk += strChunk; } const dataChunk = encoder.encode(strChunk); evt.waitUntil( new Promise(resolve => { let body = new ReadableStream({ start: controller => { const closeStream = why => { console.log("closing stream: " + JSON.stringify(why) + "\n"); clearInterval(intervalId); resolve(); // In event of error, the controller will automatically have closed. if (why.why != "canceled") { try { controller.close(); } catch (ex) { // If we thought we should cancel but experienced a problem, // that's a different kind of failure and we need to report it. // (If we didn't catch the exception here, we'd end up erroneously // in the tick() method's canceled handler.) channel.postMessage({ what: filename, why: "close-failure", message: ex.message, ticks: why.ticks, }); return; } } // Post prior to performing any attempt to close... channel.postMessage(why); }; controller.enqueue(dataChunk); let count = 0; let intervalId; function tick() { try { // bound worst-case behavior. if (count++ > MAX_TICK_COUNT) { closeStream({ what: filename, why: "timeout", message: "timeout", ticks: count, }); return; } controller.enqueue(dataChunk); } catch (e) { closeStream({ what: filename, why: "canceled", message: e.message, ticks: count, }); } } // Alternately, streams' pull mechanism could be used here, but this // test doesn't so much want to saturate the stream as to make sure the // data is at least flowing a little bit. (Also, the author had some // concern about slowing down the test by overwhelming the event loop // and concern that we might not have sufficent back-pressure plumbed // through and an infinite pipe might make bad things happen.) intervalId = setInterval(tick, TICK_INTERVAL); tick(); }, }); evt.respondWith( new Response(body, { headers: { "Content-Disposition": `attachment; filename="${filename}"`, "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream", }, }) ); }) ); } /** * Use an .sjs to generate a similar stream of data to the above, passing the * response through directly. Because we're handing off the response but also * want to be able to report when cancellation occurs, we create a second, * overlapping long-poll style fetch that will not finish resolving until the * .sjs experiences closure of its socket and terminates the payload stream. */ function handlePassThrough(evt, filename) { evt.waitUntil( (async () => { console.log("issuing monitor fetch request"); const response = await fetch("server-stream-download.sjs?monitor"); console.log("monitor headers received, awaiting body"); const data = await response.json(); console.log("passthrough monitor fetch completed, notifying."); channel.postMessage({ what: filename, why: data.why, message: data.message, }); })() ); evt.respondWith( fetch("server-stream-download.sjs").then(response => { console.log("server-stream-download.sjs Response received, propagating"); return response; }) ); } addEventListener("fetch", evt => { console.log(`SW processing fetch of ${evt.request.url}`); if (evt.request.url.includes("sw-stream-download")) { handleStream(evt, "sw-stream-download"); return; } if (evt.request.url.includes("sw-passthrough-download")) { handlePassThrough(evt, "sw-passthrough-download"); } }); addEventListener("message", evt => { if (evt.data === "claim") { evt.waitUntil(clients.claim()); } });