/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "DOMSVGLength.h" #include "DOMSVGLengthList.h" #include "DOMSVGAnimatedLengthList.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsMathUtils.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLength.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLengthList.h" #include "SVGAttrTearoffTable.h" #include "SVGLength.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGLengthBinding.h" #include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" // See the architecture comment in DOMSVGAnimatedLengthList.h. namespace mozilla::dom { static SVGAttrTearoffTable sBaseSVGLengthTearOffTable, sAnimSVGLengthTearOffTable; // We could use NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION(, except that in Unlink() we need to // clear our list's weak ref to us to be safe. (The other option would be to // not unlink and rely on the breaking of the other edges in the cycle, as // NS_SVG_VAL_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION does.) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_CLASS(DOMSVGLength) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_BEGIN(DOMSVGLength) tmp->CleanupWeakRefs(); NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK(mOwner) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_PRESERVED_WRAPPER NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_UNLINK_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_BEGIN(DOMSVGLength) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE(mOwner) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRAVERSE_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_BEGIN(DOMSVGLength) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_PRESERVED_WRAPPER NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_TRACE_END DOMSVGLength::DOMSVGLength(DOMSVGLengthList* aList, uint8_t aAttrEnum, uint32_t aListIndex, bool aIsAnimValItem) : mOwner(aList), mListIndex(aListIndex), mAttrEnum(aAttrEnum), mIsAnimValItem(aIsAnimValItem), mUnit(SVGLength_Binding::SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER) { MOZ_ASSERT(aList, "bad arg"); MOZ_ASSERT(mAttrEnum == aAttrEnum, "bitfield too small"); MOZ_ASSERT(aListIndex <= MaxListIndex(), "list index too large"); MOZ_ASSERT(IndexIsValid(), "Bad index for DOMSVGNumber!"); } DOMSVGLength::DOMSVGLength() : mOwner(nullptr), mListIndex(0), mAttrEnum(0), mIsAnimValItem(false), mUnit(SVGLength_Binding::SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER) {} DOMSVGLength::DOMSVGLength(SVGAnimatedLength* aVal, SVGElement* aSVGElement, bool aAnimVal) : mOwner(aSVGElement), mListIndex(0), mAttrEnum(aVal->mAttrEnum), mIsAnimValItem(aAnimVal), mUnit(SVGLength_Binding::SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER) { MOZ_ASSERT(aVal, "bad arg"); MOZ_ASSERT(mAttrEnum == aVal->mAttrEnum, "bitfield too small"); } void DOMSVGLength::CleanupWeakRefs() { // Our mList's weak ref to us must be nulled out when we die (or when we're // cycle collected), so we that don't leave behind a pointer to // free / soon-to-be-free memory. if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { MOZ_ASSERT(lengthList->mItems[mListIndex] == this, "Clearing out the wrong list index...?"); lengthList->mItems[mListIndex] = nullptr; } // Similarly, we must update the tearoff table to remove its (non-owning) // pointer to mVal. if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { auto& table = mIsAnimValItem ? sAnimSVGLengthTearOffTable : sBaseSVGLengthTearOffTable; table.RemoveTearoff(svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)); } } already_AddRefed DOMSVGLength::GetTearOff(SVGAnimatedLength* aVal, SVGElement* aSVGElement, bool aAnimVal) { auto& table = aAnimVal ? sAnimSVGLengthTearOffTable : sBaseSVGLengthTearOffTable; RefPtr domLength = table.GetTearoff(aVal); if (!domLength) { domLength = new DOMSVGLength(aVal, aSVGElement, aAnimVal); table.AddTearoff(aVal, domLength); } return domLength.forget(); } DOMSVGLength* DOMSVGLength::Copy() { NS_ASSERTION(HasOwner(), "unexpected caller"); DOMSVGLength* copy = new DOMSVGLength(); uint16_t unit; float value; if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGAnimatedLength* length = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum); if (mIsAnimValItem) { unit = length->GetAnimUnitType(); value = length->GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits(); } else { unit = length->GetBaseUnitType(); value = length->GetBaseValInSpecifiedUnits(); } } else { const SVGLength& length = InternalItem(); unit = length.GetUnit(); value = length.GetValueInCurrentUnits(); } copy->NewValueSpecifiedUnits(unit, value, IgnoreErrors()); return copy; } uint16_t DOMSVGLength::UnitType() { if (mIsAnimValItem) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); } uint16_t