Element data"> ]> EMP0001 Margaret Martin Accountant 56,000 Female
1230 North Ave. Dallas, Texas 98551
EMP0002 Martha Raynolds This is a CDATASection with EntityReference number 2 &ent2; This is an adjacent CDATASection with a reference to a tab &tab; Secretary 35,000 Female
&ent2; Dallas, &ent3; 98554
EMP0003 Roger Jones Department Manager 100,000 &ent4;
PO Box 27 Irving, texas 98553
EMP0004 Jeny Oconnor Personnel Director 95,000 Female 27 South Road. Dallas, texas 98556 EMP0005 Robert Myers Computer Specialist 90,000 male
1821 Nordic. Road, Irving Texas 98558