/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "SVGAnimatedViewBox.h" #include "mozAutoDocUpdate.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include <utility> #include "SVGViewBoxSMILType.h" #include "mozilla/SMILValue.h" #include "mozilla/SVGContentUtils.h" #include "mozilla/dom/SVGRect.h" #include "nsCharSeparatedTokenizer.h" #include "nsTextFormatter.h" using namespace mozilla::dom; namespace mozilla { #define NUM_VIEWBOX_COMPONENTS 4 /* Implementation of SVGViewBox methods */ bool SVGViewBox::operator==(const SVGViewBox& aOther) const { if (&aOther == this) return true; return (none && aOther.none) || (!none && !aOther.none && x == aOther.x && y == aOther.y && width == aOther.width && height == aOther.height); } /* static */ nsresult SVGViewBox::FromString(const nsAString& aStr, SVGViewBox* aViewBox) { if (aStr.EqualsLiteral("none")) { aViewBox->none = true; return NS_OK; } nsCharSeparatedTokenizerTemplate<nsContentUtils::IsHTMLWhitespace, nsTokenizerFlags::SeparatorOptional> tokenizer(aStr, ','); float vals[NUM_VIEWBOX_COMPONENTS]; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_VIEWBOX_COMPONENTS && tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); ++i) { if (!SVGContentUtils::ParseNumber(tokenizer.nextToken(), vals[i])) { return NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR; } } if (i != NUM_VIEWBOX_COMPONENTS || // Too few values. tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() || // Too many values. tokenizer.separatorAfterCurrentToken()) { // Trailing comma. return NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR; } aViewBox->x = vals[0]; aViewBox->y = vals[1]; aViewBox->width = vals[2]; aViewBox->height = vals[3]; aViewBox->none = false; return NS_OK; } static SVGAttrTearoffTable<SVGAnimatedViewBox, SVGRect> sBaseSVGViewBoxTearoffTable; static SVGAttrTearoffTable<SVGAnimatedViewBox, SVGRect> sAnimSVGViewBoxTearoffTable; SVGAttrTearoffTable<SVGAnimatedViewBox, SVGAnimatedRect> SVGAnimatedViewBox::sSVGAnimatedRectTearoffTable; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper class: AutoChangeViewBoxNotifier // Stack-based helper class to pair calls to WillChangeViewBox and // DidChangeViewBox. class MOZ_RAII AutoChangeViewBoxNotifier { public: AutoChangeViewBoxNotifier(SVGAnimatedViewBox* aViewBox, SVGElement* aSVGElement, bool aDoSetAttr = true) : mViewBox(aViewBox), mSVGElement(aSVGElement), mDoSetAttr(aDoSetAttr) { MOZ_ASSERT(mViewBox, "Expecting non-null viewBox"); MOZ_ASSERT(mSVGElement, "Expecting non-null element"); if (mDoSetAttr) { mUpdateBatch.emplace(aSVGElement->GetComposedDoc(), true); mEmptyOrOldValue = mSVGElement->WillChangeViewBox(mUpdateBatch.ref()); } } ~AutoChangeViewBoxNotifier() { if (mDoSetAttr) { mSVGElement->DidChangeViewBox(mEmptyOrOldValue, mUpdateBatch.ref()); } if (mViewBox->mAnimVal) { mSVGElement->AnimationNeedsResample(); } } private: SVGAnimatedViewBox* const mViewBox; SVGElement* const mSVGElement; Maybe<mozAutoDocUpdate> mUpdateBatch; nsAttrValue mEmptyOrOldValue; bool mDoSetAttr; }; /* Implementation of SVGAnimatedViewBox methods */ void SVGAnimatedViewBox::Init() { mHasBaseVal = false; // We shouldn't use mBaseVal for rendering (its usages should be guarded with // "mHasBaseVal" checks), but just in case we do by accident, this will // ensure that we treat it as "none" and ignore its numeric values: mBaseVal.none = true; mAnimVal = nullptr; } bool SVGAnimatedViewBox::HasRect() const { // Check mAnimVal if we have one; otherwise, check mBaseVal if we have one; // otherwise, just return false (we clearly do not have a rect). const SVGViewBox* rect = mAnimVal.get(); if (!rect) { if (!mHasBaseVal) { // no anim val, no base val --> no viewbox rect return false; } rect = &mBaseVal; } return !rect->none && rect->width >= 0 && rect->height >= 0; } void SVGAnimatedViewBox::SetAnimValue(const SVGViewBox& aRect, SVGElement* aSVGElement) { if (!mAnimVal) { // it's okay if allocation fails - and no point in reporting that mAnimVal = MakeUnique<SVGViewBox>(aRect); } else { if (aRect == *mAnimVal) { return; } *mAnimVal = aRect; } aSVGElement->DidAnimateViewBox(); } void SVGAnimatedViewBox::SetBaseValue(const SVGViewBox& aRect, SVGElement* aSVGElement) { if (!mHasBaseVal || mBaseVal == aRect) { // This method is used to set a single x, y, width // or height value. It can't create a base value // as the other components may be undefined. We record // the new value though, so as not to lose data. mBaseVal = aRect; return; } AutoChangeViewBoxNotifier notifier(this, aSVGElement); mBaseVal = aRect; mHasBaseVal = true; } nsresult SVGAnimatedViewBox::SetBaseValueString(const nsAString& aValue, SVGElement* aSVGElement, bool aDoSetAttr) { SVGViewBox viewBox; nsresult rv = SVGViewBox::FromString(aValue, &viewBox); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // Comparison against mBaseVal is only valid if we currently have a base val. if (mHasBaseVal && viewBox == mBaseVal) { return NS_OK; } AutoChangeViewBoxNotifier notifier(this, aSVGElement, aDoSetAttr); mHasBaseVal = true; mBaseVal = viewBox; return NS_OK; } void SVGAnimatedViewBox::GetBaseValueString(nsAString& aValue) const { if (mBaseVal.none) { aValue.AssignLiteral("none"); return; } nsTextFormatter::ssprintf(aValue, u"%g %g %g %g", (double)mBaseVal.x, (double)mBaseVal.y, (double)mBaseVal.width, (double)mBaseVal.height); } already_AddRefed<SVGAnimatedRect> SVGAnimatedViewBox::ToSVGAnimatedRect( SVGElement* aSVGElement) { RefPtr<SVGAnimatedRect> domAnimatedRect = sSVGAnimatedRectTearoffTable.GetTearoff(this); if (!domAnimatedRect) { domAnimatedRect = new SVGAnimatedRect(this, aSVGElement); sSVGAnimatedRectTearoffTable.AddTearoff(this, domAnimatedRect); } return domAnimatedRect.forget(); } already_AddRefed<SVGRect> SVGAnimatedViewBox::ToDOMBaseVal( SVGElement* aSVGElement) { if (!mHasBaseVal || mBaseVal.none) { return nullptr; } RefPtr<SVGRect> domBaseVal = sBaseSVGViewBoxTearoffTable.GetTearoff(this); if (!domBaseVal) { domBaseVal = new SVGRect(this, aSVGElement, SVGRect::RectType::BaseValue); sBaseSVGViewBoxTearoffTable.AddTearoff(this, domBaseVal); } return domBaseVal.forget(); } SVGRect::~SVGRect() { switch (mType) { case RectType::BaseValue: sBaseSVGViewBoxTearoffTable.RemoveTearoff(mVal); break; case RectType::AnimValue: sAnimSVGViewBoxTearoffTable.RemoveTearoff(mVal); break; default: break; } } already_AddRefed<SVGRect> SVGAnimatedViewBox::ToDOMAnimVal( SVGElement* aSVGElement) { if ((mAnimVal && mAnimVal->none) || (!mAnimVal && (!mHasBaseVal || mBaseVal.none))) { return nullptr; } RefPtr<SVGRect> domAnimVal = sAnimSVGViewBoxTearoffTable.GetTearoff(this); if (!domAnimVal) { domAnimVal = new SVGRect(this, aSVGElement, SVGRect::RectType::AnimValue); sAnimSVGViewBoxTearoffTable.AddTearoff(this, domAnimVal); } return domAnimVal.forget(); } UniquePtr<SMILAttr> SVGAnimatedViewBox::ToSMILAttr(SVGElement* aSVGElement) { return MakeUnique<SMILViewBox>(this, aSVGElement); } nsresult SVGAnimatedViewBox::SMILViewBox ::ValueFromString( const nsAString& aStr, const SVGAnimationElement* /*aSrcElement*/, SMILValue& aValue, bool& aPreventCachingOfSandwich) const { SVGViewBox viewBox; nsresult res = SVGViewBox::FromString(aStr, &viewBox); if (NS_FAILED(res)) { return res; } SMILValue val(&SVGViewBoxSMILType::sSingleton); *static_cast<SVGViewBox*>(val.mU.mPtr) = viewBox; aValue = std::move(val); return NS_OK; } SMILValue SVGAnimatedViewBox::SMILViewBox::GetBaseValue() const { SMILValue val(&SVGViewBoxSMILType::sSingleton); *static_cast<SVGViewBox*>(val.mU.mPtr) = mVal->mBaseVal; return val; } void SVGAnimatedViewBox::SMILViewBox::ClearAnimValue() { if (mVal->mAnimVal) { mVal->mAnimVal = nullptr; mSVGElement->DidAnimateViewBox(); } } nsresult SVGAnimatedViewBox::SMILViewBox::SetAnimValue( const SMILValue& aValue) { NS_ASSERTION(aValue.mType == &SVGViewBoxSMILType::sSingleton, "Unexpected type to assign animated value"); if (aValue.mType == &SVGViewBoxSMILType::sSingleton) { SVGViewBox& vb = *static_cast<SVGViewBox*>(aValue.mU.mPtr); mVal->SetAnimValue(vb, mSVGElement); } return NS_OK; } } // namespace mozilla