unitType; if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { unitType = mIsAnimValItem ? svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->GetAnimUnitType() : svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->GetBaseUnitType(); } else { unitType = HasOwner() ? InternalItem().GetUnit() : mUnit; } return SVGLength::IsValidUnitType(unitType) ? unitType : SVGLength_Binding::SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN; } float DOMSVGLength::GetValue(ErrorResult& aRv) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); // May make HasOwner() == false } // If the unit depends on style or layout then we need to flush before // converting to pixels. FlushIfNeeded(); if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGAnimatedLength* length = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum); return mIsAnimValItem ? length->GetAnimValue(svg) : length->GetBaseValue(svg); } if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { float value = InternalItem().GetValueInPixels(lengthList->Element(), lengthList->Axis()); if (!std::isfinite(value)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } return value; } if (SVGLength::IsAbsoluteUnit(mUnit)) { return SVGLength(mValue, mUnit).GetValueInPixels(nullptr, 0); } // else [SVGWG issue] Can't convert this length's value to user units // ReportToConsole aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return 0.0f; } void DOMSVGLength::SetValue(float aUserUnitValue, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } // If the unit depends on style or layout then we need to flush before // converting from pixels. FlushIfNeeded(); if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { aRv = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->SetBaseValue(aUserUnitValue, svg, true); return; } // Although the value passed in is in user units, this method does not turn // this length into a user unit length. Instead it converts the user unit // value to this length's current unit and sets that, leaving this length's // unit as it is. if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGLength& internalItem = InternalItem(); if (internalItem.GetValueInPixels(lengthList->Element(), lengthList->Axis()) == aUserUnitValue) { return; } float uuPerUnit = internalItem.GetPixelsPerUnit( SVGElementMetrics(lengthList->Element()), lengthList->Axis()); if (uuPerUnit > 0) { float newValue = aUserUnitValue / uuPerUnit; if (std::isfinite(newValue)) { AutoChangeLengthListNotifier notifier(this); internalItem.SetValueAndUnit(newValue, internalItem.GetUnit()); return; } } } else if (SVGLength::IsAbsoluteUnit(mUnit)) { mValue = aUserUnitValue * SVGLength::GetAbsUnitsPerAbsUnit( mUnit, SVGLength_Binding::SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX); return; } // else [SVGWG issue] Can't convert user unit value to this length's unit // ReportToConsole aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } float DOMSVGLength::ValueInSpecifiedUnits() { if (mIsAnimValItem) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); // May make HasOwner() == false } if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGAnimatedLength* length = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum); return mIsAnimValItem ? length->GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits() : length->GetBaseValInSpecifiedUnits(); } return HasOwner() ? InternalItem().GetValueInCurrentUnits() : mValue; } void DOMSVGLength::SetValueInSpecifiedUnits(float aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->SetBaseValueInSpecifiedUnits(aValue, svg, true); return; } if (HasOwner()) { SVGLength& internalItem = InternalItem(); if (internalItem.GetValueInCurrentUnits() == aValue) { return; } AutoChangeLengthListNotifier notifier(this); internalItem.SetValueInCurrentUnits(aValue); return; } mValue = aValue; } void DOMSVGLength::SetValueAsString(const nsAString& aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { aRv = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->SetBaseValueString(aValue, svg, true); return; } SVGLength value; if (!value.SetValueFromString(aValue)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR); return; } if (HasOwner()) { SVGLength& internalItem = InternalItem(); if (internalItem == value) { return; } AutoChangeLengthListNotifier notifier(this); internalItem = value; return; } mValue = value.GetValueInCurrentUnits(); mUnit = value.GetUnit(); } void DOMSVGLength::GetValueAsString(nsAString& aValue) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { Element()->FlushAnimations(); // May make HasOwner() == false } if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGAnimatedLength* length = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum); if (mIsAnimValItem) { length->GetAnimValueString(aValue); } else { length->GetBaseValueString(aValue); } return; } if (HasOwner()) { InternalItem().GetValueAsString(aValue); return; } SVGLength(mValue, mUnit).GetValueAsString(aValue); } void DOMSVGLength::NewValueSpecifiedUnits(uint16_t aUnit, float aValue, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->NewValueSpecifiedUnits(aUnit, aValue, svg); return; } if (!SVGLength::IsValidUnitType(aUnit)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } if (HasOwner()) { SVGLength& internalItem = InternalItem(); if (internalItem == SVGLength(aValue, aUnit)) { return; } AutoChangeLengthListNotifier notifier(this); internalItem.SetValueAndUnit(aValue, uint8_t(aUnit)); return; } mUnit = uint8_t(aUnit); mValue = aValue; } void DOMSVGLength::ConvertToSpecifiedUnits(uint16_t aUnit, ErrorResult& aRv) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR); return; } if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->ConvertToSpecifiedUnits(aUnit, svg); return; } if (!SVGLength::IsValidUnitType(aUnit)) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR); return; } float val; if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGLength& length = InternalItem(); if (length.GetUnit() == aUnit) { return; } val = length.GetValueInSpecifiedUnit(aUnit, lengthList->Element(), lengthList->Axis()); } else { if (mUnit == aUnit) { return; } val = SVGLength(mValue, mUnit).GetValueInSpecifiedUnit(aUnit, nullptr, 0); } if (std::isfinite(val)) { if (HasOwner()) { AutoChangeLengthListNotifier notifier(this); InternalItem().SetValueAndUnit(val, aUnit); } else { mValue = val; mUnit = aUnit; } return; } // else [SVGWG issue] Can't convert unit // ReportToConsole aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } JSObject* DOMSVGLength::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return SVGLength_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } void DOMSVGLength::InsertingIntoList(DOMSVGLengthList* aList, uint8_t aAttrEnum, uint32_t aListIndex, bool aIsAnimValItem) { NS_ASSERTION(!HasOwner(), "Inserting item that is already in a list"); mOwner = aList; mAttrEnum = aAttrEnum; mListIndex = aListIndex; mIsAnimValItem = aIsAnimValItem; MOZ_ASSERT(IndexIsValid(), "Bad index for DOMSVGLength!"); } void DOMSVGLength::RemovingFromList() { mValue = InternalItem().GetValueInCurrentUnits(); mUnit = InternalItem().GetUnit(); mOwner = nullptr; mIsAnimValItem = false; } SVGLength DOMSVGLength::ToSVGLength() { if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { SVGAnimatedLength* length = svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum); if (mIsAnimValItem) { return SVGLength(length->GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits(), length->GetAnimUnitType()); } return SVGLength(length->GetBaseValInSpecifiedUnits(), length->GetBaseUnitType()); } return HasOwner() ? InternalItem() : SVGLength(mValue, mUnit); } bool DOMSVGLength::IsAnimating() const { if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { return lengthList->IsAnimating(); } nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner); return svg && svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->IsAnimated(); } SVGElement* DOMSVGLength::Element() { if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { return lengthList->Element(); } nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner); return svg; } SVGLength& DOMSVGLength::InternalItem() { nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner); SVGAnimatedLengthList* alist = lengthList->Element()->GetAnimatedLengthList(mAttrEnum); return mIsAnimValItem && alist->mAnimVal ? (*alist->mAnimVal)[mListIndex] : alist->mBaseVal[mListIndex]; } void DOMSVGLength::FlushIfNeeded() { auto MaybeFlush = [](uint16_t aUnitType, SVGElement* aSVGElement) { FlushType flushType; if (SVGLength::IsPercentageUnit(aUnitType)) { flushType = FlushType::Layout; } else if (SVGLength::IsFontRelativeUnit(aUnitType)) { flushType = FlushType::Style; } else { return; } if (auto* currentDoc = aSVGElement->GetComposedDoc()) { currentDoc->FlushPendingNotifications(flushType); } }; if (nsCOMPtr svg = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { if (mIsAnimValItem) { MaybeFlush(svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->GetAnimUnitType(), svg); } else { MaybeFlush(svg->GetAnimatedLength(mAttrEnum)->GetBaseUnitType(), svg); } } if (nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner)) { MaybeFlush(InternalItem().GetUnit(), lengthList->Element()); } } #ifdef DEBUG bool DOMSVGLength::IndexIsValid() { nsCOMPtr lengthList = do_QueryInterface(mOwner); SVGAnimatedLengthList* alist = lengthList->Element()->GetAnimatedLengthList(mAttrEnum); return (mIsAnimValItem && mListIndex < alist->GetAnimValue().Length()) || (!mIsAnimValItem && mListIndex < alist->GetBaseValue().Length()); } #endif } // namespace mozilla::dom