function test_upgrade(f, msg) { // Run upgrading test on an element created by HTML parser. test_with_new_window(function (testWindow, testMsg) { let elementParser = testWindow.document.querySelector("unresolved-element"); f(testWindow, elementParser, testMsg); }, msg + " (HTML parser)"); // Run upgrading test on an element created by document.createElement. test_with_new_window(function (testWindow, testMsg) { let element = testWindow.document.createElement("unresolved-element"); testWindow.document.documentElement.appendChild(element); f(testWindow, element, testMsg); }, msg + " (document.createElement)"); } // Test cases test_upgrade(function (testWindow, testElement, msg) { class MyCustomElement extends testWindow.HTMLElement {} testWindow.customElements.define("unresolved-element", MyCustomElement); Object.getPrototypeOf(Cu.waiveXrays(testElement)), MyCustomElement.prototype, msg ); }, "Custom element must be upgraded if there is a matching definition"); test_upgrade(function (testWindow, testElement, msg) { testElement.remove(); class MyCustomElement extends testWindow.HTMLElement {} testWindow.customElements.define("unresolved-element", MyCustomElement); Object.getPrototypeOf(testElement), testWindow.HTMLElement.prototype, msg ); }, "Custom element must not be upgraded if it has been removed from tree"); test_upgrade(function (testWindow, testElement, msg) { let exceptionToThrow = { name: "exception thrown by a custom constructor" }; class ThrowCustomElement extends testWindow.HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); if (exceptionToThrow) { throw exceptionToThrow; } } } let uncaughtError; window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }; testWindow.customElements.define("unresolved-element", ThrowCustomElement);,, msg); }, "Upgrading must report an exception thrown by a custom element constructor"); test_upgrade(function (testWindow, testElement, msg) { class InstantiatesItselfAfterSuper extends testWindow.HTMLElement { constructor(doNotCreateItself) { super(); if (!doNotCreateItself) { new InstantiatesItselfAfterSuper(true); } } } let uncaughtError; window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }; testWindow.customElements.define( "unresolved-element", InstantiatesItselfAfterSuper );, "TypeError", msg); }, "Upgrading must report an TypeError when the top of the " + "construction stack is marked AlreadyConstructed"); test_upgrade(function (testWindow, testElement, msg) { class InstantiatesItselfBeforeSuper extends testWindow.HTMLElement { constructor(doNotCreateItself) { if (!doNotCreateItself) { new InstantiatesItselfBeforeSuper(true); } super(); } } let uncaughtError; window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }; testWindow.customElements.define( "unresolved-element", InstantiatesItselfBeforeSuper );, "TypeError", msg); }, "Upgrading must report an TypeError when the top of the " + "construction stack is marked AlreadyConstructed due to a custom element " + "constructor constructing itself before super() call"); test_upgrade(function (testWindow, testElement, msg) { class MyOtherElement extends testWindow.HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); if (this == testElement) { return testWindow.document.createElement("other-element"); } } } let uncaughtError; window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber, columnNumber, error) { uncaughtError = error; return true; }; testWindow.customElements.define("unresolved-element", MyOtherElement);, "TypeError", msg); }, "Upgrading must report an TypeError when the returned element is " + "not SameValue as the upgraded element");